Paradigm shift through viral solitude. March 2020

So it occurred to me this evening that along with the healing that is happening on planet Earth with so many humans taking a virus imposed “time out”. That there is another potential gift from all of this.

Backstory is that I had a powerful experience recently. Since the end of December due to some health challenges and surgeries that kept me at home, off work, and essentially self isolating as a result, I found myself outside of the “rat race” and fully experienced for the first time in years that even if that race was for a good cause it was still not my race to run. Getting a rest from it all reset my energy entirely.

The experience changed me on a fundamental level and through that it became very clear to me what I needed to do; meaning leave the job I had been saying I’d leave for the last two years, and go back and give energy to what I truly love. The experience also gave me enough of my own energy back to be able to finally act on that information and give notice, even though it included doing it in the continued face of uncertainty.

Having said all that it occurred to me that there is a possibility that some (many?) of the people who are having to stay at home for an extended period of time may also be gifted with distance from some particular way of existing, perhaps be redirected to art & music & games & writing & reading & spirituality, or whatever else might truly call to them.

In so doing it’s possible an entire section of the population could choose differently when the time comes to leave their homes and re-enter the outside world. That choice could change the face of society in a positive way.

Could be a good thing in the long run.


Gaming in real time. Life in March 2020 in the age of corona.

I find myself thinking of this lately, as life just keeps escalating. Not sure who can relate to what I’m thinking, but here goes. (You know me I’m the Analogy Queen ).

You know when you’re playing a game, more specifically a video game or some variant… and you’re getting ready to change to the next level? What happens?


Things get progressively harder and more intense and then … You run into what is known as the “boss”, the big bad gatekeeper of the end of that level. It’s the way these games work. You have to find a way to battle or subdue or in some way defeat or get past the boss in order to make it out of that level into the next higher one.

I have often had to save and retry a bunch of times to get past some particular nasty “big bads”. I’ve gone online to find out how other people have succeeded. I’ve looked for different ways to approach or timing to use, or find out where it’s vulnerable. I eventually find a way through even if it seems like I never will, even if it feels like this level is wayyy too hard and there’s no way through.

The way is built into the game. It’s there somewhere.

Anyway, through the battle(s) the experience points gained help you to increase your character’s abilities, level up and sometimes allow you to have new spells and helpers (what you get depends on the kind of character you are playing of course).

Remember what the other thing is that happens? Yes! Once you defeat the boss, what’s left behind are coins and armor and trinkets and magical items. Often beyond the level of your character, but that will give you advantages and even more fun, as you move on into the next levels of the game.

You can always tell you are at the end of one level and the threshold of the next level by the appearance of a big bad scary powerful something…dragon, massive spider, Orc king, Sorcerer, Virus.

Remember…Next level, on the other side, just saying.

Don’t give up.

Aloha and blessings,



There’s a part of my heart that never aged.

Kept apart from the rest of my life, observing events, but not touched.

In amber…glowing golden, kept with other treasures, and memories.

Forgotten like so many things, that will reemerge at some predestined time when all is added back to us once more.

There’s a part of my heart that is still young, that is fresh and new and in awe.

(I had felt I had lost so much of it when Bowie passed, and now I see that there may be more than I knew.)

In me it blooms. Today I am reminded it was never lost.

No matter what the mirror reflects. I know now that I am not so old as I thought, and will never truly be, no one is…

I know now why the old men sit and reminisce, playing games in the park. 

I am reminded and renewed by reconnections and memories, coming to it from another place, with more understanding, the kind that only comes with age. 

Blessed am I, by my past. By the tender group of souls I came here with, some of them have moved on, and some of them, gratefully, are traveling with me still.

-Erika Katherine Ginnis

 from my yard 

Between one breath and the next.











Just for a moment
Your heart brings tears to your eyes

Just for a moment
Everything comes together to a point.

As realities converge
You see them
Like pointed pieces of a puzzle,
Transparent arrowheads
Tips all touching, the trailing edges branching out infinitely

And you remember the illusion
Just for a moment you remember.
You can see past it,
behind it,
through it

And you remember
That time and space are not constants
Nothing is static
And everything is possible.

Erika Ginnis