Eclipse and Winter Solstice December 2010; Expansive shifts and Returning Light.

"credit nasa"

Remember May and September…I do. And yes here we are again with another visit of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. In May/June it was in Aries; in September in Pisces opposite Virgo…(

We are back again with this expansive duo but this time we have so much more involved; there are things that will be completed from that time as well since we are not just visiting this transit but we also have Mercury in retrograde (all about going back over things and seeing things we missed the first time) as well as so many other transits (Eclipse, Solstice & T-squares oh my).

Note: for those that start to nod off when I go into things like “degrees and aspects” stay with me, it will be done ever so quickly :).

So the players in this eclipse as we remember them; Jupiter and Uranus (sudden expansive shifts and unexpected weather), conjunct at 25 and 26 degree Pisces (empathic psychic dreamer of the One dream), square the eclipsing moon at 29 degree Sagittarius and the sun at 29 degrees Cancer (29 degrees is a karmic degree of completion.. time to finish what has been started) which is also conjunct (within 3 degrees) of Mercury which is retrograde 26 Sagittarius; and the north node (north node has to do with where we are heading…think of the north node like a set of headphones where we listen to information about where we want to be pointing). Pluto is in the mix (all about power, death and rebirth). The moon is also trine Neptune (the inner and outer mystic) and Chiron (the wounded healer) who are conjunct in Aquarius (the eccentric/electric visionary).

Add to this the fact all of this is happening as an eclipse occurring at the Winter Solstice (as the sun enters Capricorn). “Lunar Eclipse Dec 21 in the end of Gemini squared by Uranus, Winter Solstice with the Sun entering Capricorn”

This astrological configuration hasn’t happened for nearly 500 years (do you recall something similar about that grand cardinal cross of this past fall?). If you feel like everything is just too wonky, or changing too darn fast thank-you-very-much. If you are breathing and wondering if you are on a much larger merry go round than you thought, or if it’s just you. Fear not (and I really mean that, be fearless) it’s not just you…it’s in the air…(ah heck add in the water, earth and fire for good measure). Seriously; it’s not your imagination, things truly are this interesting!

Every time I think it just can’t get anymore interesting it does..:) I am thinking there are folks up in the bleachers getting a great seat for the show that just keeps unfolding here on this lovely planet called earth.

That’s nothing compared to those of us who are fortunate enough to have planned for and get to be here, actually IN the action. I believe that if you are here, it is absolutely on purpose! And in fact preplanned and who knows what you had to tip your travel agent to get you into an amazing virtual reality experience of this kind of magnitude. It’s not that I think all of this isn’t real, I do; and every day I am blown away by how very real it is. It’s just that it isn’t the only thing that is real (Spirit being timeless and all) and so one can view it from a distance, or right deep into the action of it all.

Imagine if you will, if you had the opportunity to be right in the middle of an amazing wave of influence; to be able to ride it and dive in and out of it, even tune the vibration of it; as you watch the incredible dawn of the new light of spiritual evolution emerge within a race of beings, on a beautiful and sentient planet?

Sounds like a great flick right? I’d totally go! I love that kind of thing. Now let’s add 3-D (you know where this is going if you have read my other posts of course but let’s take the journey anyway)…this is the kind of 3-D where you are so in the experience you can taste the tastes and smell the smells…it’s just so LIFE LIKE. Would you wait in line for that kind of experience? (Heck I waited in line for Star Wars, it was such an epic adventure.)Well if you are reading this I am thinking the answer is yes. What an amazing and awe inspiring time to be alive; or even (for those not currently incarnating) in the vicinity!

This eclipse and the solstice are about the return of the light on many different levels; touching many different things within us. It is happening during a retrograde period (Mercury) which is keeping us in place for the moment. This being a good thing, so that we look back from where we have come and look ahead to where we desire to go, but we are held in the moment between the in and out breath; which is one of the powerful things about the Solstice in general. It’s that pause, that moment of rest between one state and another, between the longest night of darkness and the movement back into light; it is literally a pause in motion, like that moment on a swing when you stop for just a brief moment, and it feels like you could fly, it is weightlessness. It’s Spirit.

