Energy reading & Theta Healing, summer specials!

It’s that time again! Here are my summer specials for reading and healing. $60 off the regular price. Yay! Feel free to share.

Solstice is just around the corner,  Mercury in retrograde is encouraging us to slow down, Jupiter is in caregiving Cancer. It’s a good time for self care.


Summer reading and healing specials














Aloha and blessings,



Clairvoyant Reading special extended through December 31st 2011

Just a quick notice about extending my reading special.


I have had a ” Cosmic Convergence” special going on for my Clairvoyant readings that ended October 31st. However, I had such a good time reading that I decided to extend it through the end of the year 🙂


So basically what this means is that my clairvoyant readings are still 30% off (normally $180…now $120). YAY

There are so many things happening on the planet these days, so many changes and such shifting energy that it seemed like a good time to get a reading and a really good time to do a bunch of readings.

Drop me an email if you are interested. If you know someone who wants a reading and you want to gift it to them, just let me know I can do that easily (in fact I had some wonderful person give three as gifts).


Blessings to all of you,
