“Essential Mysteries write it down” how Astral marketing blew me away.

The most amazing thing happened to me last month! Some of you already know this but for those who didn’t see this post somewhere else I wanted to post it on my blog too.

Ok the back story is that now and then I go onto Google and type in my name and make sure there are links to my various websites and such, since it is one of the ways I get my information out to people. I hadn’t done it for a long while so mid November I thought I’d go ahead and check it out since I was on my desktop and not my phone or iPad.

The first page was normal with links I would expect. The second page however had a photo of a lovely woman I didn’t know and beneath it was the title to my book. I was surprised and had the thought… no way another book with my same title LOL!

As it turns out this was a wonderful YouTube video review of my book by someone I had never met and still do not even know where she is from. It had been posted just the day before! (Remember I had not been looking up my stuff on Google for several months. But wait it gets better)

I posted it on my Facebook pages, and wrote a comment on her YouTube page to thank her.

Here is from her comment back to me

“Hi there Erika, when I tell you how I came along your wonderful book it’s another great story ☺ I was pretty annoyed with myself and thought everyone has great results meditating – so I ask for help – in the middle of the night I woke up hearing the word’s Essential Mysteries – write it down – I dream a lot this kind of way , so I wrote it down. The next morning I searched the net of course – nothing . Then I went on my kindle and here it was . I downloaded it and started my journey – found the proper book later and recommended it to a lot of my clients and they love your book, too. Thank you so much for this amazing journey. Love and Blessings 💖🙏💖 Marion”

I do that kind of search now and again just to see that I still show up etc. but never thought I’d find that review. This was the biggest validation of Spirit I could have gotten.

My intention is to get my book to all the people who would benefit from it. It looks like there are other wonderful helpers in this reality and on the Astral Plane helping me as well! OMG!

So here it is, please listen and enjoy and share far and wide! Let’s see if we can get it to go viral 💖

(And just as a point of clarification the book came out in 2009 not 2006).


Aloha and Blessings!!!


Energy reading & Theta Healing, summer specials!

It’s that time again! Here are my summer specials for reading and healing. $60 off the regular price. Yay! Feel free to share.

Solstice is just around the corner,  Mercury in retrograde is encouraging us to slow down, Jupiter is in caregiving Cancer. It’s a good time for self care.


Summer reading and healing specials














Aloha and blessings,



Centering for Clarity and Wisdom, new MP3 available yay!

Aloha all!!


I am finally getting another of my MP3’s out into the world! I didn’t realize that I was completely done with this one other than the cover, so I finished that up yesterday and got it up onto my Inbreath Communication site; now I am adding it here as well.

Please let me know if you enjoy it, and if you do enjoy it please pass the link onto your friends.

It’s a relaxing 15 minute guided meditation on finding your center and being able to return to it again and again.

Learn to balance head and heart, how to release negative judgement of yourself and others. How to integrate grounding and centering to release stress and enhance your personal spiritual connection.


centering for clarity & wisdom












Listen to a sample…


Buy Now!

It’s in MP3 downloadable format. I try to create these in such a way where they are useful as both instruction and as a meditation. The download is $8.95 via Digital product delivery.


Blessings and Aloha,




Psychic Awareness; Exploring your Energy Centers. Class offered by Erika Ginnis, in Pahoa Hawaii

Call Rainbow Retreat Center to register. For more information check out my web site


I will be working on my 2011 calendar soon. I plan to offer some weekend workshops and some week long intensives here in Hawaii. Check back for the times/dates of those. 🙂

Blessings and Aloha!



Chakra Q&A from Essential Mysteries

I wanted to do this post because I have been corresponding with a lovely woman this last week who asked me a great question regarding my chapter on chakras (Essential Mysteries chapter 6); in the answering of it I realized that some other people might have similar questions so I wanted to post the conversation on here for everyone’s benefit.

Good morning, Ms. Ginnis,

I have a quick question on the chapter dealing with chakras. When you mention feeling the flow of energy from front to back in the funnel vortex, do you mean: a.) up the belly, through the center of the body, then down the back along or behind the spine; or, b.) a circular motion starting at the front, moving left (or right), to the back, then to the right (or left) back to the front?

Your description of the chakras is frankly the clearest I’ve ever encountered, and I sincerely thank you for that! Most other books simply describe the chakras as spinning disks, but never mention if the are horizontal or vertical. I have a much clearer visualization now, which is most helpful. I look forward to finishing this book!

Thank you in advance for your time and consideration on this matter.

Maria E. Cooper

Aloha Maria,

Thank you so much for writing!

Great question, and I hope I can give you an answer that makes some sense 🙂 talking about energy is an interesting thing, sometimes I think it would be great if I were an animation artist!

but since I am not here goes…

There are many ways energy flows, there is the way I talk about as “running energy” which is where the earth energy flows up your legs to the first chakra and down your grounding; then the cosmic energy which flow down from the cosmos into the top of your head, moves down your back channels on either side of your spine, flows also into the first chakra where it blends with some of your earth energy and then flows up the front channels of the body (that run on either side of your chakras, up and out the top of your head) branching at your 5th chakra and flowing down your arms and out your hands (becoming your healing and creative energy)..

Ok so once you have that happening you already have this flow going, and really once you have it going it is more of a general flow up the whole front of your body since the front channels are actually really close together, which means if you use your hands to feel it, and move it up the front of your body, you won’t feel two separate flows of energy you will just feel one even though there is more than “one” front channel.

So once that flow is going you can just move it/see it/feel it/know it (which ever one works best for you) and allow some of that energy, as it is flowing up and out the top of your head, to move from that flow into the front of whichever chakra you want it to flow into and let it fill the chakra up and let it simply flow out the back of the chakra where it will flow back into the rest of the energy that is already moving and find it’s way to your grounding.

The thing is, remember that you as Spirit actually already know all of this and so we don’t even have to think as much about directing it as we sometimes think. You can if you wish just get the energy flowing and then have the idea that the energy is flowing through the chakra and then flowing out the back and the energy will do it on it’s own. Having conscious awareness is so great, and enhances all of this, but at the same time it’s good to remember that there is that within you that knows all of this on some level and has been running your energy since you were born, and there can be relaxation in the midst of all of this too, it’s a balance.

There are also other aspects of running energy that we are also already doing but are not conscious of yet, and as we tune into our own energy we will begin noticing them, and I will also write more about them as I think of them too 🙂

Please let me know if this helps at all, and also if it does I would like to get permission to post your question and my answer on my blog https://consciousmetamorphosis.com// so that in case anyone else has this question they can benefit from your asking it. I can just use your first name if you like or no name at all, just let me know.

Blessings and tons of aloha to you!!!

Aloha, Erika!

Yes, your response absolutely helped me immensely! I would be more than happy for you to post this on your blog, and I don’t mind if you use any part, or all, of my name.

I look forward to speaking with you again in the future, as well as reading your other work.

Blessed be & Aloha!
