Balance for the equinox; for the coming alignments and our inner cosmic convergence; Sept 23-26th 2011.

There is a lot of information on the internet about the coming “Cosmic Convergence” of Sept 23-26th 2011; and while it may have outer manifestations; on occasion I remind myself to look within and see where these events are taking place in the inner realms.


It’s been a really wild ride lately. So much goodness and so much to distract from the Truth of who we are! Interesting times as they say. I have been doing a lot of living, and not so much of the writing about it all 🙂 I had the opportunity to go deep this evening and had some good information come forward. This is such a good thing, as I have been so very taken by the appearances in my day to day world. I feel like I am swimming coming up for air and diving under; repeat as necessary.


This is what comes to me as important.


Remember the love remember the balance, remember that everything around you is an ever unfolding process that looks stationary but is always in flux and in movement. Remember that even at the heart of the matter that there is movement and action and vibration and becoming-ness.


This is the place to put your wonder; the place to connect to and dance with; this is where to put your “stock”. The energy that gathers itself into galaxies and stars and quantum eddies is not separate from Its creation but it IS the creation. It is part and parcel to this incredible evolving amazingness that we call life. Life is Good; the very essence of Life is Goodness; tap into that truth and ride it through all the shifting and changing waters that break against the shores of your consciousness.


Fear not; tempting as it is. There are so many things coming to the surface and then flowing away. Fear not because what you think of as solid is only a temporary form and it is changing even as you look at it. Trust the Love; trust the Heart; trust that there is a Divine balance in all things no matter the appearances. Remember the core; remember the Heart.


What if everything changes entirely tomorrow or the next day, what if all the structures that you worry about had no meaning, what if it all changed on a “dime”. How would that effect your position today? What if the future you are worrying about never came to pass? What if there was a moment and in that moment all expanded and melted; erasing all those things that worry you? How would that change what you are doing today? How would that change what you are thinking about; if you knew that, if you really felt that? Fear not.


Find your balance in the mystery, stand in the question, let the breezes of infinite possibility lift your heart and ruffle your hair, let it caress your cheeks and spark your interest.


Take a break from worry. Put it off for a week or two weeks, come back to it if you want to but for now, put it on the shelf next to those old photos you haven’t put into a binder yet. Let it just be for now. Turn your attention to the idea that at any moment the perfection of creation may show Its face to you, be ready, be on the look out for this, don’t be distracted, be called…be on call. The phone may ring at any time.


What if we really didn’t know how it all turns out, what if it ended up being so much grander than we could ever imagine. How would that change our thoughts and focus today? Relax into balance; the entry into fall, the equinox, the movement of the seasons, the wheel turning.




Now for a nice chakra balancing meditation…


Ground and center and breath.


Create and destroy some roses and let your energy flow…


Close your eyes and imagine in front of you an old fashioned gauge, like the kind you might have found in a recording studio. The kind that measures amps with a pointer that moves from left to right.

Imagine that the left is black and the right is red (or red and green as the one pictured) and that right in the center straight up, is the zero point, the balance point.


Since we are a lot like a battery in our vibrating energy, it can be really helpful to balance ourselves now and again. The equinox is a perfect time to remember to do this…


Starting with your awareness at your first chakra, turn your awareness back to the gauge. Let this gauge represent your balance (balancing giving/receiving, yin/yang, male/female, positive/negative poles) for this chakra. Don’t be surprised if the needle fluctuates back and forth; that is not unusual.


As you breathe and ground; begin to create and destroy roses to release energy, and watch the gauge; keep this up until the gauge reads straight up zero/balance point. Take all the time you need.


Ground off the excess energy and let the process be enjoyable as you do this. This is your balance for today, it doesn’t mean 50/50 is simply means balance for you in this moment. It can be a lovely realignment for your energy.


Repeat this process for each chakra 1-7.


After you have done the 7 main chakras, do three more things.





  1. Do the same exercise for the balance between your hand chakras and your 7th chakra
  2. Do it once again for the balance between your feet chakras and your first chakra.


Finally create that gauge one more time and balance head & heart. This balance is the fertile ground for wisdom, and is a wonderful thing to cultivate.


As you balance and align yourself you heal everyone else as well. Thank you, and blessed be.





Here is a youtube of the wave hitting Kona.

We here in Puna were so blessed. Everyone was evacuated that was within the inundation zone; since I am 300 feet above sea level I stayed put and had friends come stay with me that were evacuated.

Here is a good video of the wave hitting the other side of the island over in Kona.

Please join me in sending energy blessing and healing to all the people in Japan and everywhere where the damage happened.

May all Blessed be.