Here is my translation of this series of transits in a nutshell

Illuminated by the returning light there are sudden and expansive shifts which uncover more of our part in the One dream; showing us what it is time to complete so that we can take our next steps. We remember what we brought with us from the past lives we have individually and collectively lived so that we can hear the information that is coming to us from our future. We face our fear of transitions and death and move into our power; becoming new in the process. By finding our affinity and connection and empathy we stand with our tender places; where we have been hurt or misunderstood and by tending to them we move into the higher vibration of our ongoing evolution.

So let us take that pause, and align ourselves back up with our course, so that we can put the light to the best use possible to illuminate our way. If we are waiting for it all to be over I think we will get way too tired way too early. Let’s change that paradigm. Let’s perhaps think of those marathon Lord of the Rings epics; you know…where it’s so exciting and you want the conclusion but you don’t really want it to end; or perhaps a fabulous conversation or a seven course dinner, or falling in love; things that we want to really experience and draw out as long as we can.

Within all this I want to reiterate; please be gentle with yourself. You wouldn’t unroll a new leaf on a plant and expect it to be fully formed and shiny before its time. It’s still tender and delicate as it starts to unfurl. Be at least that kind to yourself and to the other beings you encounter on this journey; and if you see a path clear a little bit more than someone who may be stressed or frightened, share your light; it will definitely come back to you.

Use this Solstice to release what no longer serves you; even if those things were once very good. Release what has gone before and keep your eye and heart on the unfolding center of expanding consciousness. Use the eclipse and the last bit of Mercury retrograde and 2010 to see what has been hidden; keep the treasures and recycle anything else; bring only what serves you into 2011.

Aloha and Blessings,


Here are some treats…
Astronomy picture of the day- (if you are reading this on a day other than the 20th please look for that day on this site).

And some information on the astronomy from this web site.

“Four astronomical events will be happening on December 21 and that means we have a lot to see in the sky during this day. Dec. 21 will be a full moon and it will also be the annual Winter Solstice. The astronomical spectacle does not end there because parts of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere will be seeing a total lunar eclipse and others might just be lucky to see the Ursids meteor shower.

The Ursids meteor shower is rarely seen due to the fact that compared to other meteor showers this one is less bright, however, due to the total lunar eclipse happening that day it will be a chance to see it. The Ursids meteor shower begins December 17 and will end until December 26. If you want to see it then try to focus your attention near the star Beta Ursae Minoris (Kochab) in the constellation Ursa Minor.”


Truth in advertising; unedited evolution ~ Erika Ginnis

Faith and Trust

Something I did the other day, maybe two days ago. Was to take my iPhone (which I use way more than I ever thought I would) and start a new note. Not a big deal right? Well maybe, but it was really helpful to me at least the evening I did it because I started a list of things that have gone well for me.

Let me back up a bit and let you know why I was doing that in the first place…Sometimes I am not sure what to share on my blog. I have three all together (but of course, if one is good m-u-s-t add MORE) and this one is really dedicated to the process of evolution that I believe we are all hip deep in, on this lovely blue planet here at the beginning of the 21st Century.

I started this blog because I had ideas and visions and experiences that I thought might be of use to other people out there who may be having something similar happening to them in the midst of all this change. Being a metaphysical teacher and counselor, it kind of made sense to me. I am still very much in line with that intention. The thing is, I find that I sometimes edit my own experience because I want to be a place of inspiration rather than adding to the angst.

This is good in theory, but more difficult in practice, because I find I can be in such an “editing” mode that I don’t write as often as I might, or share all that I might. The thing is, there are most likely not that many people reading this anyway, so why all the self-critique? Part of it is just old habits, part of it is training, part is wanting to show up differently in various aspects of my life. What is occurring to me however, is that I often get so much value out of the experience of others as I hear their stories; what makes me think that only the “cream” of my experience will be of use to someone else? This is a process of shifting and change we are all involved in and sometimes it isn’t all neat and tidy.

