Eclipse and Winter Solstice December 2010; Expansive shifts and Returning Light.

"credit nasa"

Remember May and September…I do. And yes here we are again with another visit of the Jupiter Uranus conjunction. In May/June it was in Aries; in September in Pisces opposite Virgo…(

We are back again with this expansive duo but this time we have so much more involved; there are things that will be completed from that time as well since we are not just visiting this transit but we also have Mercury in retrograde (all about going back over things and seeing things we missed the first time) as well as so many other transits (Eclipse, Solstice & T-squares oh my).

Note: for those that start to nod off when I go into things like “degrees and aspects” stay with me, it will be done ever so quickly :).

So the players in this eclipse as we remember them; Jupiter and Uranus (sudden expansive shifts and unexpected weather), conjunct at 25 and 26 degree Pisces (empathic psychic dreamer of the One dream), square the eclipsing moon at 29 degree Sagittarius and the sun at 29 degrees Cancer (29 degrees is a karmic degree of completion.. time to finish what has been started) which is also conjunct (within 3 degrees) of Mercury which is retrograde 26 Sagittarius; and the north node (north node has to do with where we are heading…think of the north node like a set of headphones where we listen to information about where we want to be pointing). Pluto is in the mix (all about power, death and rebirth). The moon is also trine Neptune (the inner and outer mystic) and Chiron (the wounded healer) who are conjunct in Aquarius (the eccentric/electric visionary).

Add to this the fact all of this is happening as an eclipse occurring at the Winter Solstice (as the sun enters Capricorn). “Lunar Eclipse Dec 21 in the end of Gemini squared by Uranus, Winter Solstice with the Sun entering Capricorn”

This astrological configuration hasn’t happened for nearly 500 years (do you recall something similar about that grand cardinal cross of this past fall?). If you feel like everything is just too wonky, or changing too darn fast thank-you-very-much. If you are breathing and wondering if you are on a much larger merry go round than you thought, or if it’s just you. Fear not (and I really mean that, be fearless) it’s not just you…it’s in the air…(ah heck add in the water, earth and fire for good measure). Seriously; it’s not your imagination, things truly are this interesting!

Every time I think it just can’t get anymore interesting it does..:) I am thinking there are folks up in the bleachers getting a great seat for the show that just keeps unfolding here on this lovely planet called earth.

That’s nothing compared to those of us who are fortunate enough to have planned for and get to be here, actually IN the action. I believe that if you are here, it is absolutely on purpose! And in fact preplanned and who knows what you had to tip your travel agent to get you into an amazing virtual reality experience of this kind of magnitude. It’s not that I think all of this isn’t real, I do; and every day I am blown away by how very real it is. It’s just that it isn’t the only thing that is real (Spirit being timeless and all) and so one can view it from a distance, or right deep into the action of it all.

Imagine if you will, if you had the opportunity to be right in the middle of an amazing wave of influence; to be able to ride it and dive in and out of it, even tune the vibration of it; as you watch the incredible dawn of the new light of spiritual evolution emerge within a race of beings, on a beautiful and sentient planet?

Sounds like a great flick right? I’d totally go! I love that kind of thing. Now let’s add 3-D (you know where this is going if you have read my other posts of course but let’s take the journey anyway)…this is the kind of 3-D where you are so in the experience you can taste the tastes and smell the smells…it’s just so LIFE LIKE. Would you wait in line for that kind of experience? (Heck I waited in line for Star Wars, it was such an epic adventure.)Well if you are reading this I am thinking the answer is yes. What an amazing and awe inspiring time to be alive; or even (for those not currently incarnating) in the vicinity!

This eclipse and the solstice are about the return of the light on many different levels; touching many different things within us. It is happening during a retrograde period (Mercury) which is keeping us in place for the moment. This being a good thing, so that we look back from where we have come and look ahead to where we desire to go, but we are held in the moment between the in and out breath; which is one of the powerful things about the Solstice in general. It’s that pause, that moment of rest between one state and another, between the longest night of darkness and the movement back into light; it is literally a pause in motion, like that moment on a swing when you stop for just a brief moment, and it feels like you could fly, it is weightlessness. It’s Spirit.

