Chapter 28: An Open Letter from Spirit (From “Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic” by Erika Ginnis)

The following is the final chapter of my book. A dear friend mentioned reading this chapter again recently, and how it still resonated with her even now in 2025, given current events. She suggested that it might be useful to re-read it (which I did) and re-post it (which I am doing, since I was just reminded to by my own guides as well).

This was published in 2009 and the letter was one of the last things I added, which I wrote back in 2004. I want to preface this by saying that so many things have happened in the time since this was written, it’s been 20 years (!!). I have had the experience of being both high on the mountain top and low in the swamp, more than a few times.

I hope this gives a little light and healing to you during our currently challenging time. I am going to chose to believe that these challenges will be met and overcome, that hope is not lost, and we will find ourselves remembering the goodness and strength of who we truly are and who we all can be.

-Aloha and Blessings,


Chapter 28 from: An Open Letter from Spirit

This letter came to me in a meditation November 3, 2004. I was looking at world events, and I was disheartened by some things that I thought should be different and yet didn’t feel I had any way to change. As is often the case in such situations, I turned to prayer and meditation to shift my perspective and show me a larger view than the one I was seeing.

What I received was very powerful for me and helped me so much that I decided to include it on my Web page and share it with clients. One of the things I have learned over the years is this: If you ask Spirit for guidance and take the time to listen, you will always get an answer. It may not come in the way you expect or say the things you expect to hear, but quite often it is much more lovely.

Of the many things I have included on my Web page, this piece is one of two commented on most frequently. Since people have taken the time to write to me or call to say that is has been helpful to them, I wanted to include it here. I give it to you in exactly the form it came to me, punctuation and all. Take into account that it says some things that address the things in my own life that brought me to that meditation, and if you look closely it even mentions the book you are reading now. Given this, it may at first glance seem person-specific. It’s not. Don’t be fooled by the appearance. What I know to be true is this: If you are reading it, it is as much for you as it has been for me. It is truly an open letter from Spirit.

“You are the beloved. You are blessed and you are a blessing. I love you and I assure you that you will have everything you need as you need it. Have faith that the way of the world can never outsmart the way of the Most High. You have been given great tools and abilities, do not shun them but rather bring them out into the light and make the way clear for those who will come after you.

I know that you are saddened by the recent turn of events but let it be for now and it will become clear what this is all about and why this is the way it is, trust me, trust in god trust in the divine expression of love on this planet and know that it is larger than anything that you could ever imagine. Seriously I know that your mind is racing and that you are afraid for the stuff with your money and with the election and with the sadness that you see all around you, but do know please that I am with you and that you are never alone, even now I am here and I am with you and there are many that are with you in spirit.

And that you can be in the world and not of it and let these things of the flesh pass you by even as you enjoy them, you know that they are not the things that will remain. Remember the light and all that comes out of the light. These are the things that will last. You have great support, draw on it, let it come to use, do not delay the time is now, express your gifts, teach other to express their gifts as well, this is what is needed now. You may think otherwise but the time is upon you and great changes are afoot. Do not worry about rent, it will be paid, you will be taken care of, do not worry it, let it go.

Do what you can on your business, create a space for change and growth and for people to reach deep inside themselves, and remember that there are those that are deep in the place that you would call darkness and they are searching for a light, give them something to reach for so that they are not tempted by false things and by promises that have no substance. You can always ask me and I will always answer, I am as close as your very breath.

Finish your book and get it out there this year, so that others can find it, just finish it don’t worry about the publishing that will come, just get it done and start on your next one, you don’t have to say everything in this one book, you just need to get the ball rolling so that the light which is you can shine.

You keep waiting for something to happen for some kind of sign for some kind of something but it has already taken place and you are already at the door and you are already walking through it do not despair it is all right and everything is going to be OK, remember the dream that you had and how everything was all One and that there is no other?

Well that is real and you know it and you can remember it, feel that, feel that power in the oneness it is true right now right as you sit there typing, thinking that it is your own mind putting the words on paper when you also know that it is not and that I am speaking with you because you are the beloved with whom I am well pleased, really and truly do not despair, let it be.

