Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces Sept. 18th 2010; Lightworkers start your engines.

Photo credit NASA

I wasn’t planning on writing a blog post tonight. I should actually be sleeping, but I am not remotely tired (that may change by tomorrow morning!). I decided to check into the astrology for my own transits since I have been feeling a lot of interesting energy in general today (kind of erratic; sometimes great sometimes not at all great) and I thought hmmmm I better see what’s up.

Low and behold at this moment, even as I write this post, Jupiter and Uranus are at 28 degrees Pisces (per HST) right on TOP of my Mercury; and opposite the Sun in Virgo.

I knew this conjunction was happening again (last spring the conjunction was in Aries…June 8th remember that anyone?) and I knew it was coming up soon; but I lost track given a lot of shifts in my personal life in relation to someone who (drum roll please) has Sun in Virgo 29 degrees (yes that means an impending birthday).  So my life is playing out that opposition once again, this time with the amazing planets of Jupiter and Uranus conjunct my natal Mercury (this was why I was hesitant to write anything tonight LOL, who knows where I will end up).  I have been planning on writing on the upcoming Venus retrograde coming up in a couple weeks; and I will do that but it will be a later post…sometime next week most likely. I had in all honesty not been paying attention to this latest transit in a year of OMG transits (the technical term again), well it would be more accurate to say that in the living of it I had not been studying it.

So what does this all mean? Well lets look at who is coming to the party…

Jupiter weighs in quite large and expansive, higher education, travel, abundant life; traditionally known as the “great benefic” in old astrology. It is the planet whose transits signifiy the individual reaching out to include more and more of the ALL, the Universe, the energy of the cosmos. It is also about largeness, making something big and grand. When applied to consciousness it is literally about expanding and raising consciousness. Interestingly it also relates to law and legal systems and government officials ( I say interesting because here in Hawaii we are having our state primary today, which should be interesting under this transit).

Next we have Uranus which is electric and eccentric unusual and unpredictable, lots of sudden shifts and changes occur when Uranus is strongly aspected. Uranus wants change and it wants it now thank you very much. This is great if you are up with the change but very unsettling if you were hoping for (holding on to) the structure which is up for renovation. Uranus loves the individual and freedom. It’s not at all about the status quo (unless it is in the process of over-throwing it).  It is the “expect the unexpected” kind of transit with Uranus at the helm.

So just with these two to start with we have a transit of interesting and unexpected occurrences and opportunities. There is a striving for personal freedom in ways that have not been expressed before, there is the feeling of “lets run away and join the circus” since these two planets together inspire radical quick change, not so much about sticking to responsibilities. Balance can be helpful in all this, so that people who were counting on you aren’t left in the dust wondering what hit them. Travel can figure in all of this, or sudden inspired opportunity. Now this is just in general we haven’t even gotten to where this is falling or who is across the line from it all.

The plot thickens.

So this lovely conjunction is happening in (trumpet sounds inserted here) Pisces

(the trumpets were really for me since I am Pisces Sun and Mercury…but I digress…hmm maybe that’s two ways of saying the same thing :))

In a transit the sign that it occurs in will be the one to set the energy. So this party is being brought to you by Pisces..sign of the mystic, energy, soul, oneness; also occult and vagueness, and over indulgence and escapism via various substances (ah yes there is always that). So basically this party is sounding a little like a rave. I am kind of making a joke here, but as I type this I know there is a great deal of truth to that; perhaps a rave heavy on the Trance inducing music.

Last but not least we have the last energy to join the mix, albeit more transitory. This being the Sun in Virgo in opposition. Virgo loves structure and specifics and form and control; details and service, logical progression. So this helps with bringing the energy of this Piscean transit into the physical plane. So this expansion is not just about the stuff of dreams only, it is about real life and bringing those dreams into fruition and practical application. There is also even more potential for sudden changes in ones environment, especially any that prompt the expression of personal freedom and expression; self expression is key in this transit, and with the placing of the Virgo-Piscean axis it is the balance of Spirit and Mind; Oneness and individualization of that Oneness into creative manifestation.