Here is my translation of this series of transits in a nutshell

Illuminated by the returning light there are sudden and expansive shifts which uncover more of our part in the One dream; showing us what it is time to complete so that we can take our next steps. We remember what we brought with us from the past lives we have individually and collectively lived so that we can hear the information that is coming to us from our future. We face our fear of transitions and death and move into our power; becoming new in the process. By finding our affinity and connection and empathy we stand with our tender places; where we have been hurt or misunderstood and by tending to them we move into the higher vibration of our ongoing evolution.

So let us take that pause, and align ourselves back up with our course, so that we can put the light to the best use possible to illuminate our way. If we are waiting for it all to be over I think we will get way too tired way too early. Let’s change that paradigm. Let’s perhaps think of those marathon Lord of the Rings epics; you know…where it’s so exciting and you want the conclusion but you don’t really want it to end; or perhaps a fabulous conversation or a seven course dinner, or falling in love; things that we want to really experience and draw out as long as we can.

Within all this I want to reiterate; please be gentle with yourself. You wouldn’t unroll a new leaf on a plant and expect it to be fully formed and shiny before its time. It’s still tender and delicate as it starts to unfurl. Be at least that kind to yourself and to the other beings you encounter on this journey; and if you see a path clear a little bit more than someone who may be stressed or frightened, share your light; it will definitely come back to you.

Use this Solstice to release what no longer serves you; even if those things were once very good. Release what has gone before and keep your eye and heart on the unfolding center of expanding consciousness. Use the eclipse and the last bit of Mercury retrograde and 2010 to see what has been hidden; keep the treasures and recycle anything else; bring only what serves you into 2011.

Aloha and Blessings,


Here are some treats…
Astronomy picture of the day- (if you are reading this on a day other than the 20th please look for that day on this site).

And some information on the astronomy from this web site.

“Four astronomical events will be happening on December 21 and that means we have a lot to see in the sky during this day. Dec. 21 will be a full moon and it will also be the annual Winter Solstice. The astronomical spectacle does not end there because parts of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere will be seeing a total lunar eclipse and others might just be lucky to see the Ursids meteor shower.

The Ursids meteor shower is rarely seen due to the fact that compared to other meteor showers this one is less bright, however, due to the total lunar eclipse happening that day it will be a chance to see it. The Ursids meteor shower begins December 17 and will end until December 26. If you want to see it then try to focus your attention near the star Beta Ursae Minoris (Kochab) in the constellation Ursa Minor.”


Venus Retrograde October 8th 2010; By the Light of an old Flame.

"The Birth of Venus" by Botticelli 1485Here is yet another in my series of posts about astrology; and while this isn’t just an astrological blog, there have been so many interesting and powerful transits recently, I am just compelled to write about them; especially when people keep asking “what the heck is up??”.

So there are a few more things happening in the skies that are effecting us; Venus, Mars and then eventually Mercury once again. This will bring us to the end of the year.

I am not sure if I will talk much about the next Mercury retrograde period in this post since it’s a ways off, but just know that not too long after Venus goes back direct, Mercury will be set to go into retrograde in December so it’s been a “whole lotta retrogrades going on” this last few months.

So back to what I intended to write about!! Venus…

Venus is going…well I should say gone (by the time you read this) retrograde.

A little about retrograde.

All the planets show apparent retrograde motion at one time or another. I say apparent because they really don’t physically go backwards, it’s about how it looks to us.

They orbit the Sun as we do, and so when we observe them in the skies and chart their patterns during a year or two, we will see that they look like they are going forward for a time and then backwards for a time. Retrograde is when they move backwards from the point of view of the Earth (where we view them); therefore they go backwards through the astrological signs since we use the earth as the focal point of astrology. These movements are significant and have effects that can be felt and observed in our lives.