Aloha and blessings,

Dawn of Unity; Big ol wave of energy & now a Tsunami siren oh my!

Faith and TrustOk so it was my birthday this last weekend, and so I was preparing for the personal shift that always comes around my birthday as I go through my solar return (astrological name term for b-day :)) and had heard some about the shift in energy that would be occurring that was being referred to as the Dawn of Unity Day. I had only recently heard that term specifically but I had been to a talk a few months back and watched a movie by Barbara Marx Hubbard that mentioned the shifting that has been occurring over millennia and continues to this day as a series of quantum shifts in evolution on the planet.

There is also information about this regarding 2012, and making reference of the (Bolon Yokte Ku, the cosmic pyramid) and how it shows the distance in time between these quantum leaps forward; with the latest one starting March 9th and being referred to as the Dawn of Unity Day; showing that they are occurring more and more rapidly and positing that we are in a very accelerated phase in the evolution of consciousness on this planet. Here is some additional information on that

Ok so that is all well and good and since I do the kind of work I do with my clients I have my finger on the pulse of some of these changes and how people respond to them; however I am often not prepared for the big-o-wave of energy that happens whenever something like this shifts!! Seriously…I talk about it here a lot and I am about to do it again; this is one BIG HUGE SHIFT in energy hahaah; have you noticed?

An update as I am writing this blog post, there was an 8.8 earthquake in Japan, one just hit me here on my computer and now a Tsumani warning here on the island; which is amazing considering the rest of the blog post which was happening before I knew this was going on. Ok so onto what I was saying…

Shifts aren’t always bad, they are just change, and people respond to change in various ways. How do you respond? I know that one way that is optional but often really easy to go to is fear. It’s completely understandable, and in it we often want to point at something or someone that can be causing the fear and make them stop thank-you-very-much! Or perhaps we go the other way and want to cling to something in the past that we felt comfortable in or that is known; which is fine but the potential there is that rather than moving forward and expanding this often comfortable thing, we can instead project ourselves backward in the past with that thing/person/event and not do us any good either, and can actually lead to a feeling of depression (to learn more about present time as a healing vibration

But what if the fear is actually an indication of something else; and in paying attention to that and adjusting energetically we can have a better experience of all of these changes?

I am going to use (drum roll please) an analogy (shocking I know because it’s so rare :)). I have used a similar analogy before and it kinda makes sense since I live where I live and I am literally surrounded by water on all sides (perfect for me btw). It came up when I was speaking with someone recently and in the expression of it I realized that it was something I should put out on my blog because these things are happening to all of us.

There are Big things happening all over; in everyone’s life there are things that are “a moving and a shakin’” it’s almost common place now except that it is always new and different. Take the island I am on for an example; and the more than 100 earthquakes we had on Saturday and the stupendous show that Madame Pele’ is putting on with the new vent on the volcano and lava shooting 65 feet into the air, those are BIG things, and hard to miss!

Just remember that these shifts are NOT personal; meaning that the Universe isn’t out to get you. These shifts as a whole, are on purpose, planned for (on some much larger vibratory level that we often have forgotten about) and are part of the birthing process of the “New” (anyone that has given birth or been at a birth can tell you that it’s sometimes kinda messy, but well worth it in the long run). These shifts are not personal they are global at the very least; how we deal with them however is very personal.

Our personal experience of the planet and the changes we are going through can make it feel like we are all alone in this sea of uncertainty. We can in that moment wonder if we did something wrong to cause this or are being punished or are not living up to some kind of ideal and are falling way short. How we frame things really informs our experience. The “frame” is the story we tell ourselves. The story, if we tell it long enough or well enough will start to be our personal mythic journey, so it’s always good to make sure we like the one we are telling. If you have a story that says you aren’t good enough, or are lacking in some needed aspects I would consider changing it ASAP. This is not to say that there aren’t things that you might want to change, get better at, or even stop doing altogether, but it’s the story around all of those things and how you relate to it can totally morph how all that unfolds; and more importantly how it feels as it is happening.

So getting back to my analogy (thought I forgot didn’t you?). I was talking to someone today about being on a raft out on the ocean. You have this raft and maybe it isn’t the ship you’d like it to be or that it may one day be, but it’s a good sized raft and pretty seaworthy. You are dry and happy on your raft floating around on the blue sea…minding your own business and then wham! A huge wave comes out of nowhere and totally splashes you off your raft into the water (how rude). All of a sudden things are not so easy and you are getting all wet and there’s some water in your ears and your hairs all flat against your head (you get the idea). This is an analogy of being in your zone and getting hit “upside the head” with a big ol wave of energy like is happening these days and especially this week, just the power of the shift can land you in the water totally off of your comfortable easy to navigate place on your raft.

