Hilo on a Saturday, Coconut Island on the bridge, thoughts.

On the bridge to coconut island today, (Moku Ola, one of my favorite places to stand & think) entertaining deep, not entirely pleasant thoughts, but my thoughts nonetheless.

Doing this while watching kids jump off into the water…Watching the water…watching the minnows…Watching the world around me. Big tall guy, maybe a visitor to Hilo, walking on my side of the bridge looks like he might walk into me, doesn’t but passes behind me then stops & stands on my left. Asks me (in his slightly or maybe very tipsy voice) “Are you OK?”

(Says it almost as if he feels like he’s worried I might jump? Me wondering if he has been watching the kids jump off this very low bridge over and over. Probably not.)

He says “It’s just good to ask”.

Me, (even though I agree with that sentiment in principle) immediately establish my “don’t mess with me wall”, look directly at him and say “I’m good.”

To which he replies “OK I’ll leave you alone.” Which was the correct response on his part.

Interesting interaction. So many ways I might answer if it was someone I felt like I could answer.

Yes. No. Maybe. Right now I’m pondering deep thoughts. I’m looking at the water & thinking about how much I sometimes still seek approval and belonging. I’m dealing with aging. I just came from Pride that was a drive through event, which was deeply surreal and felt at once really good and really lonely.

I feel a little bad that I have to activate the iron wall, bad that I know from experience that to not do that in this situation (per intuition) rarely ends well. Part of me wanting to reward some level of caring. Wanting to say “I don’t know if anyone you ask that question these days, being completely honest in the social sense can truly answer in the affirmative”.

Maybe I reminded him of himself, maybe he was hoping to get lucky, maybe he was bad news. I wasn’t interested in a long enough conversation to find out.

I do however, appreciate any of his motives that were altruistic, since I might have had more of my inner workings showing on the outside as I was in mid-ponder.

And at the same time I would like to be able to have my thoughts uninterrupted while looking over the water. Which is usually the case.

So I took it as the Universe saying OK, you’re done, time to leave those thoughts for now. You spoke the truth, you are actually good. Nothing more to see here, move along.

Aloha and Blessings,


Dream on the edge of Mercury direct. Breaking through with light.

Credit: iStockphoto

7/29/19 5am Dream-vision, where I perceive there is this large sphere around the earth looks like a slightly opaque thick force field or like it’s encased in fluid translucent plexiglass. And people are affecting it with light trying to break through/dissolve it, you can see little lights hitting against its surface all over the world, at various points that are breaking against it little by little.

There are also thicker lines of concentrated energy also going into it.

Those are like shafts or conduits of the concentrated energy. This is where there are openings through the thick encasing sphere, like a few places where energy can pass in and out. Almost like a pipe or tube.

All of this is from all the light workers healers etc. doing their work, all of it helping even if the force field wasn’t down yet.

Every kind thought, every good act, every moment of awareness no matter how large or small, all matters. The idea is to keep at it.

I had the sense that Mauna Kea was one of the shafts of concentrated energy.

Blessings and Aloha


Pluto square Uranus March 16 2015; Spring Is Coming…

weatherJust a reminder, in case you forgot why things are so very intense again.

March 16, 2015 – Uranus 15 Aries 18, square Pluto 15 Capricorn 18


“lord of the underworld/soul level change” in the sign of Capricorn “status quo/discipline/rules time & space and structure” is squaring Uranus “the awakener/revolution, eccentric electric lightening strike changes” in the sign of Aries “the Ram, charging forward, the warrior, impulsive, leap then look, initiator”.

Astrological weather…

7 direct squares over three years.

We are coming up on the 7th of the squares.
Mars, planet of initiation and war will also be in the mix; plus an eclipse at the karmic 29th degree of Pisces four days later on the 20th right in time for Spring Equinox.

The karmic (or The Anaretic Degree) is the last degree of a sign (each sign or house goes from 0-29 degrees) and signifies a lesson that one is very close to mastering.

This is the most strong-willed, positive, dedicated, humanitarian degree for Pisces.

In addition in this case 29 degrees Pisces is also the moment right before Spring.

So the evolutionary/revolutionary energy of the square, the forward motion of Mars in Aries, and the eclipse can be seen to be colored by the spiritually positioned Piscean energy in that eclipse, that breath before the new, into the seeding of Spring.


star burst

Power and control, soul evolution, status quo vs sudden changes, call to revolution and upheaval, conflict, resolution, need for new perspectives…and the connection to a higher octave of all of it.

Alrighty then…nothing to see here move along. 🙂

How have you been feeling? Any changes in your life? Where are things for you now since 2012, with 6 of the 7 completed?

The landscape of my life has certainly changed. Some major players have left the stage, some new characters and entirely new chapters have been added. Theme and variation. I am curious how the rest of 2015 will play out. I keep thinking of moving to a different country, seriously…not out of wanting to leave here (why leave Hawaii??) but because I keep hearing a call.