You might ask why in the world this would have any effect at all, since it is all an illusion. Good question! However there are as many answers to that  question as  there are people to answer it  🙂

My take on it is that “this” (meaning all of this loveliness we call the physical plane) is all actually an illusion in one manner or another (that screen you are viewing is really a whole lot of  points of light given instructions by a bunch of zeros and ones; and that chair you are sitting in is actually a bunch of  atoms and molecules made up of primarily empty space; at the outer edge of which are electron clouds whose position can only truly be called a “probability”) so I figure it’s all good and we can find usable truth in a lot of places. I personally find a lot in astrology, it’s a great language to talk about our collective consciousness and our larger energetic nature; it gives some good sign posts to watch pointing to tendencies and movement of energy so I am very happy working with it.

Ok back to planets…

Each planet has different aspects and qualities associated with them. Mercury retrograde gets a lot of air play because we are such a communications based society and so when Mercury (which is associated with communication among other things) goes into retrograde we can really feel it; plus it goes retrograde several times a year since it moves so fast in general (the winged messenger doncha know!).  Venus however moves much more slowly than our winged friend and so she only goes retrograde every 18 months or so, but when Venus is retrograde it lasts longer (about 6 weeks).

The planet Venus (Goddess of Love) is all about Love, romance, marriage and partnerships, aesthetics, beauty and fashion, money and wealth, feelings, emotions and relationships, female energy and interaction,  desire,  social attitudes and behavior. Venus symbolizes female relationships and social interactions in general. Where she is in our charts or in the heavens also influences our values, capacity for humor, and the pursuit of pleasure….plus hearts and flowers 🙂 (that last part I just threw in but I stand by it).

When Venus goes retrograde is can feel like everything has gone a little dull, people can feel they are less beautiful; it can be like looking out of a window that needs to be cleaned, everything looks a little grayer than normal.

People tend to get a bit more serious, and wonder where all the “fun” went. Well silly it’s cuz Venus our supreme party girl has left the building!! She isn’t really gone, she is just gone to take a powder for a few weeks, she is relaxing at a spa somewhere and so we are on our own more than normal to really cultivate our inner beauty and remember that our worth isn’t about external things at all… it’s, as they say, an inside job.

Venus retrograde changes our perception of what is valuable or what we desire. This is why people often suggest that it is NOT the time to redo your hair into a new style or color, or redecorate your house. The reason being that things that appear to us as “can’t live without” during this transit, will quickly move into the “re-gifting” pile once Venus is direct again (hmmm just in time for the holidays 🙂 ). It’s fine of course, to continue with things you started before this all came down; meaning you don’t have to wait if you have already picked out your new furniture, it’s just making the new decisions will be better served later.

It can be a great time to go antique buying or garage sale-ing AS LONG as you know the value. You can get great deals, since things may not appear as valuable during the transit, and so they don’t get scooped up. This is not the best time to look for property, unless again you really know the value. You might however get that loan you have been wanting if it’s been hard to do previously, since it’s all about perception; this transit shifts how things look, and how we perceive them.

Venus retrograde can be troublesome in some cases with relationships, and things tend to just go slower so try not to take stuff as personally if you can help it. Often we are forced to deal with deep feelings that have their origins in past events. However it can help resolve relationship issues that have been plaguing you in the past, it’s sometimes easier (with everyone so down to earth) to have those conversations that have been needed and perhaps even reconcile or resolve a troubled relationship, since folks aren’t nearly as distracted by pretty shiny things. This is the time to go back and take care of unfinished business; emotional, financial, relational.

Venus retrograde is notorious for people popping out of the woodwork that you haven’t seen or thought of in a long time. Past friends, and especially past loves figure high on the guest list of things revisited. I know last Venus retrograde I have 5 different people find me from 30 years ago and reconnect. Don’t be surprised if you have a lot of “blasts from the past” show up as friend requests on one or another social networking site!