If all I show is the neat and tidy aspects of what is going on, what kind of message does that give? And once again I have to ask who am I really writing for? If I am writing for my self and my own evolution then I need to be willing to process all that I am really processing, not just what I judge as being helpful to someone else; if I am writing for other people (and that gets sticky all on its own) then what makes me think that they are not going to relate to what ever it is that is up for me in my life at that moment? Law of attraction being what it is, wouldn’t it follow that whoever finds me on a given day will be drawn there simply by the vibrations of the thoughts and words that I am pondering, and wouldn’t that mean it is perfect all along?

Thoughts are like stars, they have their own gravity and collect their own solar system around them.

I am the creator of these thoughts, or perhaps I am the medium through which they come into this reality. Regardless I want to be in a place to respect that creative process and also revel in it; let my thoughts and ideas and observations come up from inside of me and spread out in all directions gathering what they will. I want to trust that whoever is reading, is here for some good of their own, and whatever I am sharing is going add to it in some fashion.

So back to the other evening…I am juggling a lot of emotional things these days. I have lost a parent recently; and by lost meaning their energy is still around but their body is not. I have another parent who is living in a “memory care” unit of a lovely facility, but which costs a fair bit to maintain. I have someone who I am technically married to who no longer lives with me and I am completely unsure about which direction that relationship should or will go; and while I attract a lot of dollars, I have also created a series of situations where what was promised did not actually arrive.

I understand this is my creation; it doesn’t always help to know that (especially if I use it to beat myself up) and it isn’t the bit of information that will help change it. How often do we rack our brains trying to find the place that originated the issue in the first place? What was I thinking, why did I attract that? Why am I still dealing with “..fill in the blank..”?

We are all in the process of sifting through the stuff that needs to change; it is happening on a personal level; a governmental level; an environmental level; and a consciousness level. These shifts can be enormous or tiny; we are all part of this larger moving energy and the whole thing is evolving is leaps and bounds. I am sure you have noticed!

This is a lot to chew on, and I sometimes let it all go, and dive into the deep of me. Then there are times where the things of the day require my attention; I must attend to the various details which are mine to do. I find myself scared, or hurt, or angry. I find myself tempted to stay in those places longer than it is prudent for my own peace of mind.

I generally don’t stay there too long, it’s just much to uncomfortable; but I would be lying if I said I was never there, because I am, and I do feel those things.

I have been working with some of that this last week, after one of my bills (the one for my Mom) went up, while one particular income stream went way down (eek). This brought up fear, and anger and hurt all at the same time. In the midst of all of this I found myself thinking about the many many times (in the past) that amazing answers, and ideas, and opportunities, and even cash, came my way to solve my “dilema du jour”.

So I thought maybe I should write some of that down, remind myself about it, see if I am just making that up or if it really has happened that way. I starting with the note screen on my phone and now it is so long it takes at least 10 scrolls (with my finger) to get to the end; even writing this I have added two more.

I am writing about this because it is what is going on with me. The list I made helped remind me of all the “out of the blue” things that have happened over and over again. This is important because those are the “solar systems” I want to populate.

I now find that I could probably use re-reading this list more than once. I am not sure how this next phase will right itself. However I have this blog, and since this is definitely “spiritual evolution on a personal level” this topic is totally applicable. And I will keep you (whoever you are) and me posted.

Aloha and Blessings,



Hopeful Rain (1:11am 6-13-10) Erika Ginnis

Hopeful Rain
Soaks into the ground
Coaxing the grass to grow even longer

Makes the air cool
Easier to breath
Lets my hair have the option
Of being worn down, across my shoulders

The drops remind me;
Of roofs, and covers
And sweet dreams being wished

Of a walk back from a five and dime store
Splashing in puddles, holding a stuffed Harlequin doll with red diamonded legs
and painted eyes

Of butterscotch pudding (for later)
My mothers shiny coat and the
Low gray sky

The sound of car tires on pavement
A spray of mist as they pass

Soaked and tired
But now only two blocks from home
So it was O.K. to feel the cold…