I’m a little crispy around the edges but even so I don’t think I’m done cooking yet. Maybe it’s time to turn the heat down some, let me simmer in luxurious sweet juices.


As always Remember to breathe.

The 7 transits.

  1. June 24, 2012 – Uranus 8 Aries 23, Pluto 8 Capricorn 23 R
  2. September 19, 2012 – Uranus 6 Aries 57 R, Pluto 6 Capricorn 57
  3. May 20, 2013 – Uranus 11 Aries 14, Pluto 11 Capricorn 14 R
  4. November 1, 2013 – Uranus 9 Aries 25 R, Pluto 9 Capricorn 25
  5. April 21, 2014 – Uranus 13 Aries 34, Pluto 13 Capricorn 34 R
  6. Dec 15, 2014 – Uranus 12 Aries 35 R, Pluto 12 Capricorn 35
  7.  March 16, 2015 – Uranus 15 Aries 18, Pluto 15 Capricorn 18

To go back and see when it was all starting…

Uranus and Pluto square September 2012

Here is a take on the current astrology that I enjoyed.
www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article 2015 year hope Jonathan Cainer year significant astrological events mean YOU.

Here is another cool resource.

Great 2015 calendar of transits

And in case you would like it again here is the (free) Gold Ribbon guided meditation; that place where you can bask in gold energy and heal yourself while you heal the world.



Aloha and Blessings,


Affirmative prayer for prosperity for you to use and enjoy.

Photo credit NASA
Photo credit NASA

As I breathe, I bring my attention to the One. The One Love, the One Mind, the One Presence; the overarching Goodness in which everything rests and from which everything springs. This One is ever Creative, ever Loving, ever moving joyously into abundant new forms. It is made manifest as all the planets and the galaxies; as the space between stars; the supernovas and the black holes; all the hidden worlds within our very cells.

This Divine Presence, is the ever expanding Universe, and more. It Is every supply and demand, It encompasses all dichotomies, It Is the answer to all seeking and to every request. It Is bigger and vaster than I can fully comprehend, and yet It Is also as sweet and familiar and close as my most treasured friend or my very breath.

Knowing this Truth, I can relax into the certainty that this same energy and power that moves the planets in their orbits, is everywhere present and therefore active in Its expression of Goodness and Abundance; as my work, and my life, and my health, and my home, and my finances, and my community. It knows and loves me constantly and continually; and I know right here and right now that this Love expresses as the highest octave of all I desire. I am this Love, I am this expression and so as I speak my word of power it ripples across the fabric of being and demonstrates instantly as my consciousness and in perfect timing in the body of my affairs.

Pahoa orchid from my yard
Photo credit. Erika Ginnis www.inbreath.com

I enjoy wonderful relationships and fabulous projects, I revel in the abundance and ease in my finances and in my world. Dollars flow to me and my community, opportunities abound, joy happens, love and life sparkle with renewed splendor. I truly know Life is Good. I am Good. All is well.

I find myself saying thank you, thank you, thank you, as a silent prayer throughout my day. I am so grateful for all this richness and beauty, for the deep knowing of the Truth of my Worth. I am so thankful for all the good I witness around me. For all my blessings. Thank you God! Thank you Universe!

I release all of these words and emotions and images into the law which only ever says yes, and therefore I rest in calm certainty that this returns to me clothed in manifestation as I know it is already done. And So It Is!

Rev. Erika Ginnis HPS

Planetary shifts in 2013. There was a change in 2012; have you felt it?

photo credit Erika Ginnis

photo credit Erika Ginnis

There really was a change.


After all the attention 2012 received it’s very interesting to be in 2013. How has it been for you living in the months after the “end of the world”? Seems like such a long time ago doesn’t it?

And today is only Valentines Day 2013.

Let’s start with some questions.


How many of you were relieved that the world continued to spin and the stars stayed in the heavens, after the end of last year?

How many of you had already dismissed the more radical of the dire predictions and had decided that the shift wouldn’t be quite so dramatic?

Now here’s another question. How many of you on some level; in your heart of hearts (hidden deep where no one else could see) were still hoping for something…something tangible, something you could point at and say “here! Right here! This is the change that happened. This makes it all valid, something really did happen at the end of 2012”.

And how many of you were feeling sad, depressed or at least just a tad disappointed that there wasn’t anything tangible (no alien space crafts on the evening news, no overnight restructuring of the economic system, no instant global enlightenment).

Have any of you been out there, walking around especially last month, in the dawn of the new year, feeling just a little lost?

If so, cut yourself some slack.

See the thing is something did change. There really was a change.

Where we can get tripped up is that it didn’t show up in the way we wanted it to look, or thought it would look, or were afraid it would look.

It’s like there was this enormous fight or flight response on a race consciousness level that got activated but nothing presented itself across the board to release it.

Now yes there were absolutely some crises both large and small; as well as grief and loss touching us on some very personal levels.

