Tree of Life Meditation by Erika Ginnis. Recorded at Center for Spiritual Living East Hawaii March 22, 2020

Aloha All,

Hope you are safe and well and surfing the energy of the great waves of change.

Here is a short 6 minute Tree of Life meditation from a couple weeks ago, to help during these challenging times of incredible expansion even in the midst of our personal isolation.

Thank you Adam Lightplay​ for recording this and sending it to me, and for upgrading the sound from that Sunday.

Blessings and Aloha,

“Essential Mysteries write it down” how Astral marketing blew me away.

The most amazing thing happened to me last month! Some of you already know this but for those who didn’t see this post somewhere else I wanted to post it on my blog too.

Ok the back story is that now and then I go onto Google and type in my name and make sure there are links to my various websites and such, since it is one of the ways I get my information out to people. I hadn’t done it for a long while so mid November I thought I’d go ahead and check it out since I was on my desktop and not my phone or iPad.

The first page was normal with links I would expect. The second page however had a photo of a lovely woman I didn’t know and beneath it was the title to my book. I was surprised and had the thought… no way another book with my same title LOL!

As it turns out this was a wonderful YouTube video review of my book by someone I had never met and still do not even know where she is from. It had been posted just the day before! (Remember I had not been looking up my stuff on Google for several months. But wait it gets better)

I posted it on my Facebook pages, and wrote a comment on her YouTube page to thank her.

Here is from her comment back to me

“Hi there Erika, when I tell you how I came along your wonderful book it’s another great story ☺ I was pretty annoyed with myself and thought everyone has great results meditating – so I ask for help – in the middle of the night I woke up hearing the word’s Essential Mysteries – write it down – I dream a lot this kind of way , so I wrote it down. The next morning I searched the net of course – nothing . Then I went on my kindle and here it was . I downloaded it and started my journey – found the proper book later and recommended it to a lot of my clients and they love your book, too. Thank you so much for this amazing journey. Love and Blessings 💖🙏💖 Marion”

I do that kind of search now and again just to see that I still show up etc. but never thought I’d find that review. This was the biggest validation of Spirit I could have gotten.

My intention is to get my book to all the people who would benefit from it. It looks like there are other wonderful helpers in this reality and on the Astral Plane helping me as well! OMG!

So here it is, please listen and enjoy and share far and wide! Let’s see if we can get it to go viral 💖

(And just as a point of clarification the book came out in 2009 not 2006).


Aloha and Blessings!!!



There’s a part of my heart that never aged.

Kept apart from the rest of my life, observing events, but not touched.

In amber…glowing golden, kept with other treasures, and memories.

Forgotten like so many things, that will reemerge at some predestined time when all is added back to us once more.

There’s a part of my heart that is still young, that is fresh and new and in awe.

(I had felt I had lost so much of it when Bowie passed, and now I see that there may be more than I knew.)

In me it blooms. Today I am reminded it was never lost.

No matter what the mirror reflects. I know now that I am not so old as I thought, and will never truly be, no one is…

I know now why the old men sit and reminisce, playing games in the park. 

I am reminded and renewed by reconnections and memories, coming to it from another place, with more understanding, the kind that only comes with age. 

Blessed am I, by my past. By the tender group of souls I came here with, some of them have moved on, and some of them, gratefully, are traveling with me still.

-Erika Katherine Ginnis

 from my yard 

Musings on coming out in the 70’s. I will miss you David Bowie. 

I remember striped glitter tube socks worn with platform shoes 6 big sparkly bracelets on each arm, walking arm in arm with a woman in pike place market not caring if people saw, even daring them to see. I remember my silver satin pants, the pink sequin shirt.
Multicolored hair, six inch platform boots, hanging on to one another as we traversed the cobblestones of Pioneer Square, so we didn’t fall.

Going to the 107 Club until 4am; The Trojan Shield for the drag shows, applied our red lipstick looking in the mirror at the end of that long single counter of the all night diner in-between.

Dancing at the Golden Crown, since I couldn’t get into the Silver Slipper (no fake ID, and that bar checked because it was all women), I don’t know if I ever made it in to that bar!
I remember the posters for the Double Header advertising Zee Whizz Kidz in their peacock capes. Glitter Rock and Gay bars. My life every weekend hitchhiking to Seattle after I came out in the 70’s.
And on my wall at home the open inside cover of Alladin Sane.

My fan girl crush and my hero, the first person who I ever knew was bisexual other than me.

I would gaze at your image. Androgynous and beautiful, otherworldly and amazing. You represented so much to me, gave me courage in your visibility to ask the hard question of myself and finally find the answer at such a young age; as I bounced back and forth between acceptance and terror.

There you were giving it all a name just by being, making it shiny and worthwhile giving me something to lean against and point to, a belonging.

You moved through the years with me, always there to check in with on the state of music and culture. Reminding me of where I came from.

There aren’t many of us left from my days on Occidental, it’s all changed.

I will always love you, and today it feels like I have lost a part of myself, makes my journey from that teenage girl to the woman no one would recognize as being the same if seen from a distance, (age making its alterations) all that more real.

And I wonder who I am, who I have become; once again asking the hard questions with you as my guide even now…am I being true to my own muse as you were so very true to yours? No. I think perhaps not. And then … what do I want to do about it.

RIP my lovely starlit man. Keep me company in spirit until I too find my way to where you have gone.

Aloha and Blessings,


Between one breath and the next.











Just for a moment
Your heart brings tears to your eyes

Just for a moment
Everything comes together to a point.

As realities converge
You see them
Like pointed pieces of a puzzle,
Transparent arrowheads
Tips all touching, the trailing edges branching out infinitely

And you remember the illusion
Just for a moment you remember.
You can see past it,
behind it,
through it

And you remember
That time and space are not constants
Nothing is static
And everything is possible.

Erika Ginnis