Hilo on a Saturday, Coconut Island on the bridge, thoughts.

On the bridge to coconut island today, (Moku Ola, one of my favorite places to stand & think) entertaining deep, not entirely pleasant thoughts, but my thoughts nonetheless.

Doing this while watching kids jump off into the water…Watching the water…watching the minnows…Watching the world around me. Big tall guy, maybe a visitor to Hilo, walking on my side of the bridge looks like he might walk into me, doesn’t but passes behind me then stops & stands on my left. Asks me (in his slightly or maybe very tipsy voice) “Are you OK?”

(Says it almost as if he feels like he’s worried I might jump? Me wondering if he has been watching the kids jump off this very low bridge over and over. Probably not.)

He says “It’s just good to ask”.

Me, (even though I agree with that sentiment in principle) immediately establish my “don’t mess with me wall”, look directly at him and say “I’m good.”

To which he replies “OK I’ll leave you alone.” Which was the correct response on his part.

Interesting interaction. So many ways I might answer if it was someone I felt like I could answer.

Yes. No. Maybe. Right now I’m pondering deep thoughts. I’m looking at the water & thinking about how much I sometimes still seek approval and belonging. I’m dealing with aging. I just came from Pride that was a drive through event, which was deeply surreal and felt at once really good and really lonely.

I feel a little bad that I have to activate the iron wall, bad that I know from experience that to not do that in this situation (per intuition) rarely ends well. Part of me wanting to reward some level of caring. Wanting to say “I don’t know if anyone you ask that question these days, being completely honest in the social sense can truly answer in the affirmative”.

Maybe I reminded him of himself, maybe he was hoping to get lucky, maybe he was bad news. I wasn’t interested in a long enough conversation to find out.

I do however, appreciate any of his motives that were altruistic, since I might have had more of my inner workings showing on the outside as I was in mid-ponder.

And at the same time I would like to be able to have my thoughts uninterrupted while looking over the water. Which is usually the case.

So I took it as the Universe saying OK, you’re done, time to leave those thoughts for now. You spoke the truth, you are actually good. Nothing more to see here, move along.

Aloha and Blessings,


Pondering renewal


Spring is the season of renewal. It’s also a time to reassess everything and see what we want to plant.

The astrology, as we know, carries a powerful punch right now. If you are riding the wave and it is carrying you well then GO FOR IT!

I have seen people soaring into the heights of creation; with manifestation and culmination of dreams they started years ago. I have also heard the cries of others who are being sucked under the waves and are not having such a good time.

Perhaps most of us spend time both above and below the water level. Where are you these days?

If things are challenging you, I suggest to take more time to pause and be really good to yourself. Court the Divine within yourself.

What are your personal myths? What kind would you like to see played out on the stage of your life?

I am approaching an intense transit that begins this month (Chiron conjunct my sun). This transit will be happening to everyone born under the sign of Pisces sometime during this journey of Chiron through Pisces.

Some have already gone through it, some will be joining up with it later on. I am putting an intention out there to spend more time writing during this next year while this is all going on.

One of the many issues brought to the surface of this transit asks the question “Who am I?” “What is my worth?” “What’s true?”.

These are deep things to ponder, for any of us. Ultimately they offer rich rewards.

This week I have my mind on myths, who/what do I want to embody? What do I truly believe about the Universe about the world about the Divine.

Important questions to ask because what we deeply believe will play itself out everywhere we look.

Blessings and Aloha,



Truth in advertising; unedited evolution ~ Erika Ginnis

Faith and Trust

Something I did the other day, maybe two days ago. Was to take my iPhone (which I use way more than I ever thought I would) and start a new note. Not a big deal right? Well maybe, but it was really helpful to me at least the evening I did it because I started a list of things that have gone well for me.

Let me back up a bit and let you know why I was doing that in the first place…Sometimes I am not sure what to share on my blog. I have three all together (but of course, if one is good m-u-s-t add MORE) and this one is really dedicated to the process of evolution that I believe we are all hip deep in, on this lovely blue planet here at the beginning of the 21st Century.