It isn’t a great time to go get big ticket luxury items, and in fact many of us may feel the sense of not being able to afford those things, since Venus effects the feeling of desire and affluence. I have to remind myself that this is a transit, meaning it is temporary!

Venus will be going retrograde this time in Scorpio, which is a heads up for folks with strong Scorpio in their charts. It will be a time for deep inner reflection for all of us, since Scorpio is so much about depth, and this inner reflection will occur especially around the topics that are ruled by Venus. It is also advised for us to be mindful about potential feelings of jealousy since they might come up until Venus backs up into Libra around November 8th.

One other thing, is that Mars (planet symbolizing the masculine energy, Yang, warrior energy, sex, power) is in Scoprio and oh so close to being conjunct with Venus…ahhhh but no, not quite!! Just before the consummation of this conjunction Venus turns around and says ahhh nope, and goes retrograde. So it’s conjunction interruptus (bad I know couldn’t help it LOL), or maybe more like Tantra!  So this will draw out that energy for quite a while (spring I think) so Mars is adding a lot of power to this particular Venus Retrograde, plus there are a whole lot of amazing overtones due to the placement of these two planets.

I found an excellent article on that specifically and will include the link here. I really like what this astrologer had to say.

For those of you who want the specifics of time and date here is the actual retrograde information.

Friday, October 8, 2010, Venus reaches her retrograde station at 13° Scorpio 14′, in preparation for a period of retrograde motion that will last until November 18, 2010, when she reaches her direct station at 27° Libra 40′.

Knowing about the astrological weather is as useful as knowing about any kind of environmental factor. It doesn’t have to determine your experience, but it can absolutely inform your experience. Now that we know that we are out in the field and see the big system moving in (can you tell I live on an island?) we can either get into the house in time to stay dry, grab a book and enjoy the show or we can set out our blanket and grab a thermos; let it rain stars and flowers on us, let the water soak us, run down our hair, fill our mouths and wash us clean. It’s still all about choice.

Blessings and aloha



Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Pisces Sept. 18th 2010; Lightworkers start your engines.

Photo credit NASA

I wasn’t planning on writing a blog post tonight. I should actually be sleeping, but I am not remotely tired (that may change by tomorrow morning!). I decided to check into the astrology for my own transits since I have been feeling a lot of interesting energy in general today (kind of erratic; sometimes great sometimes not at all great) and I thought hmmmm I better see what’s up.

Low and behold at this moment, even as I write this post, Jupiter and Uranus are at 28 degrees Pisces (per HST) right on TOP of my Mercury; and opposite the Sun in Virgo.

I knew this conjunction was happening again (last spring the conjunction was in Aries…June 8th remember that anyone?) and I knew it was coming up soon; but I lost track given a lot of shifts in my personal life in relation to someone who (drum roll please) has Sun in Virgo 29 degrees (yes that means an impending birthday).  So my life is playing out that opposition once again, this time with the amazing planets of Jupiter and Uranus conjunct my natal Mercury (this was why I was hesitant to write anything tonight LOL, who knows where I will end up).  I have been planning on writing on the upcoming Venus retrograde coming up in a couple weeks; and I will do that but it will be a later post…sometime next week most likely. I had in all honesty not been paying attention to this latest transit in a year of OMG transits (the technical term again), well it would be more accurate to say that in the living of it I had not been studying it.

So what does this all mean? Well lets look at who is coming to the party…

Jupiter weighs in quite large and expansive, higher education, travel, abundant life; traditionally known as the “great benefic” in old astrology. It is the planet whose transits signifiy the individual reaching out to include more and more of the ALL, the Universe, the energy of the cosmos. It is also about largeness, making something big and grand. When applied to consciousness it is literally about expanding and raising consciousness. Interestingly it also relates to law and legal systems and government officials ( I say interesting because here in Hawaii we are having our state primary today, which should be interesting under this transit).

