Happy Solstice!
I wanted to make sure and get this post out before the world ended… Oh wait just kidding. I don’t actually believe the world will end 12/21/2012, but I do know that there are a lot of people who are entertaining the idea that it just might. I also know that the energy has been intense enough that it’s really very obvious that something IS actually going on.
This is the time in the northern hemisphere where the days are short and the nights are long. It is the darkest night, from which the light of the New is born. It is a time of cycles beginning and ending. It is a time of power and wonder, and wisdom and promise. It is also a time that calls for a deep faith and trust; trust that the light will return and that it will not all be endless night. These are the things our ancestors confronted at this time of year, and it is to a great degree what we are still asking ourselves; especially this year.
Let me address the idea of the world ending, just because it ends up being the “elephant in the room” when dealing with spiritual matters in the later part of 2012, especially in December. I believe that our worlds begin and end several times each day, and most certainly when we go to sleep for the evening and wake again each morning.
The fact that we wake to anything like the semblance of what has gone before, is a testament to our tenacious power of focus and our ability to hold energy in place through belief. This can be a really good thing! It helps to know that when you wake up from a particularly disturbing dream that you will arrive safely in your bed once you open your eyes. ( I must say however, that I am not quite as pleased when I wake from a dream of winning the lottery…ahem…but it’s all part of that belief system, and having a dream of something pleasant says to me that at the very least I am entertaining the idea of it energetically.)
But I digress. In any case it’s nice to know that gravity is basically going to work more or less when you step onto the floor. Our lives are a series of events each moving on to the next and each one changing the world as we know it and creating a new world. It’s why free will is such a powerful idea and experience. And even though there are things that happen that if you were to ask me directly I would say a resounding “No way” to, they do sometimes take place; and even if I do not always know the answer to the question of “why?” in the moment; I am still left with my ability to exercise my free will in the area of “where am I going to place my focus now?”.
So I ask you the question. Where are you focused? And how does that affect you in your new ever-ending ever-beginning world? Is this the darkness from which the New light will be born?
Are you noticing that we are in a world of shifting sands and so are focusing on your grounding and meditation so you can breathe more freely? Are you in an ocean of turbulent seas desperately treading water hoping the waves don’t get any higher? Are you grieving a loss? Are you celebrating a new life? Are you avoiding all media in general in order to mitigate the onslaught of information and imagery that continues to be distributed? Are you secretly hoping that the world does end on the 21st so that you don’t have to finish your Christmas shopping? 🙂
Where is your attention? Is it serving you? Is it serving the world? What would you change if you knew that your focus strongly effected the mix of what was happening in your life, on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level? Perhaps you already know that and still find yourself focused in ways that seem less than ideal.
If that is so, welcome to the club, and welcome also to the continuing opportunity to gradually but consistently choose to steer your own personal course in the direction of strengthening the kind of world in which you would like to live. What if 12/21/12 was the end of the world, what “world” would you have end, what would you leave behind; and more importantly what “world” would you create in its place?
We are in the middle of an influx of energy; it is tangible and sometimes hard to navigate. It is effecting all of us on the planet in different ways. No it’s not just your imagination, or maybe it is so perhaps it’s time to start paying attention to where your imagination gets to play.
I had a yoga teacher that had a practice of suggesting that we say to ourselves every evening before bed “I am going to wake up tomorrow and know that in the night miraculous things will have happened and I am waking up in a world more full of grace than the one I am going to sleep in this evening; and that these new miracles will be revealed to me all through the day.”
Sounds like a good plan to me. 🙂
Happy Solstice! Welcome the Light, in all its forms. So mote it be, and So it is.
Aloha and Blessings,