The time leading up to spring has been an interesting one astrologically. There were times over the last month there it seemed like the whole sky was in Pisces!
Well OK not the whole sky, but on that new moon (on Monday the 11th) the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, and Chiron were ALL in Pisces! Which kinda felt like the whole sky to me :).
If you felt spacey and less in touch with “reality” than you were used to, that could have been why. For me (Pisces that I am with Mercury in Pisces) it was kinda nice to have the world share some of my odd perspective hahahaha.
Since that new moon things have shifted a lot. Mars moved from Pisces (where it’s not its happiest) into its home sign of Aries (where it is very happy) it hasn’t been in Aries in two years so that is a big shift in energy.
Then Mercury stopped its retrograde motion on St. Patrick’s Day, and started going direct (yay) (it will still be in amorphous Pisces for a little while yet since being in retrograde moved it to the early degrees of Pisces.)
Spring Equinox
Now (as I am writing this) the sun moves into Aries on March 20th and starts the astrological year anew at the vernal equinox. So we add that player to the party; the next day March 21st, Venus gets all fiery as she also moves into Aries (think Aphrodite as Xena).

Plus Uranus (remember good old Uranus planet of sudden abrupt changes and revolution) is already in Aries and will be for quite a while; and on the 21st Mars (planet of energy and war/warriors) and Uranus (sudden electric insight and revolution) are meeting up in that conjunction kind of dance. Alrighty then.
This means the Sun, Venus, Mars (and eventually Mercury but not for a while yet) are all in Aries and one by one they will conjunct the revolutionary and eccentric Uranus.
Mars Square Pluto
Next week on the 26th Mars squares Pluto (you haven’t forgotten about Pluto right?? No not the dog!! Pluto Lord of the underworld poster child for intensity, who evokes deep cellular and soul level changes and is representative of metamorphosis and our souls’ evolution. Right I didn’t think you’d forgotten Pluto.
This is all activating that Pluto/Uranus square that is going in and out of focus and is the background for social change that’s going on until 2015 (for a reminder and more backstory on the Pluto/Uranus transit you can read my blog post from September).
Pluto is in stern, structured and rule loving Capricorn. So that creates tension for leap before you look, “let’s get goooooooing” Mars in Aries.
But wait there’s more 😉
Order now and we’ll throw in a super special two for one Sun and Venus join that already happening square on March 31st.
Easter Sunday oh my…
Yes you heard right boys and girls…On March 31st (Easter for some) The Sun (our identity, our own personal self), Venus (what we love, find beautiful and compelling), and Uranus (lightning bolt out of left field to over throw the status quo and start the revolution) are square (ie angle of interest, maximum tension, contrast) Pluto in Capricorn.
Do what you can to breath through all this; remember you don’t need to change every single thing in your world before breakfast, and if something looks really good, take another breath and then move toward it. No need to chase something down blindly, let yourself be mindful even with all this Aries go go go energy and even though Uranus is saying “Rules?? who needs these stinking rules?” Pluto in Capricorn is holding the truth and consequences card (“instant Karma’s gonna get you”). Use the energy wisely, there is a lot here.
So this is a big big spring, lots starting lots being challenged lots changing. Both personally and globally.
When we now look back on the 60’s we can see the social changes in retrospect. 10-20 years from now this time we are living in will be most likely be seen in a similar fashion. Harder to see when you’re living right in it.
And I haven’t even begun to talk about Chiron in Pisces. That’s for another time.
blessings and aloha