I started this blog because I had ideas and visions and experiences that I thought might be of use to other people out there who may be having something similar happening to them in the midst of all this change. Being a metaphysical teacher and counselor, it kind of made sense to me. I am still very much in line with that intention. The thing is, I find that I sometimes edit my own experience because I want to be a place of inspiration rather than adding to the angst.

This is good in theory, but more difficult in practice, because I find I can be in such an “editing” mode that I don’t write as often as I might, or share all that I might. The thing is, there are most likely not that many people reading this anyway, so why all the self-critique? Part of it is just old habits, part of it is training, part is wanting to show up differently in various aspects of my life. What is occurring to me however, is that I often get so much value out of the experience of others as I hear their stories; what makes me think that only the “cream” of my experience will be of use to someone else? This is a process of shifting and change we are all involved in and sometimes it isn’t all neat and tidy.

If all I show is the neat and tidy aspects of what is going on, what kind of message does that give? And once again I have to ask who am I really writing for? If I am writing for my self and my own evolution then I need to be willing to process all that I am really processing, not just what I judge as being helpful to someone else; if I am writing for other people (and that gets sticky all on its own) then what makes me think that they are not going to relate to what ever it is that is up for me in my life at that moment? Law of attraction being what it is, wouldn’t it follow that whoever finds me on a given day will be drawn there simply by the vibrations of the thoughts and words that I am pondering, and wouldn’t that mean it is perfect all along?

Thoughts are like stars, they have their own gravity and collect their own solar system around them.

I am the creator of these thoughts, or perhaps I am the medium through which they come into this reality. Regardless I want to be in a place to respect that creative process and also revel in it; let my thoughts and ideas and observations come up from inside of me and spread out in all directions gathering what they will. I want to trust that whoever is reading, is here for some good of their own, and whatever I am sharing is going add to it in some fashion.

So back to the other evening…I am juggling a lot of emotional things these days. I have lost a parent recently; and by lost meaning their energy is still around but their body is not. I have another parent who is living in a “memory care” unit of a lovely facility, but which costs a fair bit to maintain. I have someone who I am technically married to who no longer lives with me and I am completely unsure about which direction that relationship should or will go; and while I attract a lot of dollars, I have also created a series of situations where what was promised did not actually arrive.

I understand this is my creation; it doesn’t always help to know that (especially if I use it to beat myself up) and it isn’t the bit of information that will help change it. How often do we rack our brains trying to find the place that originated the issue in the first place? What was I thinking, why did I attract that? Why am I still dealing with “..fill in the blank..”?

We are all in the process of sifting through the stuff that needs to change; it is happening on a personal level; a governmental level; an environmental level; and a consciousness level. These shifts can be enormous or tiny; we are all part of this larger moving energy and the whole thing is evolving is leaps and bounds. I am sure you have noticed!

This is a lot to chew on, and I sometimes let it all go, and dive into the deep of me. Then there are times where the things of the day require my attention; I must attend to the various details which are mine to do. I find myself scared, or hurt, or angry. I find myself tempted to stay in those places longer than it is prudent for my own peace of mind.

I generally don’t stay there too long, it’s just much to uncomfortable; but I would be lying if I said I was never there, because I am, and I do feel those things.

I have been working with some of that this last week, after one of my bills (the one for my Mom) went up, while one particular income stream went way down (eek). This brought up fear, and anger and hurt all at the same time. In the midst of all of this I found myself thinking about the many many times (in the past) that amazing answers, and ideas, and opportunities, and even cash, came my way to solve my “dilema du jour”.

So I thought maybe I should write some of that down, remind myself about it, see if I am just making that up or if it really has happened that way. I starting with the note screen on my phone and now it is so long it takes at least 10 scrolls (with my finger) to get to the end; even writing this I have added two more.

I am writing about this because it is what is going on with me. The list I made helped remind me of all the “out of the blue” things that have happened over and over again. This is important because those are the “solar systems” I want to populate.

I now find that I could probably use re-reading this list more than once. I am not sure how this next phase will right itself. However I have this blog, and since this is definitely “spiritual evolution on a personal level” this topic is totally applicable. And I will keep you (whoever you are) and me posted.

Aloha and Blessings,