I’ve exchanged gray for blue
So far away from that street now
Both in time and distance

But the rain brings it back
Watching the movement like silver lines
Against the tropical trees
Hearing the songs of birds and frogs

Being still in this moment
Letting it soak into me
Even as I remain dry and covered
In my garage, door wide open, watching my world;
past, present and future, in layers
Stacked on my wet driveway

And then tonight
So soothing this sound
That has been traveling with me all my life

Hopeful rain
Washes my heart, becomes the groundwater
For tides and tears
The wellspring of new life

~Erika Ginnis


Father’s Day

I wanted to share from something I wrote a few years ago. It is from my walking journal that I kept when I was living in Tacoma Washington.

I had just returned from Hawaii once more. This was a year and a half before I moved. I was keeping my dream alive just with my energy. I had no idea of how I was going to get where I wanted to go; looking back it is still amazing to me (I’ll write about that story another time). My answer to not knowing was to walk and take in everything around me and appreciate it so that I would not be leaving something but moving into the next place I wanted to appreciate.

There were at least three interesting parts to this specific walk, since it is Father’s Day today I will share the part that eventually touches on that. My father made his transition back in 1988 but reading these things brings the feeling of him to me again.

It was a day of being in the midst of milestones.

The tide was out; farther than it has been so far on my walks. I wondered where the water goes when it goes away. I felt the water was farther away than I wanted it to be; I walked nearer to the edge to get it closer to my senses.

I saw the pilings that are normally hidden and the places under the buildings which are built over the water, that don’t all meet the ground. I wondered about how long they will all stand there.

Since the water was out I saw a stream flowing into the bay that is also normally hidden and I also was able to see the Canadian geese who were gathering at that meeting point of fresh and salt water.

-Hawaiian chants in the headphones giving me chills, as I felt my own movement toward fulfilling a dream; and the feeling of looking at it as an expansion not a leaving behind.

-Feeling the air in its shift into fall. Smelling the August leaves and the blackberries within them. Knowing I would come back here if only just for that smell and feeling.

a family at the park, the father helping his young daughter learn to ride a bike without training wheels, watching him show her and then holding the seat as she rode. It felt like the last moment before she would be riding on her own; that sweet poignant time.

Sensing her frustration I wanted to help to somehow tell her that she would be riding soon; and I was reminded of my own father helping me and how it felt at that moment when I had started to ride on my own, without even knowing it. And then that moment when I realized I was doing it all myself.

That moment that changed everything.

I found myself thinking of my dad and loving him and remembering again, that right where I was walking; that manicured strip by the bay; was once just a long patch of gravel along side the water. It was where he taught me to drive a clutch. I got another new sense of the things he taught me in my life. It brought tears to my eyes in a good way.

And then seeing the girl on the way back by. I could see that in the time it took me to take my walk she had already gotten stronger on her bike and that her dad only had to hold on from the back of the seat. I sent the girl some good balance and grounding energy and imagined that she thanked me (all non-verbal) and I knew she was so close.

Now as I write this I had yet another perspective, this time from the Dad’s point of view. Seeing that moment from the other side where there is the caring and love in the instruction and then the joy in the success and then also that moment where the success marks a rite of passage and so some moment of transition from one state to another. The act of letting go of that bike the sweetness and the tinge of sadness in it because of the inevitability of the child moving forward and into a new future of their very own.

It had never occurred to me that this might have also been the perspective of my father in any of the things he was teaching me. It was (as is right) just my job to want to move forward. His was to hold the seat and know when to let go.

Aloha and Blessings,



Why this blog?

One of the reasons I finally bit the bullet and started a blog, is because through my work (and just life  in general) I find myself talking to people about all the energy shifts that are happening, and the information I have relating to it all. I realized last week that this information would be really good to have in one place, and also really good to be able to share and point people at…So that is a lot of what I will be posting now and in the future.

I will be adding whatever seems to be useful to me, or also what might be fun and enjoyable to watch ( like some of my videos from the beautiful land of Hawaii where I live).  I may be adding to the “why” but for now that is where it stands.
