Between one breath and the next.











Just for a moment
Your heart brings tears to your eyes

Just for a moment
Everything comes together to a point.

As realities converge
You see them
Like pointed pieces of a puzzle,
Transparent arrowheads
Tips all touching, the trailing edges branching out infinitely

And you remember the illusion
Just for a moment you remember.
You can see past it,
behind it,
through it

And you remember
That time and space are not constants
Nothing is static
And everything is possible.

Erika Ginnis





To the light returning.


On their way to Hades
They all think, I’ll be fine
I’ll remember who I am

They don’t realize or remember
How cold it can be, how isolated

And so one by one they return to the sky

They give in to the light once more
All their fuel consumed in a final burst
To break orbit from the gravity of flesh

So brightly burn the falling stars

Streaking across heaven
With that last brief moment of illumination

Moving the Universe forward, just a little

On their way to Hades
They all think, I will help
And one by one, early or late
They do.

-Erika Ginnis

In memory of Phillip Seymour Hoffman 1967-2014

Pondering renewal


Spring is the season of renewal. It’s also a time to reassess everything and see what we want to plant.

The astrology, as we know, carries a powerful punch right now. If you are riding the wave and it is carrying you well then GO FOR IT!

I have seen people soaring into the heights of creation; with manifestation and culmination of dreams they started years ago. I have also heard the cries of others who are being sucked under the waves and are not having such a good time.

Perhaps most of us spend time both above and below the water level. Where are you these days?

If things are challenging you, I suggest to take more time to pause and be really good to yourself. Court the Divine within yourself.

What are your personal myths? What kind would you like to see played out on the stage of your life?

I am approaching an intense transit that begins this month (Chiron conjunct my sun). This transit will be happening to everyone born under the sign of Pisces sometime during this journey of Chiron through Pisces.

Some have already gone through it, some will be joining up with it later on. I am putting an intention out there to spend more time writing during this next year while this is all going on.

One of the many issues brought to the surface of this transit asks the question “Who am I?” “What is my worth?” “What’s true?”.

These are deep things to ponder, for any of us. Ultimately they offer rich rewards.

This week I have my mind on myths, who/what do I want to embody? What do I truly believe about the Universe about the world about the Divine.

Important questions to ask because what we deeply believe will play itself out everywhere we look.

Blessings and Aloha,



Spring astrological weather…Mars, Sun, Uranus and Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn March 2013

astrological weather

The time leading up to spring has been an interesting one astrologically. There were times over the last month there it seemed like the whole sky was in Pisces!

Well OK not the whole sky, but on that new moon (on Monday the 11th) the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron were ALL in Pisces! Which kinda felt like the whole sky to me :).


If you felt spacey and less in touch with “reality” than you were used to, that could have been why. For me (Pisces that I am with Mercury in Pisces) it was kinda nice to have the world share some of my odd perspective hahahaha.

Since that new moon things have shifted a lot. Mars moved from Pisces (where it’s not its happiest) into its home sign of Aries (where it is very happy) it hasn’t been in Aries in two years so that is a big shift in energy.

Then Mercury stopped its retrograde motion on St. Patrick’s Day, and started going direct (yay) (it will still be in amorphous Pisces for a little while yet since being in retrograde moved it to the early degrees of Pisces.)

Spring Equinox

Now (as I am writing this) the sun moves into Aries on March 20th and starts the astrological year anew at the vernal equinox. So we add that player to the party; the next day March 21st, Venus gets all fiery as she also moves into Aries (think Aphrodite as Xena).

The energy of Venus in Aries.












Plus Uranus (remember good old Uranus planet of sudden abrupt changes and revolution) is already in Aries and will be for quite a while; and on the 21st Mars (planet of energy and war/warriors) and Uranus (sudden electric insight and revolution) are meeting up in that conjunction kind of dance. Alrighty then.

This means the Sun, Venus, Mars (and eventually Mercury but not for a while yet) are all in Aries and one by one they will conjunct the revolutionary and eccentric Uranus.

