Still awash in choices

I know that choices are good, and I am glad for them and yet I am finding hours flying by as I pull in the different widgets and bells and whistles to my blog. I am going to just love myself through this process and know that there will be a time in the near future when this set up process is down to a low roar and I perhaps I will post about the things that I am even more interested in, things like Spirit and energy and the information that is showering down onto this lovely planet.

It is absolutely by choice that I started this blog yesterday on the equinox, the first day of the astrological year.

I know that this is all Good, and that setting things up in order to play explore and share, is just another analogy for life.  I wonder how “long” it took me to decide to be in this particular body this time? I have this internal movie playing in this very moment, where I see myself pouring through all those options as I “set-up” this particular life…So did I use a theme for my body I wonder? Or did I build it from scratch from the code up?

Another blessing is that I haven’t put the word out about this to anyone yet,  so I am most likely just writing to myself at this point. In all of this I am finding myself really really happy 🙂 this is SO MUCH FUN.


Hello world!

Wooo Whoooo!! Finally in the land of blog!

This represents a series of many deliberate choices, which for this Pisces girl, can be painstaking. I am sometimes amazed at the things which are automatic for me and the things which I spend a lot of time pondering. This may not make a lot of sense now, but once I am into my writing it will be clearer (I hope) I am just laughing at how long it seemed to take to decide on which version of WordPress (.com or .org) to use, and then to create another domain for it or use one connected to one of my web sites…but I am getting ahead of myself.

There is a lot to say but nothing but time in which to say it,  so that will come later. For now I am going to explore what my options are add some things, mess with color… you know,  the fun part!!
