Given recent events.
The world can use some light and healing.
For those of you who want a guided way to send energy to those in need, in Paris and the world. Here is my free Gold Ribbon Heal Your World meditation, I did in conjunction with Reiki Harpist Cymber Lily Quinn.
Sound cloud link here
Here is another link, to the same meditation, this to Cymber’s page.
guided healing meditation
For those who want the written version.
You can do this in a group or by yourself. If you are in a group I would suggest sitting in a circle and working with the energy inside of the circle.
If you are working “by yourself” (and I put that in quotes because it really just means that we are the only one physically present when we are working; we are never really alone on a spiritual level) my suggestion is to sit in a comfortable chair (like you would when you are meditating in general) imagine that you are joined in a circle by your “spiritual entourage”, meaning your guides, or your ancestors, or the Fairies of the Universe, or whomever you would want to ask you to join in for some energetic enhancement on a planetary level.
Ground and center and possibly create and destroy some roses (if you aren’t familiar with this I have included links)
Get your own energy running and find your own peaceful centered place. Breathe and relax and know that all is well and that you are adding to energy that is already flowing and in motion for the Greater Yet to be.
- Close your eyes and imagine/create/be aware of a warm Gold energy. This is an angelic energy, a wonderful neutral cleansing balancing vibration that is associated with the experience of the emergence of our inner Divinity higher self in harmony with physical reality.
- Let a column of this gold vibration flow from infinity into and through the planet until it reaches the center of the earth; imagine it as a waterfall of bright energy flowing from far above you into the center of the circle you have created and flowing down into the planet.
- Sit along side of this energy and bask in its warmth and light that radiates outward. Let this energy heal, cleanse, balance you and your life and your circle and the planet. Let it enhance the natural goodness which is already here and eternally present.
Breath and ground and observe the flow of energy with your minds eye, or with your awareness.
- Let the golden energy flow through the sun and through Venus and through the Earth; allow it to cleanse and balance all the energies as they flow from the galactic center to our lovely little home. Let it assist with the harmonic comfortable balance of spirit and matter.
- Next allow ribbons of this energy to venture out from the main flow. Let these ribbons of gold energy flow out to anywhere on the planet where they are needed. You don’t have to know what or where, although you can certainly watch where they go if you wish.
- Notice these ribbons of golden light as they flow to heal any hurts or pain,
- comfort those that are alone or afraid,
- flow and encourage people,
- aid in their alignment with their highest best natures,
- flow to the oceans and the mountains.
- You do not have to direct the ribbons, simple know that there is what which knows what to do and how to do it, and allow that to move within the gold energy as is flows to where it is needed.
- BTW it is completely appropriate to allow one of the ribbons to flow to you. 🙂 There is an unending supply of this loving warm golden light.
Let yourself (if you wish) ask this energy of enlightenment if there is any information that would be useful to you personally for your own unfoldment. Be still and let the information come to you in whatever way you like; images, words, pictures, feelings.
Let this process unfold as it needs to; and at some point you will feel it’s completion. Let the ribbons join the main flow. breath and release energy down your grounding.
Thank the energy and thank your guidance. Know that you have done a great service to the planet and to your own life. Know that you do make a difference. You rock. 🙂
- let this energy flow into the earth and release it, so that the column is no longer there. Take time and ground and release excess energy keeping anything you need for yourself and your body.
- bend forward and release energy from your head and shoulders into the earth; come back up when you are ready. Make some notes if it feels good to do so, so you can remember your experience.
Thank yourself for taking the time to do this. And please also accept my thanks in advance. You are a Divine spark of the All that Is. I honor your light.
Bright Blessings and Aloha,