This conjunction is very potent. Many amazing things are available within this energy. The shifts may be sudden and electrifying, but the resulting experiences can open our eyes to new possibilities on the consciousness front; Light workers start your engines! We are talking about energies coming together to foster, literally and figuratively, a richer broader perspective; new aspects of life, radical solutions to problems that you might not have considered otherwise but Jupiter gives the courage to go for it (oh for the presentation of new forms of energy on our planet… I love the potential here). Encountering life in a larger more expansive way (Jupiter), and feeling/knowing the oneness that we all share (Pisces), and doing it in a radical/unusual sudden transformative way (Uranus), and bringing it into your real world (Virgo/Sun).

Lots of changes on all fronts. These transits will effect everyone in different ways of course, depending on their own personal chart in addition to the global experience of the planetary energies. In my case it is showing up as a totally unexpected blog post in the middle of the night which, as I read what I have written,  is making a lot of my own life make way more sense.

Go out and let yourself be who you are, expand, express, tap into the mystery and let it surprise you; even if it’s feeling sudden and unexpected look for the ghost in the machine and “Party on Garth”.

Aloha and blessings,


Perspective and some Good news ~ Erika Ginnis

Some Good news!!

You know I generally use this blog to express my ideas and maybe some techniques, and I don’t use it as much just to share. However I was messing around on my iPhone tonight and I was totally touched by two different things, one an article and one a video. So of course I had to create a post.  🙂

I know these are all around Facebook and such, and so you may have seen them and that’s all good. But for me they both (for different reasons) really opened my heart and brought tears to my eyes; plus I am all GO Australia…since they are both from Australia.

Here are two examples of teachers to us all, that I want to share; they show up in this way one on purpose, one not, but both due to sheer force of Love.

This first one is a link to an article that talks about a mother who by love and contact and energy (and in my opinion talking to the actual being who is her son) brought him into this life alive; even after the doctors told her he was born dead. This is an incredible thing on so many levels. And it points to me the idea of miracles being “awesome normalities”;  as one of my former teachers would say. It also points out the importance of touch and our organic connection with each other and how profound that truly is…

Here’s the link, complete with pics then and now…

Miracle mum brings premature baby son back to life with two hours of loving cuddles after doctors pronounce him dead

We are living in the age of miracles and how often do we miss them because we are pointed in the opposite direction. I am sharing this because here is someone who, in the face of the worse information a mother would ever want to hear, still moves forward. Rather than crumbling into despair as would be her right; she turns her attention EVEN IN THE FACE OF DEATH, to what she does want. Talks to her son as if he is alive; tells him his name; tells him about his sister…holds him and loves him.

This is pure grace and total Source shinning love. And see what happens!! How much can we use this energy; this complete disregard of the frightening “facts” before us; not fighting them, but simply loving anyway! How can we bring this same principle into our own lives even when the circumstances are not so dire?

This second one is a video, and actually I guess it is a promotional video for a DVD or CD from this person; and while I am not sharing this to promote him specifically, I thought that the message that he shared during this 2 minute or so video was priceless.

I sat there and just cried while watching it…not because I was sad; but because I was so inspired and impressed and happy to see this teacher and what he was teaching his students. The light that he shines is palatable.

Source/God/The Universe shows up in so many ways; in, as, and through all of us; and to see someone who I would normally have preconceived notions about based on his physicality, shine so brightly as himself, as God; this is a gift. This man in this video is so thoroughly in his spiritual center that it shouts out with every fiber of his being.

These are examples (in my opinion) of Conscious Metamorphosis. And I share them here so we can remember that we can each do this; we don’t have to wait for a crisis, or a lifetime with specific things to overcome in order to do it.

Bless bless bless those who have come to us through these kinds of things; and let’s use their example as ways to keep perspective and grace though all of the things life brings to us and around us.


Hope you enjoy them, I thought they were very cool!

Blessings and Aloha ~Erika


Telekinesis, Awakening, and Updating your energy ~ Erika Ginnis

How’s your telekinesis these days?

(Disclaimer.. this is one of my very “wooo wooo” intensive posts…just saying)

Telekinesis (TK) energy is that energy you use to move objects without touching them physically. It is also the energy you use to blow out light bulbs unintentionally and make street lights go out when you pass by them :).

Traditionally this energy would flow though the same channels as your healing energy would flow. I will go into more detail about those channels later on in the post; but for now just know that it would normally flow down your arms and out your hands and normally TK would be set at a much lower level than the healing energy would be.

Grounding is especially important to use with this energy; which is why you are much more likely to blow out a light bulb turning the light switch on right after you get up in the morning (or whatever part of the day/evening that might be) when your energy is still zinging along and you haven’t found your body enough to really ground it yet (i.e. still half asleep).