This has the potential to be pretty upsetting (ya think??); you could decide to get down on yourself and decide that you are a failure in some way, or possible get kind of scared of the fact that you are now awash in the middle of the ocean. You have another choice; you can remember that you have a tether to your raft (much like a boogie board or surfboard can have a tether so you don’t lose it in the waves) and notice that it isn’t any farther away than your tether, and that if you hang on you can get your head out of the water and then eventually get your butt back up onto your raft.

I know this is an analogy (or reality depending on ones location) but it’s so very close to what is happening to the best and worst of us these days on planet earth. Things are really changing. It’s not your imagination. Remember though… you CAME HERE for this, it’s not personal, when new energy hits then whatever is up for you, is the next level of stuff to clear. Remember that everyone is going through some variation of this because we are all here experiencing these waves. As you do your own work and get back onto your raft (ie find your zone again, get your alignment back, adjust to the change, go through your growth period…there are lots of names for this) you can be of greater help to others. Add to the analogy that there are a bunch of people also in the water and they will be needing to see you and the fact you seem to have this raft for Gods sake!

If you are on your raft you can also remind them that they have flotation devices around their necks and if they just pull the rip cord they will have a mini raft all of their own. This of course speaking to the fact that we all come equipped with what we need even in the midst of great change; but sometimes someone else has to remind us.

Time is happening so quickly these days (faster than we think sometimes). It takes some adjustment. Sometimes things come up and we are totally in fear…wondering how we are going to get from point A to point B in one piece. We forget that we have gone through things like this before and made it through to the other side. Plus if we ask we will always get help, and often it’s miraculous in appearance.

Have you ever noticed how quickly we forget these miracles though? It’s as if as soon as something moves into the physical plane (we get that unexpected check, or the test comes back with really good news…) that we forget that it was a spirit thing first and then became a physical thing not the other way around. It’s like as soon as we get over the elation of being pulled out of “certain death” (which is often what it feels like…no matter how small the problem) we start with our intellectual process about how we can now point at the ways this thing came about; even though minutes before we were praying our butts off asking the Universe for some Divine guidance and or intervention :).

The important question is and continues to be “Who is your Source”? The answer to that question will be asked again and again through these earth changes. Who is your source; is it your job (better hope you keep it) or your clients (better hope they stick around) or your spouse (you know the drill by now on this one)…OR is it the Universal energy of Givingness and Wellbeing and Health and Love and Prosperity coming t-h-r-o-u-g-h those people places and things, showing up AS them?

To the degree that you can remember that everything starts out as energy (literally everything) and that the Source of all of that is what is actually coming to you, then when things gets all “shifty” you can bounce back way faster.

This is one of the reasons that I suggest people have what I call an “answered prayer journal” you can also call it “magick that worked” or “demonstrations of Good” or whatever you want, the name is less important than the thing itself and what’s in it.

In my answered prayer journal I have listed over the years, things that have gone really well; especially things that I had no idea of how they were going to work out and then something happened and I was totally in awe of how the Universe worked it out for me. I don’t put everything down, maybe someday I will be even more disciplined about it, but it doesn’t have to be perfect for it to be really valuable.

When I get into a place where I am feeling afraid or uncertain or any of the other possible less than ideal feeling states that happen when I am freaking the frick out 🙂 I pull out my journal and read it from the beginning. I start to see evidence (my former work as a Research Chemist still in me somewhere… I love supporting data!) of how over and over again even when I could not see how in the world something would be able to come through or get fixed or heal, that it did; and that it worked itself not only out, but worked out splendidly; often better than I could have “planned”.

If you don’t have one, start it the next time something works out really well. Add to it when you asked for help and got it, when you needed that money for that bill and suddenly something came to you out of the blue, when any prayer is answered (however you define prayer). This is a little like a gratitude journal (which I also have) but it is more specific, and it is so awesome to have when something throws you for a loop, something like say a Tsunami warning siren!

Aloha and blessings!


Love is the source code of this reality…Welcome February.

It is that time in the year when our attention in drawn towards love. Hearts and flowers, and perhaps even chocolate; all of which I am a total fan of by the way!

There is a lot of information about the origins of what we speak of as “Valentines day” most of which are interesting, surprising, and valid. None of which I am going to write on today (doncha just love me!!).

I am going to take this at face value and speak about the expressed reason for the upcoming celebration. I am going to look at it from a completely different angle. This comes from something that came to me while working today with 4 different people on four seemingly different things.

It is the reason why this kind of work actually “works” why metaphysics or healing or energetics aren’t just words but call forth actual experience. So put on your goggles and join me in inner and outer space. I am going to speak on Love.