Next we have Uranus which is electric and eccentric unusual and unpredictable, lots of sudden shifts and changes occur when Uranus is strongly aspected. Uranus wants change and it wants it now thank you very much. This is great if you are up with the change but very unsettling if you were hoping for (holding on to) the structure which is up for renovation. Uranus loves the individual and freedom. It’s not at all about the status quo (unless it is in the process of over-throwing it).  It is the “expect the unexpected” kind of transit with Uranus at the helm.

So just with these two to start with we have a transit of interesting and unexpected occurrences and opportunities. There is a striving for personal freedom in ways that have not been expressed before, there is the feeling of “lets run away and join the circus” since these two planets together inspire radical quick change, not so much about sticking to responsibilities. Balance can be helpful in all this, so that people who were counting on you aren’t left in the dust wondering what hit them. Travel can figure in all of this, or sudden inspired opportunity. Now this is just in general we haven’t even gotten to where this is falling or who is across the line from it all.

The plot thickens.

So this lovely conjunction is happening in (trumpet sounds inserted here) Pisces

(the trumpets were really for me since I am Pisces Sun and Mercury…but I digress…hmm maybe that’s two ways of saying the same thing :))

In a transit the sign that it occurs in will be the one to set the energy. So this party is being brought to you by Pisces..sign of the mystic, energy, soul, oneness; also occult and vagueness, and over indulgence and escapism via various substances (ah yes there is always that). So basically this party is sounding a little like a rave. I am kind of making a joke here, but as I type this I know there is a great deal of truth to that; perhaps a rave heavy on the Trance inducing music.

Last but not least we have the last energy to join the mix, albeit more transitory. This being the Sun in Virgo in opposition. Virgo loves structure and specifics and form and control; details and service, logical progression. So this helps with bringing the energy of this Piscean transit into the physical plane. So this expansion is not just about the stuff of dreams only, it is about real life and bringing those dreams into fruition and practical application. There is also even more potential for sudden changes in ones environment, especially any that prompt the expression of personal freedom and expression; self expression is key in this transit, and with the placing of the Virgo-Piscean axis it is the balance of Spirit and Mind; Oneness and individualization of that Oneness into creative manifestation.

This conjunction is very potent. Many amazing things are available within this energy. The shifts may be sudden and electrifying, but the resulting experiences can open our eyes to new possibilities on the consciousness front; Light workers start your engines! We are talking about energies coming together to foster, literally and figuratively, a richer broader perspective; new aspects of life, radical solutions to problems that you might not have considered otherwise but Jupiter gives the courage to go for it (oh for the presentation of new forms of energy on our planet… I love the potential here). Encountering life in a larger more expansive way (Jupiter), and feeling/knowing the oneness that we all share (Pisces), and doing it in a radical/unusual sudden transformative way (Uranus), and bringing it into your real world (Virgo/Sun).

Lots of changes on all fronts. These transits will effect everyone in different ways of course, depending on their own personal chart in addition to the global experience of the planetary energies. In my case it is showing up as a totally unexpected blog post in the middle of the night which, as I read what I have written,  is making a lot of my own life make way more sense.

Go out and let yourself be who you are, expand, express, tap into the mystery and let it surprise you; even if it’s feeling sudden and unexpected look for the ghost in the machine and “Party on Garth”.

Aloha and blessings,


Cardinal Grand Cross weekend in review

So this has been a really intense weekend energetically has it not? How has it been for you?

I know that I have heard of people feeling like they are barely staying afloat; feeling like they are drowning. I have heard of people spending a lot of time in meditation. I have heard of insights being gained and realities shifting. I am guessing there are those who are blessedly just bopping along not even noticing that the house is up in the middle of a cyclone, and a lady just passed by the window and it seems as if any time now we will find ourselves well passed the boundaries of Kansas, firmly planted in OZ (and I don’t know about you but I am not even going to go look under the house for those ruby slippers). 🙂

This was according to some the opening of the Lion’s gate. I read that the Lion’s gate is a yearly cycle, although this specific one has to do with ascension and moving into the higher levels of light. I may post more on that later. The other big thing though was the Cardinal Grand cross with everybody and his brother in the mix (planet wise) really stirring up the pot. I think these are parts of the same thing of course, with each accelerating the other.