There is some interesting things coming up about TK and in looking at the energy again I started to think back and realize that there have been some changes recently around all of this; especially during sleep/dream time.

I have been aware of seeing some symbols related to this; they were white circles with a black line around the outside, and inside on the white background there were all kind of black lines looking like wire bent at right angles and squished together, it reminded me of something like a cross section of some kind of tubing. There is also a kind of overlay of purple energy on all of this.

The reason I mention this here, is that these symbols seem to be relating to some past lives many folks have from working with TK energy in Atlantis. (There is a lot of past life information over the years about the “technology” of using sound vibration for doing all kinds of things, like moving objects and shifting energy.)

The symbols are often found in the hands and the 6th and 3rd chakras. Now we have symbols of all kinds of things since it is one of the ways we store and communicate energy as spirit, but the interesting thing that came up with all of this is that normally we will update our symbols and use then as we need them, but these symbols were kind of staying in “past time”.

What I saw is that we get tempted to keep these (and other symbols) in their “past” form because of the validation it brings us; it shows us that we have had past experiences on this planet, and that we really have known how to move energy with energy. What happens though is that the symbols themselves can get in the way of what we are trying to do (like access that energy in a form that works in present time).

TK is an interesting thing; it’s so real and “see-able”. Telekinesis can seem like the best thing that can offer some kind of “hard” evidence. So you ask for it, want to keep it in order to find way to “prove” to yourself that this stuff (all the woo woo spiritual stuff) is real; which is understandable.

The deal is you still really have to work on the beliefs first, not because you have to have them for the evidence to appear (although it certainly helps) but because if you don’t clear or change the beliefs that say this stuff isn’t real, then as soon as you have it, regardless of what it is…walking on fire, bending a spoon, fixing something without touching it, you will have the validation for only about 5 minutes before you automatically start rationalizing it away, and it ceases to be proof and you start the whole process all over again. We are so funny!

If we allow these symbols (which are just packets of information we have stored) to unpack themselves and come into present time (meaning the version that will work for our energy today), we can use this wisdom in ways that will work, not only millennia ago, but in our lives here and now.

I mentioned “downloads” in an earlier post, mostly in relation to getting information when we connect to people or places. I am also seeing that happen when people are out of their bodies sleeping. This means we can actually wake up in a higher vibration than when we went to bed. Whee haw!!

Some information that I think may be helpful in regards to this ~
I noticed with downloads that there is a kind of default setting for the speed at which the energy comes into the body through the 7th chakra. I never paid much attention to this before! I think the default used to work a lot better than it has been lately with all the increased activity (meaning it may be out of present time). Without updating it, some days the default speed can be too much all at once and hard to keep up with; and when you aren’t caught up your energy can feel kind of haywire.

If you don’t address this your body can start to back up on energy and get kind of short-ed out (which can show up as feeling pain especially in the joints, or having excess energy flowing out into the world of electronics etc.). This is also increased by all the astrology with Uranus and Saturn being at odds with one another (Uranus having a lot too do with electrical energy and lighting and erratic sudden changes) and the oh-so-soon Mercury Retrograde.

I got this image of a pinball machine; meaning everyone is going through what they are all going through in their awakening process (doesn’t mean a bad thing just a movement thing) and when they are all together then people are bouncing off one another like balls in a pinball machine and activating “lighting up” all these things in each other just by their proximity. So this makes grounding and letting things be smooth, even more important.

The good news is you can bring this into present time; and you can also manually/intentionally set the download speed to a variable rate. It’s similar to how you would work with your computer actually; even easier in fact.

To adjust this simply make an agreement with yourself (best done during meditation of some kind) that you will download information at a rate that is comfortable for you; whether you are in or out of your body (in other words, sleeping or awake).

In addition to setting that intention to have a comfortable download rate for new updated information; I would also suggest making a point to update your energy system each time you get up in the morning. Spend a couple minutes to clear out your energy body especially the joints and the places where your astral body connects. Since things are moving pretty quickly these days, these shifts are happening way more often than they used to, which means that if you are normally used to updating your grounding, bringing things into present time every few months, that is just not going to keep you up to speed with your changes these days.

Telekinesis and Healing channels

I was taught years ago that TK and healing energy ran through the same channels in the energy system; and that at some point you would have to make a choice about which one you wanted to focus on because they were kind of mutually exclusive.