I will show you over the next few days signs to watch for and you will see things and see that I am not gone but I am right next to you and verily right inside of you. Give yourself a chance to be at peace, be kind to your friend he is coming out of utter darkness and he is being challenged at the door and it is hard for him, be kind if you can be. It can only help.

I am going to let you go now and say to go meditate and meditate on Love and know that you do not have to wait to thrive, you do not have to wait to be happy you don’t have to wait to be loved and blessed and abundant, and in fact if you shift how you see things you will see how you are amazingly blessed and loved right at this very moment. Meditate on love and allow yourself to have it wash over you. You are not alone, you have never been alone and this is all only the beginning of great good, mark my words. It is so and it will truly be so. And so it is. I love you.

P.S. I heard you singing and it was good, thank you for seeking me, I will always answer when you call to me, how could I not, my love for you is beyond measure and without end, really really really. God.” 

I will leave you with an epilogue, written from my current perspective circa October 2009. The book took some time, but is now (joyfully) in print. The election that was in question, has come and gone, and our next election surpassed what I could have even conceived of at the time. The rent was indeed paid and has continued to be (in wild and wondrous ways) since this letter was originally “written”. My business has grown, I felt called to move from the Pacific Northwest to Hawaii (a lifelong dream), and I am still singing. More things have been revealed since the writing of this book but those things will have to wait for my next installment, until then, all my love, blessed be… and so it is.

Hidden in plain sight. Changing our collective vision in isolation.

Since I’ve been spending more time at home than normal; so true for most of us these days (I made sure of it when I quit my other job just before the world went into isolation/quarantine 🙂 ). I have been noticing the increased frequency of the interesting, and not at all unheard of, experience of looking for something that I just know I have, that I remember putting in a particular place, and yet not finding it.

Also knowing it will eventually turn up (well only mostly knowing that, to be honest).

Then getting into some other project or trying to find something totally different (notice a trend here…nope not much for housework hahaha) and then finding the thing I’m looking for.

This has happened three times just in the last month. I found an Amazon Fire Stick that I spent hours looking for at Christmas because I had a friend I thought could use it. I KNEW I had it, I looked “everywhere” and it was not to be found.

A couple weeks ago (while looking for an AC adapter) I found it. On the shelf on my desk that is essentially at eye level(!!!). It was hiding in plain sight!

Two weeks ago I wanted to find my huge bottle of Turmeric that I knew I had (just having finished one, and knowing I had bought two way back when). I know where I keep my spices. I could not freaking find it. I started doubting that I had gotten it, thinking maybe I had used it all and not realized it.

Today when I was cooking I looked in the same place I looked before and sure enough THERE IT WAS (see photo with this post). It was also hiding in plain sight!

And now I’m looking for a bag of dice (ok I have three other bags…but this is the one with some of my favorite dice in it that I brought with me to Hawaiicon last year). Can I find it? Nope, not yet. However I did find the Turmeric and I think I may have found my adapter hahaha.

One could say that this is because I have reached the time in my life where I should just expect this hahaha.

I have also heard it explained (in a non-age related way 🙂 ) that it is the result of our vibration and that when we are out of alignment with something we actually can’t “see” it. Kind of like a radio not being tuned to a station, and once we tune to the vibration we can then see it, since we are on its wave length so to speak.

I’ve been taught that when we are trying too hard and using too much effort that it gums up the works on a spiritual level until we let it go, give up and then relax.

I have additionally heard it explained that our Oversoul (a term I first heard used in the Seth books by Jane Roberts), who is the one who keeps this version of our 3-D reality consistent day to day, forgot to materialize it momentarily, so we literally couldn’t see it.

This brings me back to our reality today (what day is it again?) when everything is in so much flux. I think perhaps the reason I’m finding these things all at once is partially due to not operating in a “business as usual” kind of way. (None of us are, we are navigating the ever changing waters of “nothing is as usual”.)

Maybe this is an indication of a larger trend, perhaps with the changes that are happening to all of us, in response to the viral threat, we are being jostled out of our normal day-to-day vision.

