This is from back in May, and you may have seen it then as part of the entire service. I have just the talk now as a video so I am going to be cross-posting 🙂 it’s 28 minutes long and even though two months seems like an eternity these days, I believe it’s still useful and relevant. Blessings and aloha.
Tag: #erikaginnis
Heal Your Life – Gold Ribbon Guided Meditation with Reiki Harp
For your meditation and world healing pleasure.
This has been available for download here on my blog, however I wanted to make it more accessible and shareable by creating a YouTube video version. I just ask that you keep the creators names with the meditation, other than that please feel free to share freely. (I’ll eventually replace the side bar with this version.)
15 minute guided meditation, given as a gift to you. Gently leads you through working with soft gold energy to heal yourself and the world; allow the flow of well-being to sooth you and lift you up. Accompanied by the beautiful and powerful reiki harp work of Cymber Lily Quinn, which heals as you listen.
Heal Your Life – Gold Ribbon Guided Meditation with Reiki Harp
© Erika Ginnis
© Cymber Lily Quinn
Blessings and Aloha,
Hidden in plain sight. Changing our collective vision in isolation.

Since I’ve been spending more time at home than normal; so true for most of us these days (I made sure of it when I quit my other job just before the world went into isolation/quarantine 🙂 ). I have been noticing the increased frequency of the interesting, and not at all unheard of, experience of looking for something that I just know I have, that I remember putting in a particular place, and yet not finding it.
Also knowing it will eventually turn up (well only mostly knowing that, to be honest).
Then getting into some other project or trying to find something totally different (notice a trend here…nope not much for housework hahaha) and then finding the thing I’m looking for.
This has happened three times just in the last month. I found an Amazon Fire Stick that I spent hours looking for at Christmas because I had a friend I thought could use it. I KNEW I had it, I looked “everywhere” and it was not to be found.
A couple weeks ago (while looking for an AC adapter) I found it. On the shelf on my desk that is essentially at eye level(!!!). It was hiding in plain sight!
Two weeks ago I wanted to find my huge bottle of Turmeric that I knew I had (just having finished one, and knowing I had bought two way back when). I know where I keep my spices. I could not freaking find it. I started doubting that I had gotten it, thinking maybe I had used it all and not realized it.
Today when I was cooking I looked in the same place I looked before and sure enough THERE IT WAS (see photo with this post). It was also hiding in plain sight!
And now I’m looking for a bag of dice (ok I have three other bags…but this is the one with some of my favorite dice in it that I brought with me to Hawaiicon last year). Can I find it? Nope, not yet. However I did find the Turmeric and I think I may have found my adapter hahaha.
One could say that this is because I have reached the time in my life where I should just expect this hahaha.
I have also heard it explained (in a non-age related way 🙂 ) that it is the result of our vibration and that when we are out of alignment with something we actually can’t “see” it. Kind of like a radio not being tuned to a station, and once we tune to the vibration we can then see it, since we are on its wave length so to speak.
I’ve been taught that when we are trying too hard and using too much effort that it gums up the works on a spiritual level until we let it go, give up and then relax.
I have additionally heard it explained that our Oversoul (a term I first heard used in the Seth books by Jane Roberts), who is the one who keeps this version of our 3-D reality consistent day to day, forgot to materialize it momentarily, so we literally couldn’t see it.
This brings me back to our reality today (what day is it again?) when everything is in so much flux. I think perhaps the reason I’m finding these things all at once is partially due to not operating in a “business as usual” kind of way. (None of us are, we are navigating the ever changing waters of “nothing is as usual”.)
Maybe this is an indication of a larger trend, perhaps with the changes that are happening to all of us, in response to the viral threat, we are being jostled out of our normal day-to-day vision.
The vision where we see things as we think they are, just out of habit, rather than seeing how they actually are (or could be) in any given moment, possibly being out of phase with something. Maybe this applies to larger things.
What if there have been answers to long asked questions, inventions or cures or new approaches, that have been hiding in plain site, waiting for the right moment to be seen, just like my huge container of Turmeric.
I am really liking that idea so I’m going to go with it.
I’m not concerned at the moment whether that is due to a change in our collective vibration, so we line up with them; or our collective Oversoul making them easier to see in our virtual physical dimensional reality; or our collective and individual vision getting an upgrade. I just really like the idea of the things we are looking for being right in front of us all of a sudden.
Now if I could just find my old bag of many sided dice. I know it’s around here somewhere. (Grin).
Blessings and Aloha,
Art is.

Art is terrifying. Words are easier, although still scary sometimes. Poems more so than prose. Yet both of them still come out more fully formed, and so come equipped with a thicker skin, or I do when I make them. My intellect stands guard in some way, gives me a little distance. Just enough to breath.
Art, visual especially, and music as well as I think about this, are different for me; maybe different forms are different for each person. The cliche’ of putting your soul out there unprotected for other people to view and judge, is very real. It’s why, I now realize, that I haven’t been doing as much of it or sharing anything I had done, until very recently.
This started to change when I had to confront my own mortality this year. When I had to make decisions about what I was going to do with the rest of my life. Questions I never thought the whole world would be asking itself a month or two later.
When I was growing up I was always a visual artist, I embraced it, was confident in what I did to some degree. It was part of my identity. I was less secure in music at the time, and spent more years refining those skills in college and after.
When I got older I still did visual art but it was more to accompany my other projects. I did things that didn’t focus on the art, I used it to frame and hold my other works. I’d add it to my book here and there or put it on a webpage in a graphic or an ad, on a video; use it as part of a class, always as an addendum to another project. I think I felt that unless I had the medium I was used to, I couldn’t really do it. So I’d doodle or add a flourish here and there, or I’d save it to a file somewhere. Now I know why.
Doing my art as it’s own end, it’s own creation, is terrifying. Well perhaps not the doing of it, but the showing of it, feels like being vulnerable in a way I have spent a lifetime avoiding. It’s like there is no separation, it’s not intellectual, it’s not teaching or explaining something, it’s not being “useful” in a “must go to work” societal way, it’s this raw expression, just a part of me that exists for no other reason than to exist. By showing it, even in a casual way, invites the possibility that no one will like it at all. Or that they will.
It’s about being seen somehow. I’ve always known this to be true on some level, but it was visceral today. When someone said they liked something, it was so surprising, and so joyous, I felt like tinker-bell coming back to life when someone clapped.
I can’t make art for approval it’s not why I do it, I do art because I love to do it and because, as I’ve learned, I have to do it to survive, like breathing. Even so, at the same time it’s amazing how vulnerable it makes me feel to share it, wondering if anyone will see me, confirm in some way that I’m real, even if, or especially if, I’m not trying to please them. Yep Art is freaking terrifying.
And that’s OK.
Erika Ginnis
April 3, 2020
Tree of Life Meditation by Erika Ginnis. Recorded at Center for Spiritual Living East Hawaii March 22, 2020
Aloha All,
Hope you are safe and well and surfing the energy of the great waves of change.
Here is a short 6 minute Tree of Life meditation from a couple weeks ago, to help during these challenging times of incredible expansion even in the midst of our personal isolation.
Thank you Adam Lightplay for recording this and sending it to me, and for upgrading the sound from that Sunday.
Blessings and Aloha,