Mars Square Pluto

Next week on the 26th Mars squares Pluto (you haven’t forgotten about Pluto right?? No not the dog!! Pluto Lord of the underworld poster child for intensity, who evokes deep cellular and soul level changes and is representative of metamorphosis and our souls’ evolution. Right I didn’t think you’d forgotten Pluto.

This is all activating that Pluto/Uranus square that is going in and out of focus and is the background for social change that’s going on until 2015 (for a reminder and more backstory on the Pluto/Uranus transit you can read my blog post from September).

Pluto is in stern, structured and rule loving Capricorn. So that creates tension for leap before you look, “let’s get goooooooing” Mars in Aries.

But wait there’s more 😉

Order now and we’ll throw in a super special two for one Sun and Venus join that already happening square on March 31st.

Easter Sunday oh my…

Yes you heard right boys and girls…On March 31st (Easter for some) The Sun (our identity, our own personal self), Venus (what we love, find beautiful and compelling), and Uranus (lightning bolt out of left field to over throw the status quo and start the revolution) are square (ie angle of interest, maximum tension, contrast) Pluto in Capricorn.

Do what you can to breath through all this; remember you don’t need to change every single thing in your world before breakfast, and if something looks really good, take another breath and then move toward it. No need to chase something down blindly, let yourself be mindful even with all this Aries go go go energy and even though Uranus is saying “Rules?? who needs these stinking rules?” Pluto in Capricorn is holding the truth and consequences card (“instant Karma’s gonna get you”). Use the energy wisely, there is a lot here.

So this is a big big spring, lots starting lots being challenged lots changing. Both personally and globally.

When we now look back on the 60’s we can see the social changes in retrospect. 10-20 years from now this time we are living in will be most likely be seen in a similar fashion. Harder to see when you’re living right in it.

And I haven’t even begun to talk about Chiron in Pisces. That’s for another time.

blessings and aloha




Planetary shifts in 2013. There was a change in 2012; have you felt it?

photo credit Erika Ginnis

photo credit Erika Ginnis

There really was a change.


After all the attention 2012 received it’s very interesting to be in 2013. How has it been for you living in the months after the “end of the world”? Seems like such a long time ago doesn’t it?

And today is only Valentines Day 2013.

Let’s start with some questions.


How many of you were relieved that the world continued to spin and the stars stayed in the heavens, after the end of last year?

How many of you had already dismissed the more radical of the dire predictions and had decided that the shift wouldn’t be quite so dramatic?

Now here’s another question. How many of you on some level; in your heart of hearts (hidden deep where no one else could see) were still hoping for something…something tangible, something you could point at and say “here! Right here! This is the change that happened. This makes it all valid, something really did happen at the end of 2012”.

And how many of you were feeling sad, depressed or at least just a tad disappointed that there wasn’t anything tangible (no alien space crafts on the evening news, no overnight restructuring of the economic system, no instant global enlightenment).

Have any of you been out there, walking around especially last month, in the dawn of the new year, feeling just a little lost?

If so, cut yourself some slack.

See the thing is something did change. There really was a change.

Where we can get tripped up is that it didn’t show up in the way we wanted it to look, or thought it would look, or were afraid it would look.

It’s like there was this enormous fight or flight response on a race consciousness level that got activated but nothing presented itself across the board to release it.

Now yes there were absolutely some crises both large and small; as well as grief and loss touching us on some very personal levels.

But that isn’t what I am talking about.

It’s like this large number of humans all decided to go on a thrill ride together; to somehow all go on the biggest baddest roller coaster ride ever made. We talked about it waited for it, worried about it, imagined it, prepared for it. Ticket in hand we collectively approached the platform and when we got there, we found not an “E ticket” ride, not even a roller coaster at all but just a big library with tables and chairs and books.

Nothing exciting going on, no screaming, no hands held in the air as you start down that steep fast descent, just the hushed quiet of shelves and shelves of books. So we walk in and just kind of stare, wander around in a sort of confused unfocused sense of “huh?” how’d I get here?

But the thing is it’s all perceptual (now there’s a surprise). We are looking in the “wrong” places or perhaps in the “wrong” ways.