Love is the source code of this reality. It is what everything is built from and built on. It is at the core of every particle, every idea, every thought, and every cell.

It is the fundamental building block of this Universe. It is the single indivisible particle at the heart of all particles, that is itself the entirely in which the particles move in and return to. It is the wave form; the Om; the Alpha and the Omega.

Love is the note that birthed the chorus and still sings in the surrounding harmonics and ringing overtones.

Find it, return to it and you have in your hands the basis for all creation and all manifestation. Reside in it and you will find at once that place that holds the stillness between the undeniable impulse to expand in all directions and all dimensions; and the total fulfillment and richness of the singular moment;  desire without need, enthusiasm without fear.

(100% commitment and 100% nonattachment)

Embrace the triune nature that is created and maintained by Love: The enthusiasm of initiation and forward movement; complete fulfillment and contentment in the perfection of the existent unfolding “now”; and the paradox of momentarily infinite space between these states, within which whole galaxies can reside.

Love calls to itself and it expands because of itself.

It is what we feel and think of as love, in all its many forms; but beyond that as well. The love within us when we find it; feel it; connect to it; is the terminal through which we access the enormity of Life’s expression.

Travel at the speed of Love.

Faster than the speed of light, faster even than the speed of thought. It has no need to traverse distances because it is already at the destination; it is simply a shift of focus and perception. Have your attention on something and perceive it; find yourself shifted by the “addition” of Love and your perception immediately changes.


1. Think of someone who had been annoying you; someone in your life you are having a hard time loving. This can be someone close to you, or someone in the world at large.

2. Spend some time every day from now until Valentines Day thinking of them in a new way. Imagine them with the kind of deep things that you would want/seek for yourself; imagine them happy and well, understood, accepted, appreciated, surrounded by people who really know them and cherish them, see them as feeling safe, secure and loved, held in the gentlest most caring arms imaginable.

3. Do this daily. Granted you may feel at first that you have to fake it for a few days (sometimes it can help imagining them as a young child…everybody was one at one time) just give it time. Ideally you will do this until they can walk through your mind unharmed 🙂

4. Do not tell them about this, or make a big outward deal about it. You are not actually doing this for them. You are doing it for you. It will change not only your relationship with them, but it will change your relationship to your reality. Trust me. It is worth every minute you spend on it.

Love is the source code of this reality. Get out your code book and start where you can start. Pet your cat, hug your dog, hold your child, cherish the characters in a favorite book whose actions you may not agree with but whose heart you understand. Some author somewhere knew them and placed them in the events; told their story. From within their journey they spoke to you and you came to love them. You understand them because they were written from Love.

Translate that to you.

Aloha and Blessings,



Eclipse and Winter Solstice December 2010; Expansive shifts and Returning Light.

"credit nasa"

Remember May and September…I do. And yes here we are again with another visit of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. In May/June it was in Aries; in September in Pisces opposite Virgo…(

We are back again with this expansive duo but this time we have so much more involved; there are things that will be completed from that time as well since we are not just visiting this transit but we also have Mercury in retrograde (all about going back over things and seeing things we missed the first time) as well as so many other transits (Eclipse, Solstice & T-squares oh my).

Note: for those that start to nod off when I go into things like “degrees and aspects” stay with me, it will be done ever so quickly :).

So the players in this eclipse as we remember them; Jupiter and Uranus (sudden expansive shifts and unexpected weather), conjunct at 25 and 26 degree Pisces (empathic psychic dreamer of the One dream), square the eclipsing moon at 29 degree Sagittarius and the sun at 29 degrees Cancer (29 degrees is a karmic degree of completion.. time to finish what has been started) which is also conjunct (within 3 degrees) of Mercury which is retrograde 26 Sagittarius; and the north node (north node has to do with where we are heading…think of the north node like a set of headphones where we listen to information about where we want to be pointing). Pluto is in the mix (all about power, death and rebirth). The moon is also trine Neptune (the inner and outer mystic) and Chiron (the wounded healer) who are conjunct in Aquarius (the eccentric/electric visionary).

Add to this the fact all of this is happening as an eclipse occurring at the Winter Solstice (as the sun enters Capricorn). “Lunar Eclipse Dec 21 in the end of Gemini squared by Uranus, Winter Solstice with the Sun entering Capricorn”

This astrological configuration hasn’t happened for nearly 500 years (do you recall something similar about that grand cardinal cross of this past fall?). If you feel like everything is just too wonky, or changing too darn fast thank-you-very-much. If you are breathing and wondering if you are on a much larger merry go round than you thought, or if it’s just you. Fear not (and I really mean that, be fearless) it’s not just you…it’s in the air…(ah heck add in the water, earth and fire for good measure). Seriously; it’s not your imagination, things truly are this interesting!