Here is an except from something that was emailed to me by a friend. The Astrologer is named Susan Miller and can be found at the Astrology Zone. These are excepts from a longer article; but it was interesting and important information on the astrology, so I though I would share some of this here as well.

“Truths will be illuminated, secrets will be exposed, and any injustices will be corrected. Under this type of configuration, we cannot deny, ignore, or hide from certain realities, but that’s good, for only then can we be energized to make things better. The cardinal cross – like eclipses – often pushes us to either end of the spectrum. That means you may find events to be either very difficult or very thrilling. Either way you will know where you stand and you will be able to plan with a greater sense of certainty.”

“This month’s cardinal cross will include Pluto, Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury, Mars, Venus, and the transiting moon in Cancer. That’s eight heavenly bodies! The only ones not involved will be the Sun, Neptune, and Mercury. That is a large degree of participation!

“Technically, in order to have a true cardinal cross, you need to have four squares and two oppositions. You would see a perfect square box with an X in the middle. That’s a grand cross. When the group of planets involved are all cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn) you have a grand cardinal cross.
This month’s grand cardinal cross is extraordinary because it will have not four squares but ten, and not two oppositions but seven. Wow, as you see, this is a very intense cardinal cross. Looking ahead 500 years, I could not find another cardinal cross involving so many planets.

“Another remarkable feature of this cardinal cross is that each planet will be within five degrees of each another, and many will be in even tighter configuration, within a degree or so! Cardinal signs are VERY energetic and when they are found in very early degrees of zero to 1.5 degrees, like many of these planets will be, they epitomize the very life force. This is very powerful!
Furthermore – another point that astounded me – is that Mars will be at a very sensitive degree on August 6 and 7, unlocking the message of the June 26 lunar eclipse, or bringing more news to a situation that arose at that time.

“Squares are known to present obstacles, but they also help you move forward and even turn a corner. They are a necessary part of life, for they uproot us from our complacency and shake us into awareness. You may experience a big breakthrough or the final ending of a long and debilitating circumstance.

“Two particularly important planets to watch will be Saturn and Uranus, still standing approximately 180 degrees apart. Even though they had their last opposition on July 21, they are still very close. Saturn rules all that is traditional and conservative, and Uranus represents all that is new and revolutionary. As you see, these two planets are very different.

“These two began confronting each other on November 4, 2008. Since then, they have been engaging in combat, separating and retreating, engaging and now finally separating. They have not have had direct confrontation since 1965-1967, a time when society moved out of the roles and mood of the 1950’s into a much more modern time. In the USA the changes focused on the changing role of women and African Americans in our society. Often when we are participating in big change we are too busy to notice how massive things are shifting, but in hindsight it becomes clear.

“Certainly Saturn and Uranus have been keeping up the pressure to force us to decide what is valuable and to be preserved, and what is new and revolutionary and should be embraced to replace all that is outworn. As creatures of habit we tend to cling to what we know rather than try something new.”

“So in the coming week, if anything is weak and ready to break, it will. It will be obvious that the center will not hold – something has to change. Actually, that’s the good news, for extreme planetary energies like the one we are about to experience will soon display any defective parts in a relationship, project, certain investment deal, or other endeavor or part of life. Those outworn or faulty elements will either spin off quickly and be discarded, or demand fixing or advice very soon. If you were deprived of reward on any level, it may come to you now.