The vision where we see things as we think they are, just out of habit, rather than seeing how they actually are (or could be) in any given moment, possibly being out of phase with something. Maybe this applies to larger things.

What if there have been answers to long asked questions, inventions or cures or new approaches, that have been hiding in plain site, waiting for the right moment to be seen, just like my huge container of Turmeric.

I am really liking that idea so I’m going to go with it.

I’m not concerned at the moment whether that is due to a change in our collective vibration, so we line up with them; or our collective Oversoul making them easier to see in our virtual physical dimensional reality; or our collective and individual vision getting an upgrade. I just really like the idea of the things we are looking for being right in front of us all of a sudden.

Now if I could just find my old bag of many sided dice. I know it’s around here somewhere. (Grin).

Blessings and Aloha,


Guided Meditation for Soothing and Releasing Stress

Aloha… With all that is happening in the world, it seemed like a good idea to create this 18 minute guided meditation. It gently leads you through techniques to help your body feel safe and release stress and increase well-being as you experience life. It increases spiritual and energetic awareness; helps to keep you in balance.(most likely will be cross-posted)
(previously only available on the CD Essential Mysteries Meditations)

Meditation and Music
written and performed by
Erika Ginnis

Paradigm shift through viral solitude. March 2020

So it occurred to me this evening that along with the healing that is happening on planet Earth with so many humans taking a virus imposed “time out”. That there is another potential gift from all of this.

Backstory is that I had a powerful experience recently. Since the end of December due to some health challenges and surgeries that kept me at home, off work, and essentially self isolating as a result, I found myself outside of the “rat race” and fully experienced for the first time in years that even if that race was for a good cause it was still not my race to run. Getting a rest from it all reset my energy entirely.

The experience changed me on a fundamental level and through that it became very clear to me what I needed to do; meaning leave the job I had been saying I’d leave for the last two years, and go back and give energy to what I truly love. The experience also gave me enough of my own energy back to be able to finally act on that information and give notice, even though it included doing it in the continued face of uncertainty.

Having said all that it occurred to me that there is a possibility that some (many?) of the people who are having to stay at home for an extended period of time may also be gifted with distance from some particular way of existing, perhaps be redirected to art & music & games & writing & reading & spirituality, or whatever else might truly call to them.

In so doing it’s possible an entire section of the population could choose differently when the time comes to leave their homes and re-enter the outside world. That choice could change the face of society in a positive way.

Could be a good thing in the long run.


Gaming in real time. Life in March 2020 in the age of corona.

I find myself thinking of this lately, as life just keeps escalating. Not sure who can relate to what I’m thinking, but here goes. (You know me I’m the Analogy Queen ).

You know when you’re playing a game, more specifically a video game or some variant… and you’re getting ready to change to the next level? What happens?


Things get progressively harder and more intense and then … You run into what is known as the “boss”, the big bad gatekeeper of the end of that level. It’s the way these games work. You have to find a way to battle or subdue or in some way defeat or get past the boss in order to make it out of that level into the next higher one.

I have often had to save and retry a bunch of times to get past some particular nasty “big bads”. I’ve gone online to find out how other people have succeeded. I’ve looked for different ways to approach or timing to use, or find out where it’s vulnerable. I eventually find a way through even if it seems like I never will, even if it feels like this level is wayyy too hard and there’s no way through.

The way is built into the game. It’s there somewhere.

Anyway, through the battle(s) the experience points gained help you to increase your character’s abilities, level up and sometimes allow you to have new spells and helpers (what you get depends on the kind of character you are playing of course).

Remember what the other thing is that happens? Yes! Once you defeat the boss, what’s left behind are coins and armor and trinkets and magical items. Often beyond the level of your character, but that will give you advantages and even more fun, as you move on into the next levels of the game.

You can always tell you are at the end of one level and the threshold of the next level by the appearance of a big bad scary powerful something…dragon, massive spider, Orc king, Sorcerer, Virus.

Remember…Next level, on the other side, just saying.

Don’t give up.

Aloha and blessings,
