11:11 a great time to start visualizing, here’s a link.

This came to me via one of my friends/clients. Even though it’s past the time stamp of 11:11 EST, there is still time to jump on the energy wave the next few days. Plus I think if you start today whenever you see this, it will be just fine.


Click on the next buttons on that web site for a really good description of a way to flow the energy; if you want to turn the music off ( I like it but you may not) you can do this in the upper right corner.

I personally didn’t do the “everyone in my contact list” thing, but there are lots of really good ways to reach people.. like a blog say 🙂



Gravity as a function of thought; and the expansion of consciousness.

I want to put into words some ideas that I have been playing with lately. In order to begin though I want to put out a few premises.

1. Thoughts are things. Thought waves can be measured.

2. Gravity has an effect on time and space.

“Einstein’s Relativity Affects Aging on Earth (Slightly)” (Atomic Clocks Show Gravity Slowing Time)

So we have heard that space and time are curved and bend around things like stars. The quote comes from the above article:

“Specifically, Einstein’s special theory of relativity predicts that time does not flow at a steady rate, and it can be affected by acceleration…(and) The equations of general relativity also predict that gravity similarly slows down, or dilates, time.”

I am going to take this in a whole new direction of course, but it’s me and that’s my job 🙂

I grew up reading about the speed of light, and that if we wanted to have space travel we would need to find faster than light travel. Lately it has occurred to me that the speed of thought is faster than the speed of light therefore I could see us finding some way (in the future) to use the influence of concentrated thought as a means of moving faster than light.

We do this now but we don’t think about it because we don’t perceive that we are moving our bodies, therefore it doesn’t feel like motion; but then if you had instantaneous travel there wouldn’t be a feeling of motion either.

Ever been on a motorcycle and it felt like you weren’t the one that was moving, but that you were stationary and everything else was moving past you? I have had that experience and it was surreal. It felt like being in the eye of a hurricane, it was so still where I was; even amidst the noise of the engine with everything whizzing past us. It was so much like meditation. I was completely surprised.

Well what if that was what was happening all the time?

What if we are actually moving all the time along other pathways in such a way as it only looks like the continuous flow of time and space, our lives etc? It’s an interesting thing to think about, the idea that there are multiple possible futures all happening concurrently and that by our decisions, our thoughts if you will, that we are actually traveling between them; it looks and feels like linear motion but in reality it is actually like pulling frames from dozens of simultaneous movies in front of us one frame at a time based on where we are energetically pointed. So that seen from “above” we are actually “moving” through experiences that we pull from this vast ever expanding array of potentiality.

This gets back to that idea of electrons i.e. “matter” being really made of probability clouds and that they collapse into position when we observe them. So we are actually collapsing our reality into a chain of experiences not because they are already set before us exactly, but because we pull the frames into being at the speed of thought.

We create space and time around us as we focus.

So back to the thoughts as things and gravity ideas.

Thoughts are things and these things actually have mass however tiny and as such thoughts create their own solar system. The gravity of a thought is the thing which creates what people call the law of attraction; and if enough thoughts come together and gather enough other thoughts together then it will eventually create enough mass and gravity to create physical matter that is dense enough to perceive with our physical senses. The more intensely focused and collected the thought energy the more pulling power this gravity has, and as the new thoughts join it then it has even more pulling power. This is consistent with how some teachers explain LOA.

So I think then that thoughts do have gravity, and if thoughts have gravity no matter how slight then they are able to effect time and space, just like something as large as the Sun does, although on a different scale.

So why do we care?

There is evidence that gravity (which should be a much greater force than it is given the mathematics behind it) is theorized to possibly cut across multiple dimensions, and that is why it has a relatively weak force in this dimension. Thoughts also cut across many dimensions, they are free to exist within and outside of regular time and space in the same way.

Let’s play with the idea of something like the Sun being made of highly focused and concentrated thought energy; which gives it its mass and its gravity and its ability to bend space. Then it would coincide with many different spiritual traditions which say that the manifest universe is the out picturing of the idea in the Mind of the Divine. Taking that a step further; if we are made (as some say) in the image and likeness of God then wouldn’t it make sense that that means less about the specifically physical shape of us but more of the thought shape of us?

And that as we are an individualization of that Source then we too are constantly creating our own solar systems and galaxies all the time, but the suns are our focused intentionality or decision; and the orbiting bodies are the experiences and gathering of energy around these same ideas.

Consciousness is indeed Cause.

OK so the Sun’s gravity holds the planets in orbit and the solar system together, the gravity of the spinning earth holds us onto the surface and the atmosphere around the earth and maintains life on this lovely green home of ours.