There was and has been and continues to be major energetic changes. Last year we expected it were prepared for it (to some degree) and navigated it to the best of our ability (perhaps we saw it as a means to an end).

What seems to be the case is that now as we continue in the eternal organic process that all these changes seem to follow; we are drifting rather than navigating; and perhaps that is because some part of us thought we’d be done by now, rather than we has just barely opened the door to an entirely new paradigm.

How do you look at all this?

Did you feel like you wanted to just “take your baseball and go home”; decide that evolutionary shift concept is all just BS and go back to business as usual?

Well that won’t get you far because we aren’t in the same Universe we were last year, and you aren’t the same person.

I mean that in the best of ways. This is the Universe where we shifted consciousness to the level where most of the intense changes happened on the astral and energetic levels (anyone had any intense dreams over the last couple months?).

And you are the person who navigated yourself here.

Perception colors (some would say creates) everything.

Let’s think back to that library. If you look at it from one perspective it’s quiet, ordered, organized and perhaps a bit boring. Definitely not a roller coaster!

However if you look at it from a different perspective it alters your perception; inside of every book is an entire world filled with adventure or information, drama, love, magic, enlightenment, even roller coasters.

So there are, in this library, shelves and shelves of stories all existing simultaneously, and able to be experienced simultaneously by as many people as there are books to read.

It’s not actually a quiet library.

The trick is to know where to listen. Don’t think that just because there aren’t sounds flowing through the air hitting your ears, that it is quiet. The sound from all the dialog’s and battles and the spaceships would be deafening if you knew where to listen.

This is the year of reinvention. Do you feel you are feeling something new? Sometimes that can come in the guise of feeling lost, sometimes it just feels like you know something’s different but you can’t put your finger on it.

This is a new year and the new paradigm that is just barely beginning. Maybe it’s time to reinvent yourself and your life. Finding that who you “were” is no longer and who you are becoming in not entirely completed; but it is starting to become clearer. And what better day to do it than today; and look it’s Valentines day dedicated to Love (that’s my story and I am sticking to it!).

Pay attention, notice if how you are relating to people is changing.

You are NOT losing your mind. The energy IS really intense. Be mindful to be kind to yourself and notice if you find a tendency to be self critical…or other critical. This isn’t essential but if it is happening just remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS. And of course Mercury the trickster is going retrograde “Real Soon Now” ™ LOL.

Take time for self care and make it a habit to say nice things to yourself daily.

Remind yourself that your perception of a thing really creates a large part of that thing; so pay attention to how you are viewing things.

  • Take the time to complete relationship issues you swept under the rug over the last year.
  • Meditate.
  • learn and practice grounding.
  • Give yourself (and others) some slack.

This is a tremendous amount of energy directed at us; it is one of the reasons some people are having such a hard time right now; especially if they don’t have a way to ground off the excess energy. The good thing about “lotsa energy” is that it can be directed, and it can assist in the manifestation of dreams and visions.

Plus great news (for me) I FINALLY completed one of my downloadable Guided Meditations. People have only been asking me to create these things for 15 years now (ahhh Pisces so very prompt!).

It ends up being perfect for right now (even though it wasn’t the one I thought I was going to get out there first; Spirit had other ideas :)). It’s called Essential Meditations: Volume One, Grounding for ease and wellbeing. You can find it on the side bar of this blog, and possibly even on this post if I can figure that part out LOL.

I am of the opinion that if you use it regularly it will be really useful for you. It will help you to release all of the stuff that no longer serves you; and leaves you with an actual repeatable energy technique; the one that I always tell everyone is the very foundation of everything else I do or teach.

There really was a change in 2012. Now take that change and run with it, let it make you new again and again.


Aloha and Blessings and Happy Valentines Day!


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Finally! Get your own private meditation instruction available whenever you want it; for a fraction of the cost of a live in-person session.

Introducing Essential Meditations Volume One. Grounding for ease and wellbeing

A 20 minute instructional and relaxing guided meditation in MP3 format; presented by Erika Ginnis author of Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic

“I want to provide relaxing and soothing guided meditation instruction as both a companion to my written work and also as a new avenue of personal experience.”