“Cardinal energy is not patient, so when the news its, it will demand you attend to it quickly with a sense of urgency. We all will have no choice but to act under such strong gale force winds, but let’s not forget that forceful, difficult aspects illuminate and clarify situations like none other. The universe will now take a strong hand in things to show us what we could not see for ourselves. Yet, as I have been saying, if you are with the wrong boss, the wrong sweetheart, the wrong investor, or in the wrong living situation (you name it – there are many possibilities), the cardinal cross may suddenly end that situation and help you get into a new one quickly. “

I know for myself I had bouts of internal tension at varying intervals. I have also had big shafts of light shining right through me into my world. I chose the path of coming home Friday night and doing some really chewy (the technical term :)) meditation and Theta healing on myself. I figure if this much stuff is up I might as well put it to good use and start some big ‘ol clearing. I meditate daily anyway as part of a spiritual practice that has been going on for 30 years now, but there are times when the call, or opportunity, of meditation feels like it has a capitol “M”. This was one of those weekends.

I mostly focused on looking at what my beliefs really are, and how are they effecting me today. Plus starting up an even more in depth conversation with the Universe about whether or not I am truly supported and please give me some signs of land thank-you-very-much. I got some of those signs, to my joy and relief; and so I am doing daily work to be right here right now and not jump into the potential future of what might or might not be (lions and tigers and bears oh my!).

I had a good “out-loud” conversation with God tonight, and it was strangely comforting. I normally do this quietly, but tonight out-loud seemed to be the way to go. I realized that there are levels of honesty and if I found it interesting that there can still be this desire to “look good” to God even where only my cats and I are physically present. I love that I can laugh at myself, it’s a way I grow. I can be truthful in the middle of being really silly, which is how it felt tonight saying all the things out-loud that had been running around in my brain, even if I “know” I am not supposed to be thinking/saying/pondering them. I am a teacher and I know better right? Well Thank the powers that be we all change and grow all the time.

I have decided once again though, that if we do indeed create our reality based on our beliefs, then that means that we really do get to do that very thing. Therefore in my reality I get to have a God(dess) that hears me and loves me and totally understands me and answers me no matter how I am feeling when I start the conversation.

This may seem like an odd thing to say but I find our ability to create new rules when the old ones go out the window, is pretty impressive. Such as the rule that I find popping up sometimes which says God only hears you and answers when your consciousness is up high enough and you are positive enough. Which is oddly reminiscent of replacing the idea of being “sinful” with being “negative”, but having it essential fill the same role. LOL. OK in some ways they are similar in that sin=missing the mark (it is a term that originally came from archery having to do with missing the mark, or coming up short) and being “negative” is simply another way to miss the mark of where we want to be; so that I suppose that is reasonable.

However I am going to keep the idea of the God/Universe who loves us and listens and responds even in our “broken times”; otherwise I am keeping myself from my source at the very times I most need to remember that connection. How often do we cut ourselves off at the times we need it most, waiting to be in a better place before we ask? It’s like cleaning the house before the house cleaner comes over, what’s the point? If God/the Universe is All and is everywhere present, then wouldn’t that mean it is right where we each are all the time; even in the times when we are twirling around in the winds of change?

I was reminded tonight (during my conversation) that things can only happen in the now they are happening in. Which means that I can ask all day for something to happen in the future (and I do believe it does get created energetically in the moment we put our attention on it) but it will take coming into that place in time that I now see as future for that darn thing to actually manifest! Which is to say that it is counterproductive to ask for something to happen next Monday and worry all week because it hasn’t happened yet; when indeed it’s something that can only actually happen on Monday!! Funny funny humans!

So once again I am brought to present time and to appreciating what I have in-this-moment, and when I hear that voice that says but… but… I go back to appreciating what I have in-this-moment (rinse and repeat); because often what I have in this moment is quite good; it’s the fear that something will be lost, or not gained l-a-t-e-r that often throws us all off kilter. The paradox is, the times I have been right in the middle of some kind of experience that I might want to label “yuck” (so technical I know) I am totally OK in the midst of it…and I have made it through.

I am finding so much juice in all of this, I have been listening more intently, really tuning into that guidance, not taking things for granted. This is a very good thing.

So how has your weekend been? Any insights gained?

(oh and by the way Mercury is going retrograde in a couple weeks…but I am thinking walk in the park after all this…waddya say?) 🙂

Aloha and Blessings,


The energetic weather ~ Erika Ginnis

So much is happening. I am sure that is not lost on anyone, no matter what level you tend to observe things from.