So with thoughts having gravity, and enough thoughts or more laser-like thoughts having stronger gravity, then concepts like condensing or bending time is not as far fetched as we might have imagined; and in fact I think we are doing constantly. I know in Theta healing the time frame that the healing is done in is not the same one as regular life happens in; much more can be accomplished when you are operating at a different wave length. It makes me think of how time is relative based on perspective; within a computer time, there are eons between my typing one word and the next, or even one letter and the next. It is shown again with the example of the Atomic clock used in that experiment…

“Atomic clocks work based on the number of vibrations an electrically charged atom experiences as it moves between two energy levels. For the clocks used in the experiments, one second is equal to more than a million billion vibrations”

which is why something like this time differential can even be measured. So time is completely relative based on perception. Change your perception and you change your experience of time, and as it seems to indication in the experiments, change your relationship to a source of gravity and it will also change (measurably) your visceral experience of time.

This is exciting! So what happens when we start to really tap into our awareness; refine it, concentrate it, get more intentional with it? We can see evidence of this all over the world, with “miraculous” healing taking place, and things like remote viewing happening, and clairvoyant reading and prayer, the call of intuition and the gathering of so many people across so many different cultures feeling the internal changes. All of these things are part of us waking up as a race; as consciousness becoming self-aware at a deeper level.

I believe that as we learn to do this that there is a coalescing of energy and information; which is the same thing as saying we increase our “pulling power” our “gravity” so to speak. That as we shift this and energize this internally and then collectively; each with our own uniquely specialized vibration operating within the larger structure, that we then shift the fabric of time and space. Perhaps that is another description of the awakening that is happening spiritually on a global level.

What if the Sun started out as an idea? What if the Sun was a collection of very densely packed and energized ideas? What if it was a representation in this reality of some amazing amount of gathered agreement of light energy/thought energy and this is how it shows up in this specific dimension. What if that which is at the core of a star or a planet which gives it its spin or its gravity, had more to do with some kind of consciousness; thought then being the creator of gravity, being synonymous with gravity. Whoa yes that is a very interesting direction. Gravity is a function of thought.

Harness that and you can find faster than light travel, ways to bend space and time, and so much more. Develop that as a global consciousness and the sky is no longer the limit.

What is really interesting though, is that we may already be doing just that; only difference is…we may be finally becoming conscious of it. That changes everything.

Aloha and Blessings,



Telekinesis, Awakening, and Updating your energy ~ Erika Ginnis

How’s your telekinesis these days?

(Disclaimer.. this is one of my very “wooo wooo” intensive posts…just saying)

Telekinesis (TK) energy is that energy you use to move objects without touching them physically. It is also the energy you use to blow out light bulbs unintentionally and make street lights go out when you pass by them :).

Traditionally this energy would flow though the same channels as your healing energy would flow. I will go into more detail about those channels later on in the post; but for now just know that it would normally flow down your arms and out your hands and normally TK would be set at a much lower level than the healing energy would be.

Grounding is especially important to use with this energy; which is why you are much more likely to blow out a light bulb turning the light switch on right after you get up in the morning (or whatever part of the day/evening that might be) when your energy is still zinging along and you haven’t found your body enough to really ground it yet (i.e. still half asleep).

There is some interesting things coming up about TK and in looking at the energy again I started to think back and realize that there have been some changes recently around all of this; especially during sleep/dream time.

I have been aware of seeing some symbols related to this; they were white circles with a black line around the outside, and inside on the white background there were all kind of black lines looking like wire bent at right angles and squished together, it reminded me of something like a cross section of some kind of tubing. There is also a kind of overlay of purple energy on all of this.

The reason I mention this here, is that these symbols seem to be relating to some past lives many folks have from working with TK energy in Atlantis. (There is a lot of past life information over the years about the “technology” of using sound vibration for doing all kinds of things, like moving objects and shifting energy.)

The symbols are often found in the hands and the 6th and 3rd chakras. Now we have symbols of all kinds of things since it is one of the ways we store and communicate energy as spirit, but the interesting thing that came up with all of this is that normally we will update our symbols and use then as we need them, but these symbols were kind of staying in “past time”.

What I saw is that we get tempted to keep these (and other symbols) in their “past” form because of the validation it brings us; it shows us that we have had past experiences on this planet, and that we really have known how to move energy with energy. What happens though is that the symbols themselves can get in the way of what we are trying to do (like access that energy in a form that works in present time).