I am not talking about the little TK stuff but for someone like Yuri Geller (the person that my teacher used as an example) would have had to make a decision somewhere along the line that he was going to use those channels more specifically for TK than healing. I am not saying that this is true or not, just that it was what I was taught.

Now what was interesting is that I was getting some new information about all of this during reading/meditation; what I got was…that as things are evolving and the energy is getting quicker, that the TK energy is not really running through channels in the same way it used to (such as in Atlantis); it is shifting and evolving and running through channels of thought/consciousness which aren’t in any specific place in the energy system.

I am reminded of a scene in The Matrix

“Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.”
“What truth?”
“There is no spoon.”
“There is no spoon?”
“Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself”

That is such a powerful statement. If all is One, then all reality is also One thing, and so yes it is only ourselves that bend! It all happens in consciousness.

So in relation to this energy moving via thought, it means many things, but one of them is that it didn’t look to me like you had to make that same choice you used to have to make. Part of this is because with the increase of vibration in general, we have changed our relationship to TK; sound vs thought as the medium through which it is moving; and as such we don’t access it in the same way as we used to at all.

This frees up our healing channels to be used for just that, and not have to sacrifice our TK ability (if we choose to use it) in order to do healing.

One last thing that came up in regards to updating information. If you work with guides (an entirely different subject I realize but stay with me on this) remember that guides evolve just like we do; since we are in fact, all spirit. So if there are guides that you are working with it is also a good thing to update your relationship with them (bring it in present time) now and again to allow for that evolution process to have space for both of you. Otherwise you are interacting with an older version of the guide and they are interacting with an older version of you. Kind of like going back to visit relatives and they still see you as a young child or a teenager and we all know how much fun that is!!

Ok that’s all for now…see you on the next wave.

Aloha and Blessings,


(ok I couldn’t resist this last picture)

Energetic Weather and a Solar Storm ~ Erika Ginnis

Solar eruption of August 1 2010, Credit Nasa
Solar eruption of August 1 2010, Credit NASA

Sometimes it is oddly comforting to find  out about physical manifestations of energetic processes! I realize that is a mouthful, but what it means is; that as I and many others have been observing and commenting about the energetic shifts taking place on a spiritual and evolutionary level, there are also physical representations of this phenomena.

Once such example is happening as I type this,  which is the solar storm that has been taking place yesterday and today (August 3rd and 4th) due to the solar flare on August 1st.

New light, new energy, new things…

Good news is, there may be awesome northern lights for many people (probably not where I live, here in Hawaii as I am pretty far south) but definitely up where I used to live (Seattle area). I am curious how this will effect the electronics I know and love :). I do know that during one of my phone sessions today, we experienced quite a bit more oddness in cell reception. In fact we lost the call three times in one hour (which is a record for us).

There is a lot of new energy coming into us, and I find it bizarre and awesome that it is showing up as something as literal as the energy coming directly from the Sun. I dreamed something about the galactic center last night, didn’t bring much of it back but I know there is a lot of exchange energetically right now, and we are coming into a new alignment with a new level of power and energy. This is not trivial stuff, and I think people feel it and respond to it on a lot of levels.

I have been talking to a number of people who have been experiencing tremendous change, sometimes marked by depression, or feeling overwhelmed by changes, or by extra energy that they have absorbed without meaning to.  I have also been talking to clients who have been moving through this experience and are starting to come out the other side of it (yay!) and are moving into greater expanded understanding about who they are and what they want to be and do.

One common theme seems to be: becoming more, or becoming larger. I was chatting to a friend the other day about her business, she was saying that she knew she had two choices, staying small or getting really big, and that there didn’t seem to be a lot of middle ground as far as size of her business went. She was dealing with the ideas and potential limits she placed on herself whenever she thought about expanding.

This was interesting to me because I have gotten the information (from meditations and also from a reading by someone else) over the last month (as I may have mentioned in earlier posts) that I am supposed to be expanding and getting my stuff out into the world more, “moving into my Goddess self” yikes! LOL

I was told I have been keeping myself, my visibility too small. Well fine, I moved to the middle of the Pacific ocean, but I guess that is no excuse. I am kidding a little here, but there are larger forces at work here, for all of us; or better to say AS all of us. We are all being asked on some level to make choices, and to become bigger, more…to move into another state of beingness.

