Winter Solstice 2012; what is ending, what is beginning?

The candle light the night during Winter Solstice

The candle light the night during Winter Solstice

Happy Solstice!


I wanted to make sure and get this post out before the world ended… Oh wait just kidding. I don’t actually believe the world will end 12/21/2012, but I do know that there are a lot of people who are entertaining the idea that it just might. I also know that the energy has been intense enough that it’s really very obvious that something IS actually going on.


This is the time in the northern hemisphere where the days are short and the nights are long. It is the darkest night, from which the light of the New is born. It is a time of cycles beginning and ending. It is a time of power and wonder, and wisdom and promise. It is also a time that calls for a deep faith and trust; trust that the light will return and that it will not all be endless night. These are the things our ancestors confronted at this time of year, and it is to a great degree what we are still asking ourselves; especially this year.

Let me address the idea of the world ending, just because it ends up being the “elephant in the room” when dealing with spiritual matters in the later part of 2012, especially in December. I believe that our worlds begin and end several times each day, and most certainly when we go to sleep for the evening and wake again each morning.

The fact that we wake to anything like the semblance of what has gone before, is a testament to our tenacious power of focus and our ability to hold energy in place through belief. This can be a really good thing! It helps to know that when you wake up from a particularly disturbing dream that you will arrive safely in your bed once you open your eyes. ( I must say however, that I am not quite as pleased when I wake from a dream of winning the lottery…ahem…but it’s all part of that belief system, and having a dream of something pleasant says to me that at the very least I am entertaining the idea of it energetically.)

But I digress. In any case it’s nice to know that gravity is basically going to work more or less when you step onto the floor. Our lives are a series of events each moving on to the next and each one changing the world as we know it and creating a new world. It’s why free will is such a powerful idea and experience. And even though there are things that happen that if you were to ask me directly I would say a resounding “No way” to, they do sometimes take place; and even if I do not always know the answer to the question of “why?” in the moment; I am still left with my ability to exercise my free will in the area of “where am I going to place my focus now?”.

So I ask you the question. Where are you focused? And how does that affect you in your new ever-ending ever-beginning world? Is this the darkness from which the New light will be born?

Are you noticing that we are in a world of shifting sands and so are focusing on your grounding and meditation so you can breathe more freely? Are you in an ocean of turbulent seas desperately treading water hoping the waves don’t get any higher? Are you grieving a loss? Are you celebrating a new life? Are you avoiding all media in general in order to mitigate the onslaught of information and imagery that continues to be distributed? Are you secretly hoping that the world does end on the 21st so that you don’t have to finish your Christmas shopping? 🙂

Where is your attention? Is it serving you? Is it serving the world? What would you change if you knew that your focus strongly effected the mix of what was happening in your life, on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level? Perhaps you already know that and still find yourself focused in ways that seem less than ideal.

If that is so, welcome to the club, and welcome also to the continuing opportunity to gradually but consistently choose to steer your own personal course in the direction of strengthening the kind of world in which you would like to live. What if 12/21/12 was the end of the world, what “world” would you have end, what would you leave behind; and more importantly what “world” would you create in its place?

We are in the middle of an influx of energy; it is tangible and sometimes hard to navigate. It is effecting all of us on the planet in different ways. No it’s not just your imagination, or maybe it is so perhaps it’s time to start paying attention to where your imagination gets to play.

I had a yoga teacher that had a practice of suggesting that we say to ourselves every evening before bed “I am going to wake up tomorrow and know that in the night miraculous things will have happened and I am waking up in a world more full of grace than the one I am going to sleep in this evening; and that these new miracles will be revealed to me all through the day.”

Sounds like a good plan to me. 🙂

Happy Solstice! Welcome the Light, in all its forms. So mote it be, and So it is.

Aloha and Blessings,



Subject: World Wide Energetic Clearing…November 27th


I just received this from a friend; thought it was worth passing on.


Subject: World Wide Energetic Clearing…

Good Morning Everyone,
We are coming together to make a difference in Our World and The World
Next Tuesday, November 27th, we will be joining others around the planet for:

“World Wide Energetic Clearing.
I would like to ask you to participate in an awesome event.

The following comes from John English and and it explains the everything. This will only take a minimal amount time and will be incredibly powerful.

Worldwide Energetic Clearing

Hello and Bless You,

I believe that the human being is a magical being of the universe with a very important destiny to fulfill.

I have felt for sometime now that humanity is at a point where we are going to evolve on many levels to live that destiny. I look around and I see that we have created a scenario where we must evolve to solve the challenges we have collectively created.

I believe we will do so.

I am asking you to join many others and myself on November 27th 2012 in a worldwide energetic clearing to make it easier for us to heal, and for this evolutionary leap to take place.

One of my teachers taught me that energy organizes matter. I have found this to be very powerful and true. As a human being you have the right to remove any energy that is negatively impacting you against your free will.

This clearing will take place with the following command. I have included a glossary of terms.

Please do this early morning, mid-afternoon and early evening on November 27th 2012 wherever you are located on this beautiful planet.

“It is by Intent and Purpose Spirit of (Your Full Name Here), with the help of the Universal Life Force Essence, that we will immediately provide any and all matching frequencies required to zero out all negativity that is impacting me now in all times, all forms, and all dimensions, paying particular attention to all negativity that is in and on the earth. This will include my personal energy field.

Further should it be determined by my higher self that any of these frequencies of negativity should not be zeroed out, we ask that the Universal Life Force Essence dispose of them as it sees fit, including returning them to the great void of creation. Begin harmonics now.”

Wait three minutes and then give thanks with the following statement of gratitude.
“I believe, I receive, I accept this healing. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.”