TK is an interesting thing; it’s so real and “see-able”. Telekinesis can seem like the best thing that can offer some kind of “hard” evidence. So you ask for it, want to keep it in order to find way to “prove” to yourself that this stuff (all the woo woo spiritual stuff) is real; which is understandable.

The deal is you still really have to work on the beliefs first, not because you have to have them for the evidence to appear (although it certainly helps) but because if you don’t clear or change the beliefs that say this stuff isn’t real, then as soon as you have it, regardless of what it is…walking on fire, bending a spoon, fixing something without touching it, you will have the validation for only about 5 minutes before you automatically start rationalizing it away, and it ceases to be proof and you start the whole process all over again. We are so funny!

If we allow these symbols (which are just packets of information we have stored) to unpack themselves and come into present time (meaning the version that will work for our energy today), we can use this wisdom in ways that will work, not only millennia ago, but in our lives here and now.

I mentioned “downloads” in an earlier post, mostly in relation to getting information when we connect to people or places. I am also seeing that happen when people are out of their bodies sleeping. This means we can actually wake up in a higher vibration than when we went to bed. Whee haw!!

Some information that I think may be helpful in regards to this ~
I noticed with downloads that there is a kind of default setting for the speed at which the energy comes into the body through the 7th chakra. I never paid much attention to this before! I think the default used to work a lot better than it has been lately with all the increased activity (meaning it may be out of present time). Without updating it, some days the default speed can be too much all at once and hard to keep up with; and when you aren’t caught up your energy can feel kind of haywire.

If you don’t address this your body can start to back up on energy and get kind of short-ed out (which can show up as feeling pain especially in the joints, or having excess energy flowing out into the world of electronics etc.). This is also increased by all the astrology with Uranus and Saturn being at odds with one another (Uranus having a lot too do with electrical energy and lighting and erratic sudden changes) and the oh-so-soon Mercury Retrograde.

I got this image of a pinball machine; meaning everyone is going through what they are all going through in their awakening process (doesn’t mean a bad thing just a movement thing) and when they are all together then people are bouncing off one another like balls in a pinball machine and activating “lighting up” all these things in each other just by their proximity. So this makes grounding and letting things be smooth, even more important.

The good news is you can bring this into present time; and you can also manually/intentionally set the download speed to a variable rate. It’s similar to how you would work with your computer actually; even easier in fact.

To adjust this simply make an agreement with yourself (best done during meditation of some kind) that you will download information at a rate that is comfortable for you; whether you are in or out of your body (in other words, sleeping or awake).

In addition to setting that intention to have a comfortable download rate for new updated information; I would also suggest making a point to update your energy system each time you get up in the morning. Spend a couple minutes to clear out your energy body especially the joints and the places where your astral body connects. Since things are moving pretty quickly these days, these shifts are happening way more often than they used to, which means that if you are normally used to updating your grounding, bringing things into present time every few months, that is just not going to keep you up to speed with your changes these days.

Telekinesis and Healing channels

I was taught years ago that TK and healing energy ran through the same channels in the energy system; and that at some point you would have to make a choice about which one you wanted to focus on because they were kind of mutually exclusive.

I am not talking about the little TK stuff but for someone like Yuri Geller (the person that my teacher used as an example) would have had to make a decision somewhere along the line that he was going to use those channels more specifically for TK than healing. I am not saying that this is true or not, just that it was what I was taught.

Now what was interesting is that I was getting some new information about all of this during reading/meditation; what I got was…that as things are evolving and the energy is getting quicker, that the TK energy is not really running through channels in the same way it used to (such as in Atlantis); it is shifting and evolving and running through channels of thought/consciousness which aren’t in any specific place in the energy system.

I am reminded of a scene in The Matrix

“Do not try and bend the spoon. That’s impossible. Instead… only try to realize the truth.”
“What truth?”
“There is no spoon.”
“There is no spoon?”
“Then you’ll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself”

That is such a powerful statement. If all is One, then all reality is also One thing, and so yes it is only ourselves that bend! It all happens in consciousness.

So in relation to this energy moving via thought, it means many things, but one of them is that it didn’t look to me like you had to make that same choice you used to have to make. Part of this is because with the increase of vibration in general, we have changed our relationship to TK; sound vs thought as the medium through which it is moving; and as such we don’t access it in the same way as we used to at all.

This frees up our healing channels to be used for just that, and not have to sacrifice our TK ability (if we choose to use it) in order to do healing.

One last thing that came up in regards to updating information. If you work with guides (an entirely different subject I realize but stay with me on this) remember that guides evolve just like we do; since we are in fact, all spirit. So if there are guides that you are working with it is also a good thing to update your relationship with them (bring it in present time) now and again to allow for that evolution process to have space for both of you. Otherwise you are interacting with an older version of the guide and they are interacting with an older version of you. Kind of like going back to visit relatives and they still see you as a young child or a teenager and we all know how much fun that is!!