Ok so I can relate to feeling a little intimidated by all of this; but in the midst of this here comes this Solar storm. What does that mean? Well we are being bombarded by way more waves/particles of energy. This is something that is true on a “psychic” level, but now we can actually see videos of this happening on a physical level as well.

Video of solar flare

The physical mirrors the energetic and the energetic mirrors the physical. Perhaps we can look at it also on an archetypal level as well, seeing this bursting forth and coming straight at us here on the planet, as being an energizing factor for our new evolution as a planet. The Light of the Sun literally breaking off and cascading toward and over and around us, giving us more potential energy to use in this transformation.

How are you going to use this energy? How are you responding to it?

Something that can come up when we feel ourselves drawn into a new arena is fear and our limitations. Sometimes we want to do something new or larger, and just the fact that we haven’t been doing it yet can stop us from even starting it; as if we need to have been DOING the new thing already in order to feel justified in doing it now! Seems silly when I write it down, but I am betting I am not the only one who has run into this concept.

So what is the answer? I think it is just to re-frame it.

Use what you have done as the evidence of what you CAN do, as opposed to the reason you can’t do it  (“I can’t do this job because I have not done it yet, I have been too busy doing this other career and so don’t know how to do this new thing). What you HAVE done is your spring board for the new thing! Think of it like a brand new canvass, just waiting for the brush and the paint to create something new and exciting and beautiful.

You can also use the same process you used to do what you have already done (either spiritual or mundane) to do the next things; build upon what you have done, even if it feels really different.

Here is some additional information I saw today as I was working, in relation to us becoming larger. I saw the image of Self as spirit being like an over arching umbrella, and that we need to balance being within our creations and being above them.

We come into them to get them “all over us” in order to really feel them and visualize them and bring them into manifestation. That is great we dive right into the middle of what we are doing, merging with it, enlivening it. This is awesome, and part of the dance and the process. However what I was reminded of today, as I was doing a reading, is that we also will benefit from going up to that umbrella view; to go up above it all and remember that we are spirit, that we are not our creations.

Remember you are the spiritual being that is the energy that funds whatever you are creating, but you aren’t your creations; even if your creations are made of your energy.

In the same way that you are not your body, you are also not any project, or relationship or job, or even your evolutionary process. You are that which is experiencing it and creating it.

One of the techniques that I remembered again today was one that I think will help all of us in this new process. It is the process of commitment without attachment; or owning something %100 as spirit without absorbing it.

It is one way in which we separate from what we are doing %100 as spirit, and at the same time own our creations %100.

This may be challenging to conceptualize (and harder still to verbalize) but one way I was taught to do this was to imagine (most easily done from a place of quiet and meditation) two roses out in front of you, one representing your own personal energy and the other one representing the project or creation.

Take the roses and move them (in your minds eye) so that there is space between them and allow each to have the energy that belongs to it specifically; let it flow into each corresponding rose.

Imagine all of the project/creation energy that was present in your personal rose to flow back to the project; this allows us to have space from what we are creating giving us more perspective.

Imagine that your personal energy is flowing out the rose which represents the creation or project rose back into your personal rose; this allows space for the project without all the accompanying limitations that we might be bringing to it.

Then I would suggest to sit quietly and just get the concept that you are owning your creation %100 AS SPIRIT, while letting yourself be %100 “separate” from it at the same time.  What this does is to remove attachment to and effort around your project or new endeavor. It allows your effortless energy as spirit to be free to flow. It helps remove limits that we may still hold, from our newly envisioned goals.

One thing that I have been struck with on this topic that I have been meditating on since it really hit home; was the idea that you do not have to be the BEST at something (ie perfect) to be good at it; or for it to be worthwhile. I started to wonder how many people are not doing/sharing their gifts and light and ideas because they judge it as “not-as-good-as” and so don’t do it at all? If I take that to the extreme it means there can only be one who is the “good one” at anything; and even if you are the ONE that is the BEST, there is so much energy going into keeping that place because that itself is so transitory! Plus it’s totally subjective! I am not saying to stop striving to be the best you can be at something, but there is a difference between having that as something you are inspired to do; and letting it stop you from doing all kinds of different things or new things.

This becomes more important as we move into new avenues of expression that may be entirely new for everyone since we are all evolving in so many ways.

All is one, even though we are all a variety of expressions of that One. Each time you let yourself move forward become larger greater, move into new territory, it’s like one of the flowers on the HUGE tree of US opens and blooms; each time a flower bursts open it stimulates more flowers to bloom.