Can you imagine The Shift on this earth that will take place if millions of us use this command on the same day? It’s going to be life altering! ☺ Please forward if you feel moved to do so.

John English


Thank you for reading. If you don’t get this message in time, feel free to do what they suggest at any time. I know all Good blesses, so go for it!

Aloha and blessings,




How to easily send a donation to help those effected by Hurricane Sandy

Help those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation or go to @RedCross #SandyHelp

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius November 6th 2012

Aloha all!!

Mercury will be going retrograde November 6th (election day in the US) at 4 degree of Sagittarius It will end its retrograde motion at 18 degree of Scorpio on November 26th.

I am going to hold consciousness for everything going as smoothly as possible, who wants to join me? 🙂

When Mercury goes retrograde is also has what’s called the “shadow of Mercury” which is the time when the forward motion slows down bit by bit and you can start to feel the effects of the retrograde as it prepares to move “apparently” backward.

A little “background :)” about retrograde. I am going to “re-visit” (how retrograde of me!) from something I posted a couple years ago.

All the planets show apparent retrograde motion at one time or another. I say apparent because they really don’t physically go backwards, it’s about how it looks to us.

They orbit the Sun as we do, and so when we observe them in the skies and chart their patterns during a year or two, we will see that they look like they are going forward for a time and then backwards for a time. Retrograde is when they move backwards from the point of view of the Earth(where we view them); therefore they go backwards through the astrological signs since we use the earth as the focal point of astrology. These movements are significant and have effects that can be felt and observed in our lives.

You might ask why in the world this would have any effect at all, since it is all an illusion. Good question! However there are as many answers to that question as there are people to answer it :)

My take on it is that “this” (meaning all of this loveliness we call the physical plane) is all actually an illusion in one manner or another (that screen you are viewing is really a whole lot of points of light given instructions by a bunch of zeros and ones; and that chair you are sitting in is actually a bunch of atoms and molecules made up of primarily empty space; at the outer edge of which are electron clouds whose position can only truly be called a “probability”) so I figure it’s all good and we can find usable truth in a lot of places.

I personally find a lot in astrology, it’s a great language to talk about our collective consciousness and our larger energetic nature; it gives some good signposts to watch pointing to tendencies and movement of energy so I am very happy working with it.

Mercury retrograde gets a lot of attention, more so than a lot of the other retrogrades because we are such a communications based society and so when Mercury (which is associated with communication among other things) goes into retrograde we can really feel it; plus it goes retrograde several times a year since it moves so fast in general (the winged messenger really does know how to fly by).

So what kinds of things would you want to be aware of during a period of retrograde for Mercury?

One of the hallmarks of a Mercury retrograde is extreme weather; and having just experienced an evening here in Hawaii recently when I was waiting for a possible tsunami (which thankfully was way smaller than expected) and tonight watched images from the intense storm hitting the east coast even as I write this; I am reminded of Mercury. Not to mention the delays for all the people planning to travel during all of this. Mercury is not actually technically retrograde yet; although we are definitely in the shadow of such. I am curious how the election unfolds (still knowing all kinds of goodness and ease for all involved). The last time Mercury had its retrograde hand on the election was the year there was all that controversy, 2000 I believe it was…

One thing to remember however is that planets go retrograde in different signs, and each transit has all new play partners in the sky to bounce energy off of, so it’s always going to be a different experience.

There are however some things that I have found can assist with a Mercury retrograde transit.

It’s a good idea to triple check forms, be even clearer than normal about communication, and allow more time for travel.

Mercury in retrograde is all about review, revisit, revise, renew, recreate (catching the “re” theme there?). It’s a great time to edit and see things you missed before. Retrograde periods can allow us an opportunity to catch up with ourselves (since going forward at our normal clip is usually not really possible); to find out what we have missed internally in our mad dash for the finish line (whatever that means for us today). How do we feel? What needs to be heard, to be said, to be redone? Sometimes things that don’t normally work well, all of a sudden do, so take advantage of that wherever possible.

It can be an exciting time and/or a challenging time, and it effects everyone differently. If you have Mercury retrograde in your own birth chart then it is usually a much easier experience. I look at retrogrades less fatalistically than I used to, and now I look for what I can do rather than what I can’t;this is an excellent time for meditation for example! I also try to be somewhat practical as well, and make sure things are backed up (blog, books, computers, ?) before it goes stationary retrograde.

Chaos can be incredibly creative, so perhaps embracing the nonlinear experience of a Mercury retrograde, will allow us to visit places that we would have normally missed, and see things of value that were overlooked before.

Join me in remembering through all the changes, to just keep breathing!

Blessings and Aloha!


Exact square Uranus and Pluto, September 2012 astrology.

Butterfly effect - Erika GinnisAt the end of this post you will find links to four 15 minute Youtube videos from Rick Levine (a fabulous astrologer) that gets recorded monthly back in my old home town area in the PNW. There is so much going on this month OMG!!

I am going to give a synopsis of the some aspects of the upcoming astrology he talks about for those of you who can’t watch the videos right now; but still want some insight. Please do check the videos out, these guys (normally they present together “Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer” but this month it is just Rick Levine) are two of my favorite astrologers and do such a great service by posting the hour long monthly astrology each month. I LOVE them.

September 2012

We are feeling the effects of the powerful Pluto/Uranus square. Uranus planet of revolution, shock, upheaval, lightning, electricity, squares Pluto; planet of transformation, metamorphosis, evolution, and intensity. This will occur 7 times up through 2015, and this month we have one of the exact aspects. This month is the second exact square on September 18th.

The outer planets (of which Pluto and Uranus are two) set up global social economic issues.

The square is the angle of maximum stress which then can bring forth maximum creativity to resolve that stress. These aspects with these specific planets create the framework for social transformation and social revolution.

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