Ok that’s all for now…see you on the next wave.

Aloha and Blessings,


(ok I couldn’t resist this last picture)

Truth in advertising; unedited evolution ~ Erika Ginnis

Faith and Trust

Something I did the other day, maybe two days ago. Was to take my iPhone (which I use way more than I ever thought I would) and start a new note. Not a big deal right? Well maybe, but it was really helpful to me at least the evening I did it because I started a list of things that have gone well for me.

Let me back up a bit and let you know why I was doing that in the first place…Sometimes I am not sure what to share on my blog. I have three all together (but of course, if one is good m-u-s-t add MORE) and this one is really dedicated to the process of evolution that I believe we are all hip deep in, on this lovely blue planet here at the beginning of the 21st Century.

I started this blog because I had ideas and visions and experiences that I thought might be of use to other people out there who may be having something similar happening to them in the midst of all this change. Being a metaphysical teacher and counselor, it kind of made sense to me. I am still very much in line with that intention. The thing is, I find that I sometimes edit my own experience because I want to be a place of inspiration rather than adding to the angst.

This is good in theory, but more difficult in practice, because I find I can be in such an “editing” mode that I don’t write as often as I might, or share all that I might. The thing is, there are most likely not that many people reading this anyway, so why all the self-critique? Part of it is just old habits, part of it is training, part is wanting to show up differently in various aspects of my life. What is occurring to me however, is that I often get so much value out of the experience of others as I hear their stories; what makes me think that only the “cream” of my experience will be of use to someone else? This is a process of shifting and change we are all involved in and sometimes it isn’t all neat and tidy.

If all I show is the neat and tidy aspects of what is going on, what kind of message does that give? And once again I have to ask who am I really writing for? If I am writing for my self and my own evolution then I need to be willing to process all that I am really processing, not just what I judge as being helpful to someone else; if I am writing for other people (and that gets sticky all on its own) then what makes me think that they are not going to relate to what ever it is that is up for me in my life at that moment? Law of attraction being what it is, wouldn’t it follow that whoever finds me on a given day will be drawn there simply by the vibrations of the thoughts and words that I am pondering, and wouldn’t that mean it is perfect all along?

Thoughts are like stars, they have their own gravity and collect their own solar system around them.

I am the creator of these thoughts, or perhaps I am the medium through which they come into this reality. Regardless I want to be in a place to respect that creative process and also revel in it; let my thoughts and ideas and observations come up from inside of me and spread out in all directions gathering what they will. I want to trust that whoever is reading, is here for some good of their own, and whatever I am sharing is going add to it in some fashion.

So back to the other evening…I am juggling a lot of emotional things these days. I have lost a parent recently; and by lost meaning their energy is still around but their body is not. I have another parent who is living in a “memory care” unit of a lovely facility, but which costs a fair bit to maintain. I have someone who I am technically married to who no longer lives with me and I am completely unsure about which direction that relationship should or will go; and while I attract a lot of dollars, I have also created a series of situations where what was promised did not actually arrive.

I understand this is my creation; it doesn’t always help to know that (especially if I use it to beat myself up) and it isn’t the bit of information that will help change it. How often do we rack our brains trying to find the place that originated the issue in the first place? What was I thinking, why did I attract that? Why am I still dealing with “..fill in the blank..”?

We are all in the process of sifting through the stuff that needs to change; it is happening on a personal level; a governmental level; an environmental level; and a consciousness level. These shifts can be enormous or tiny; we are all part of this larger moving energy and the whole thing is evolving is leaps and bounds. I am sure you have noticed!

This is a lot to chew on, and I sometimes let it all go, and dive into the deep of me. Then there are times where the things of the day require my attention; I must attend to the various details which are mine to do. I find myself scared, or hurt, or angry. I find myself tempted to stay in those places longer than it is prudent for my own peace of mind.

I generally don’t stay there too long, it’s just much to uncomfortable; but I would be lying if I said I was never there, because I am, and I do feel those things.

I have been working with some of that this last week, after one of my bills (the one for my Mom) went up, while one particular income stream went way down (eek). This brought up fear, and anger and hurt all at the same time. In the midst of all of this I found myself thinking about the many many times (in the past) that amazing answers, and ideas, and opportunities, and even cash, came my way to solve my “dilema du jour”.