Every time I think it just can’t get anymore interesting it does..:) I am thinking there are folks up in the bleachers getting a great seat for the show that just keeps unfolding here on this lovely planet called earth.

That’s nothing compared to those of us who are fortunate enough to have planned for and get to be here, actually IN the action. I believe that if you are here, it is absolutely on purpose! And in fact preplanned and who knows what you had to tip your travel agent to get you into an amazing virtual reality experience of this kind of magnitude. It’s not that I think all of this isn’t real, I do; and every day I am blown away by how very real it is. It’s just that it isn’t the only thing that is real (Spirit being timeless and all) and so one can view it from a distance, or right deep into the action of it all.

Imagine if you will, if you had the opportunity to be right in the middle of an amazing wave of influence; to be able to ride it and dive in and out of it, even tune the vibration of it; as you watch the incredible dawn of the new light of spiritual evolution emerge within a race of beings, on a beautiful and sentient planet?

Sounds like a great flick right? I’d totally go! I love that kind of thing. Now let’s add 3-D (you know where this is going if you have read my other posts of course but let’s take the journey anyway)…this is the kind of 3-D where you are so in the experience you can taste the tastes and smell the smells…it’s just so LIFE LIKE. Would you wait in line for that kind of experience? (Heck I waited in line for Star Wars, it was such an epic adventure.)Well if you are reading this I am thinking the answer is yes. What an amazing and awe inspiring time to be alive; or even (for those not currently incarnating) in the vicinity!

This eclipse and the solstice are about the return of the light on many different levels; touching many different things within us. It is happening during a retrograde period (Mercury) which is keeping us in place for the moment. This being a good thing, so that we look back from where we have come and look ahead to where we desire to go, but we are held in the moment between the in and out breath; which is one of the powerful things about the Solstice in general. It’s that pause, that moment of rest between one state and another, between the longest night of darkness and the movement back into light; it is literally a pause in motion, like that moment on a swing when you stop for just a brief moment, and it feels like you could fly, it is weightlessness. It’s Spirit.

Here is my translation of this series of transits in a nutshell

Illuminated by the returning light there are sudden and expansive shifts which uncover more of our part in the One dream; showing us what it is time to complete so that we can take our next steps. We remember what we brought with us from the past lives we have individually and collectively lived so that we can hear the information that is coming to us from our future. We face our fear of transitions and death and move into our power; becoming new in the process. By finding our affinity and connection and empathy we stand with our tender places; where we have been hurt or misunderstood and by tending to them we move into the higher vibration of our ongoing evolution.

So let us take that pause, and align ourselves back up with our course, so that we can put the light to the best use possible to illuminate our way. If we are waiting for it all to be over I think we will get way too tired way too early. Let’s change that paradigm. Let’s perhaps think of those marathon Lord of the Rings epics; you know…where it’s so exciting and you want the conclusion but you don’t really want it to end; or perhaps a fabulous conversation or a seven course dinner, or falling in love; things that we want to really experience and draw out as long as we can.

Within all this I want to reiterate; please be gentle with yourself. You wouldn’t unroll a new leaf on a plant and expect it to be fully formed and shiny before its time. It’s still tender and delicate as it starts to unfurl. Be at least that kind to yourself and to the other beings you encounter on this journey; and if you see a path clear a little bit more than someone who may be stressed or frightened, share your light; it will definitely come back to you.

Use this Solstice to release what no longer serves you; even if those things were once very good. Release what has gone before and keep your eye and heart on the unfolding center of expanding consciousness. Use the eclipse and the last bit of Mercury retrograde and 2010 to see what has been hidden; keep the treasures and recycle anything else; bring only what serves you into 2011.

Aloha and Blessings,


Here are some treats…
Astronomy picture of the day- (if you are reading this on a day other than the 20th please look for that day on this site).

And some information on the astronomy from this web site.

“Four astronomical events will be happening on December 21 and that means we have a lot to see in the sky during this day. Dec. 21 will be a full moon and it will also be the annual Winter Solstice. The astronomical spectacle does not end there because parts of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere will be seeing a total lunar eclipse and others might just be lucky to see the Ursids meteor shower.

The Ursids meteor shower is rarely seen due to the fact that compared to other meteor showers this one is less bright, however, due to the total lunar eclipse happening that day it will be a chance to see it. The Ursids meteor shower begins December 17 and will end until December 26. If you want to see it then try to focus your attention near the star Beta Ursae Minoris (Kochab) in the constellation Ursa Minor.”