It is like there are layers of shifting energies trading places each day. This means that as soon as you get used to one configuration that the very next day you will be presented with another variation, and so on. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, but it is completely different from what we have been used to (myself included).

The concept of “resting on your laurels” is SO not going to fly at this time, it’s the time to pay attention to what you are feeling and listen to your intuition and find ways of relaxing and drifting within the ever changing landscape of your emotional and energetic systems. Use all the techniques you know and have learned, take them out of the box, dust them off and use them daily.

It reminds me of how some substances become more fluid as you heat them. The energy is such, especially right now, that it is acting as a catalyst in much the same way heat does; it is increasing vibration, all those little molecules are dancing their little hearts out, and so are changing shape, becoming less static and more pliable.

This is an awesome thing as structures which used to feel so very rigid are starting to melt a bit. This applies to both inside and outside of us (if there really even is an outside…some would say not) everything is adjusting, finding a new level. The crux of this though, is that when something becomes more pliable then one must find stability in a new way. The former “hard” scaffolding is giving way to the architecture beneath; and that design is constantly in a state of becoming.

That is great on so many levels, and completely disconcerting on a whole lot of other levels.

How do you find stability, how do you move without moving, how do you trust the chair will be there when you sit down to rest?

Garden, make love, find a reason to smile, listen to a song that you used to totally like but haven’t taken the time to listen to for-e-v-e-r, talk to a good friend and tell them what is really happening with you, find connection when you realize that we are all taking this ride together, imagine things are better than you even think they are, use your imagination to your advantage…

Trust that the Universe or God/dess if you will, has “focal-ized” and become individualized as you on purpose. This is not an accident. God wanted to show up as you; It wanted to have the experience as you that only you can and do have. Turn to that truest part of you, and find out who you are; not the fears and worries part, not the “what will they think of me” part, but the deep deep hidden ocean of you; the internal harmonic of you. Let that be the structure that gives you form.

I do not believe that the Universe gave birth to us and then was all “OH NO, this is a mistake, lets try to gather all of that back up into myself right away”. I think it is more like Yee Haw wow look what I/We can do, and so when we let ourselves relax into that actual connection (or extension which I think is a better image) then we realize that our power/energy/creativity as spirit is limitless. I mean seriously limitless. Because that which is all power is our power, that which we would look to is actually also what we are; not in a “we are all alone” kind of way, but in a open up your heart and open up your third chakra let go of your fear of power, kind of way.

This is the time.

The lie is that we are separate, or ever truly could be; the lie is that there is really anything in opposition to us; that we have to go it alone battling all the challenges with a limited battery pack of energy. I believe that if God is anywhere God has to be everywhere, and so God is right where we are. We are the action part of God, Gods hands if you will. I mean us as spirit in a body, I mean us as we are an individualized point of focus of God, each one of us. How differently would we live our lives if we totally embodied that idea? How differently would I live my life coming from that place more often?

In order to do that I have to change my cosmology. I am being invited by the Universe to envision a God/dess that is loving as opposed to judgmental; enthusiastic as opposed to jealous; constantly unfolding instead of static. A Power and Presence that revels in every success and every solution and every new thought that occurs in any dimension at any time in any place; that truly never worries because it knows that it is the supreme author of Love, and well… it is God and the ALL that IS.

It is a time of choices, of finding out what your true path is in this moment and finding a way to get into sync with it.  The astrology is pretty intense right now (this surprises no one I am sure 🙂 ) and it is calling for big changes, letting go of what does not serve you and embracing what does;  doing it on purpose so that you are part of the process, not just going along for the ride.

You and I are not doing this all on our own, there is help and assistance, and guidance whenever you ask for it and look for it.

There are great waves of energy flowing through all of this; one thing is for certain ~ the Surf is definitely up!

That’s all for tonight…more later, or course,  since each day is a totally different color palate and so brings out different ideas.

Aloha and Blessings,