So I thought maybe I should write some of that down, remind myself about it, see if I am just making that up or if it really has happened that way. I starting with the note screen on my phone and now it is so long it takes at least 10 scrolls (with my finger) to get to the end; even writing this I have added two more.

I am writing about this because it is what is going on with me. The list I made helped remind me of all the “out of the blue” things that have happened over and over again. This is important because those are the “solar systems” I want to populate.

I now find that I could probably use re-reading this list more than once. I am not sure how this next phase will right itself. However I have this blog, and since this is definitely “spiritual evolution on a personal level” this topic is totally applicable. And I will keep you (whoever you are) and me posted.

Aloha and Blessings,



The energetic weather ~ Erika Ginnis

So much is happening. I am sure that is not lost on anyone, no matter what level you tend to observe things from.

It is like there are layers of shifting energies trading places each day. This means that as soon as you get used to one configuration that the very next day you will be presented with another variation, and so on. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, but it is completely different from what we have been used to (myself included).

The concept of “resting on your laurels” is SO not going to fly at this time, it’s the time to pay attention to what you are feeling and listen to your intuition and find ways of relaxing and drifting within the ever changing landscape of your emotional and energetic systems. Use all the techniques you know and have learned, take them out of the box, dust them off and use them daily.

It reminds me of how some substances become more fluid as you heat them. The energy is such, especially right now, that it is acting as a catalyst in much the same way heat does; it is increasing vibration, all those little molecules are dancing their little hearts out, and so are changing shape, becoming less static and more pliable.

This is an awesome thing as structures which used to feel so very rigid are starting to melt a bit. This applies to both inside and outside of us (if there really even is an outside…some would say not) everything is adjusting, finding a new level. The crux of this though, is that when something becomes more pliable then one must find stability in a new way. The former “hard” scaffolding is giving way to the architecture beneath; and that design is constantly in a state of becoming.

That is great on so many levels, and completely disconcerting on a whole lot of other levels.

How do you find stability, how do you move without moving, how do you trust the chair will be there when you sit down to rest?

Garden, make love, find a reason to smile, listen to a song that you used to totally like but haven’t taken the time to listen to for-e-v-e-r, talk to a good friend and tell them what is really happening with you, find connection when you realize that we are all taking this ride together, imagine things are better than you even think they are, use your imagination to your advantage…

Trust that the Universe or God/dess if you will, has “focal-ized” and become individualized as you on purpose. This is not an accident. God wanted to show up as you; It wanted to have the experience as you that only you can and do have. Turn to that truest part of you, and find out who you are; not the fears and worries part, not the “what will they think of me” part, but the deep deep hidden ocean of you; the internal harmonic of you. Let that be the structure that gives you form.

I do not believe that the Universe gave birth to us and then was all “OH NO, this is a mistake, lets try to gather all of that back up into myself right away”. I think it is more like Yee Haw wow look what I/We can do, and so when we let ourselves relax into that actual connection (or extension which I think is a better image) then we realize that our power/energy/creativity as spirit is limitless. I mean seriously limitless. Because that which is all power is our power, that which we would look to is actually also what we are; not in a “we are all alone” kind of way, but in a open up your heart and open up your third chakra let go of your fear of power, kind of way.

This is the time.

The lie is that we are separate, or ever truly could be; the lie is that there is really anything in opposition to us; that we have to go it alone battling all the challenges with a limited battery pack of energy. I believe that if God is anywhere God has to be everywhere, and so God is right where we are. We are the action part of God, Gods hands if you will. I mean us as spirit in a body, I mean us as we are an individualized point of focus of God, each one of us. How differently would we live our lives if we totally embodied that idea? How differently would I live my life coming from that place more often?

In order to do that I have to change my cosmology. I am being invited by the Universe to envision a God/dess that is loving as opposed to judgmental; enthusiastic as opposed to jealous; constantly unfolding instead of static. A Power and Presence that revels in every success and every solution and every new thought that occurs in any dimension at any time in any place; that truly never worries because it knows that it is the supreme author of Love, and well… it is God and the ALL that IS.

It is a time of choices, of finding out what your true path is in this moment and finding a way to get into sync with it.  The astrology is pretty intense right now (this surprises no one I am sure 🙂 ) and it is calling for big changes, letting go of what does not serve you and embracing what does;  doing it on purpose so that you are part of the process, not just going along for the ride.

You and I are not doing this all on our own, there is help and assistance, and guidance whenever you ask for it and look for it.

There are great waves of energy flowing through all of this; one thing is for certain ~ the Surf is definitely up!

That’s all for tonight…more later, or course,  since each day is a totally different color palate and so brings out different ideas.

Aloha and Blessings,