One thing that I believe to be true is that we are all in a big period of change, call it a growth period if you like but it is a continuing experience, plus if the sun itself is part of the process, then that makes it even larger than we might have thought; exciting times these.

Aloha and Blessings ~Erika


The energetic weather ~ Erika Ginnis

So much is happening. I am sure that is not lost on anyone, no matter what level you tend to observe things from.

It is like there are layers of shifting energies trading places each day. This means that as soon as you get used to one configuration that the very next day you will be presented with another variation, and so on. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, but it is completely different from what we have been used to (myself included).

The concept of “resting on your laurels” is SO not going to fly at this time, it’s the time to pay attention to what you are feeling and listen to your intuition and find ways of relaxing and drifting within the ever changing landscape of your emotional and energetic systems. Use all the techniques you know and have learned, take them out of the box, dust them off and use them daily.

It reminds me of how some substances become more fluid as you heat them. The energy is such, especially right now, that it is acting as a catalyst in much the same way heat does; it is increasing vibration, all those little molecules are dancing their little hearts out, and so are changing shape, becoming less static and more pliable.

This is an awesome thing as structures which used to feel so very rigid are starting to melt a bit. This applies to both inside and outside of us (if there really even is an outside…some would say not) everything is adjusting, finding a new level. The crux of this though, is that when something becomes more pliable then one must find stability in a new way. The former “hard” scaffolding is giving way to the architecture beneath; and that design is constantly in a state of becoming.

That is great on so many levels, and completely disconcerting on a whole lot of other levels.

How do you find stability, how do you move without moving, how do you trust the chair will be there when you sit down to rest?

Garden, make love, find a reason to smile, listen to a song that you used to totally like but haven’t taken the time to listen to for-e-v-e-r, talk to a good friend and tell them what is really happening with you, find connection when you realize that we are all taking this ride together, imagine things are better than you even think they are, use your imagination to your advantage…

Trust that the Universe or God/dess if you will, has “focal-ized” and become individualized as you on purpose. This is not an accident. God wanted to show up as you; It wanted to have the experience as you that only you can and do have. Turn to that truest part of you, and find out who you are; not the fears and worries part, not the “what will they think of me” part, but the deep deep hidden ocean of you; the internal harmonic of you. Let that be the structure that gives you form.

I do not believe that the Universe gave birth to us and then was all “OH NO, this is a mistake, lets try to gather all of that back up into myself right away”. I think it is more like Yee Haw wow look what I/We can do, and so when we let ourselves relax into that actual connection (or extension which I think is a better image) then we realize that our power/energy/creativity as spirit is limitless. I mean seriously limitless. Because that which is all power is our power, that which we would look to is actually also what we are; not in a “we are all alone” kind of way, but in a open up your heart and open up your third chakra let go of your fear of power, kind of way.

This is the time.

The lie is that we are separate, or ever truly could be; the lie is that there is really anything in opposition to us; that we have to go it alone battling all the challenges with a limited battery pack of energy. I believe that if God is anywhere God has to be everywhere, and so God is right where we are. We are the action part of God, Gods hands if you will. I mean us as spirit in a body, I mean us as we are an individualized point of focus of God, each one of us. How differently would we live our lives if we totally embodied that idea? How differently would I live my life coming from that place more often?

In order to do that I have to change my cosmology. I am being invited by the Universe to envision a God/dess that is loving as opposed to judgmental; enthusiastic as opposed to jealous; constantly unfolding instead of static. A Power and Presence that revels in every success and every solution and every new thought that occurs in any dimension at any time in any place; that truly never worries because it knows that it is the supreme author of Love, and well… it is God and the ALL that IS.

It is a time of choices, of finding out what your true path is in this moment and finding a way to get into sync with it.  The astrology is pretty intense right now (this surprises no one I am sure 🙂 ) and it is calling for big changes, letting go of what does not serve you and embracing what does;  doing it on purpose so that you are part of the process, not just going along for the ride.

You and I are not doing this all on our own, there is help and assistance, and guidance whenever you ask for it and look for it.

There are great waves of energy flowing through all of this; one thing is for certain ~ the Surf is definitely up!

That’s all for tonight…more later, or course,  since each day is a totally different color palate and so brings out different ideas.

Aloha and Blessings,

