Gaming in real time. Life in March 2020 in the age of corona.

I find myself thinking of this lately, as life just keeps escalating. Not sure who can relate to what I’m thinking, but here goes. (You know me I’m the Analogy Queen ).

You know when you’re playing a game, more specifically a video game or some variant… and you’re getting ready to change to the next level? What happens?


Things get progressively harder and more intense and then … You run into what is known as the “boss”, the big bad gatekeeper of the end of that level. It’s the way these games work. You have to find a way to battle or subdue or in some way defeat or get past the boss in order to make it out of that level into the next higher one.

I have often had to save and retry a bunch of times to get past some particular nasty “big bads”. I’ve gone online to find out how other people have succeeded. I’ve looked for different ways to approach or timing to use, or find out where it’s vulnerable. I eventually find a way through even if it seems like I never will, even if it feels like this level is wayyy too hard and there’s no way through.

The way is built into the game. It’s there somewhere.

Anyway, through the battle(s) the experience points gained help you to increase your character’s abilities, level up and sometimes allow you to have new spells and helpers (what you get depends on the kind of character you are playing of course).

Remember what the other thing is that happens? Yes! Once you defeat the boss, what’s left behind are coins and armor and trinkets and magical items. Often beyond the level of your character, but that will give you advantages and even more fun, as you move on into the next levels of the game.

You can always tell you are at the end of one level and the threshold of the next level by the appearance of a big bad scary powerful something…dragon, massive spider, Orc king, Sorcerer, Virus.

Remember…Next level, on the other side, just saying.

Don’t give up.

Aloha and blessings,



Cross posting as I am

I’m putting this out into ether.

Four things I want to bring into being.

1. I would like to make/assist someone else in making an animated movie of my book Essential Mysteries (or could be a series of shorts that are sequential).

2. I would like to make an audio book version of my book.

3. I would like to get my poetry book formatted so I can then finally publish it.

4. I would like to finish my second book.

If you are someone that has passion and interest in helping any of these things become a reality please contact me.

Dream on the edge of Mercury direct. Breaking through with light.

Credit: iStockphoto

7/29/19 5am Dream-vision, where I perceive there is this large sphere around the earth looks like a slightly opaque thick force field or like it’s encased in fluid translucent plexiglass. And people are affecting it with light trying to break through/dissolve it, you can see little lights hitting against its surface all over the world, at various points that are breaking against it little by little.

There are also thicker lines of concentrated energy also going into it.

Those are like shafts or conduits of the concentrated energy. This is where there are openings through the thick encasing sphere, like a few places where energy can pass in and out. Almost like a pipe or tube.

All of this is from all the light workers healers etc. doing their work, all of it helping even if the force field wasn’t down yet.

Every kind thought, every good act, every moment of awareness no matter how large or small, all matters. The idea is to keep at it.

I had the sense that Mauna Kea was one of the shafts of concentrated energy.

Blessings and Aloha


Birthday Special March 2019!

I wanted to put this out there for everyone. My birthday is this month so I am adding a special for March. Please email or text me to set up an appointment, or if you have questions.

This offer is of course good for all new clients and also for regular clients who want to add an additional session to what they have already scheduled for the month.

“Essential Mysteries write it down” how Astral marketing blew me away.

The most amazing thing happened to me last month! Some of you already know this but for those who didn’t see this post somewhere else I wanted to post it on my blog too.

Ok the back story is that now and then I go onto Google and type in my name and make sure there are links to my various websites and such, since it is one of the ways I get my information out to people. I hadn’t done it for a long while so mid November I thought I’d go ahead and check it out since I was on my desktop and not my phone or iPad.

The first page was normal with links I would expect. The second page however had a photo of a lovely woman I didn’t know and beneath it was the title to my book. I was surprised and had the thought… no way another book with my same title LOL!

As it turns out this was a wonderful YouTube video review of my book by someone I had never met and still do not even know where she is from. It had been posted just the day before! (Remember I had not been looking up my stuff on Google for several months. But wait it gets better)

I posted it on my Facebook pages, and wrote a comment on her YouTube page to thank her.

Here is from her comment back to me

“Hi there Erika, when I tell you how I came along your wonderful book it’s another great story ☺ I was pretty annoyed with myself and thought everyone has great results meditating – so I ask for help – in the middle of the night I woke up hearing the word’s Essential Mysteries – write it down – I dream a lot this kind of way , so I wrote it down. The next morning I searched the net of course – nothing . Then I went on my kindle and here it was . I downloaded it and started my journey – found the proper book later and recommended it to a lot of my clients and they love your book, too. Thank you so much for this amazing journey. Love and Blessings 💖🙏💖 Marion”

I do that kind of search now and again just to see that I still show up etc. but never thought I’d find that review. This was the biggest validation of Spirit I could have gotten.

My intention is to get my book to all the people who would benefit from it. It looks like there are other wonderful helpers in this reality and on the Astral Plane helping me as well! OMG!

So here it is, please listen and enjoy and share far and wide! Let’s see if we can get it to go viral 💖

(And just as a point of clarification the book came out in 2009 not 2006).


Aloha and Blessings!!!