But that isn’t what I am talking about.

It’s like this large number of humans all decided to go on a thrill ride together; to somehow all go on the biggest baddest roller coaster ride ever made. We talked about it waited for it, worried about it, imagined it, prepared for it. Ticket in hand we collectively approached the platform and when we got there, we found not an “E ticket” ride, not even a roller coaster at all but just a big library with tables and chairs and books.

Nothing exciting going on, no screaming, no hands held in the air as you start down that steep fast descent, just the hushed quiet of shelves and shelves of books. So we walk in and just kind of stare, wander around in a sort of confused unfocused sense of “huh?” how’d I get here?

But the thing is it’s all perceptual (now there’s a surprise). We are looking in the “wrong” places or perhaps in the “wrong” ways.

There was and has been and continues to be major energetic changes. Last year we expected it were prepared for it (to some degree) and navigated it to the best of our ability (perhaps we saw it as a means to an end).

What seems to be the case is that now as we continue in the eternal organic process that all these changes seem to follow; we are drifting rather than navigating; and perhaps that is because some part of us thought we’d be done by now, rather than we has just barely opened the door to an entirely new paradigm.

How do you look at all this?

Did you feel like you wanted to just “take your baseball and go home”; decide that evolutionary shift concept is all just BS and go back to business as usual?

Well that won’t get you far because we aren’t in the same Universe we were last year, and you aren’t the same person.

I mean that in the best of ways. This is the Universe where we shifted consciousness to the level where most of the intense changes happened on the astral and energetic levels (anyone had any intense dreams over the last couple months?).

And you are the person who navigated yourself here.

Perception colors (some would say creates) everything.

Let’s think back to that library. If you look at it from one perspective it’s quiet, ordered, organized and perhaps a bit boring. Definitely not a roller coaster!

However if you look at it from a different perspective it alters your perception; inside of every book is an entire world filled with adventure or information, drama, love, magic, enlightenment, even roller coasters.

So there are, in this library, shelves and shelves of stories all existing simultaneously, and able to be experienced simultaneously by as many people as there are books to read.

It’s not actually a quiet library.

The trick is to know where to listen. Don’t think that just because there aren’t sounds flowing through the air hitting your ears, that it is quiet. The sound from all the dialog’s and battles and the spaceships would be deafening if you knew where to listen.

This is the year of reinvention. Do you feel you are feeling something new? Sometimes that can come in the guise of feeling lost, sometimes it just feels like you know something’s different but you can’t put your finger on it.

This is a new year and the new paradigm that is just barely beginning. Maybe it’s time to reinvent yourself and your life. Finding that who you “were” is no longer and who you are becoming in not entirely completed; but it is starting to become clearer. And what better day to do it than today; and look it’s Valentines day dedicated to Love (that’s my story and I am sticking to it!).

Pay attention, notice if how you are relating to people is changing.

You are NOT losing your mind. The energy IS really intense. Be mindful to be kind to yourself and notice if you find a tendency to be self critical…or other critical. This isn’t essential but if it is happening just remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS. And of course Mercury the trickster is going retrograde “Real Soon Now” ™ LOL.

Take time for self care and make it a habit to say nice things to yourself daily.

Remind yourself that your perception of a thing really creates a large part of that thing; so pay attention to how you are viewing things.

  • Take the time to complete relationship issues you swept under the rug over the last year.
  • Meditate.
  • learn and practice grounding.
  • Give yourself (and others) some slack.

This is a tremendous amount of energy directed at us; it is one of the reasons some people are having such a hard time right now; especially if they don’t have a way to ground off the excess energy. The good thing about “lotsa energy” is that it can be directed, and it can assist in the manifestation of dreams and visions.

Plus great news (for me) I FINALLY completed one of my downloadable Guided Meditations. People have only been asking me to create these things for 15 years now (ahhh Pisces so very prompt!).

It ends up being perfect for right now (even though it wasn’t the one I thought I was going to get out there first; Spirit had other ideas :)). It’s called Essential Meditations: Volume One, Grounding for ease and wellbeing. You can find it on the side bar of this blog, and possibly even on this post if I can figure that part out LOL.

I am of the opinion that if you use it regularly it will be really useful for you. It will help you to release all of the stuff that no longer serves you; and leaves you with an actual repeatable energy technique; the one that I always tell everyone is the very foundation of everything else I do or teach.

There really was a change in 2012. Now take that change and run with it, let it make you new again and again.


Aloha and Blessings and Happy Valentines Day!


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Finally! Get your own private meditation instruction available whenever you want it; for a fraction of the cost of a live in-person session.

Introducing Essential Meditations Volume One. Grounding for ease and wellbeing

A 20 minute instructional and relaxing guided meditation in MP3 format; presented by Erika Ginnis author of Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic

“I want to provide relaxing and soothing guided meditation instruction as both a companion to my written work and also as a new avenue of personal experience.”