Subject: World Wide Energetic Clearing…November 27th


I just received this from a friend; thought it was worth passing on.


Subject: World Wide Energetic Clearing…

Good Morning Everyone,
We are coming together to make a difference in Our World and The World
Next Tuesday, November 27th, we will be joining others around the planet for:

“World Wide Energetic Clearing.
I would like to ask you to participate in an awesome event.

The following comes from John English and and it explains the everything. This will only take a minimal amount time and will be incredibly powerful.

Worldwide Energetic Clearing

Hello and Bless You,

I believe that the human being is a magical being of the universe with a very important destiny to fulfill.

I have felt for sometime now that humanity is at a point where we are going to evolve on many levels to live that destiny. I look around and I see that we have created a scenario where we must evolve to solve the challenges we have collectively created.

I believe we will do so.

I am asking you to join many others and myself on November 27th 2012 in a worldwide energetic clearing to make it easier for us to heal, and for this evolutionary leap to take place.

One of my teachers taught me that energy organizes matter. I have found this to be very powerful and true. As a human being you have the right to remove any energy that is negatively impacting you against your free will.

This clearing will take place with the following command. I have included a glossary of terms.

Please do this early morning, mid-afternoon and early evening on November 27th 2012 wherever you are located on this beautiful planet.

“It is by Intent and Purpose Spirit of (Your Full Name Here), with the help of the Universal Life Force Essence, that we will immediately provide any and all matching frequencies required to zero out all negativity that is impacting me now in all times, all forms, and all dimensions, paying particular attention to all negativity that is in and on the earth. This will include my personal energy field.

Further should it be determined by my higher self that any of these frequencies of negativity should not be zeroed out, we ask that the Universal Life Force Essence dispose of them as it sees fit, including returning them to the great void of creation. Begin harmonics now.”

Wait three minutes and then give thanks with the following statement of gratitude.
“I believe, I receive, I accept this healing. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.”

Can you imagine The Shift on this earth that will take place if millions of us use this command on the same day? It’s going to be life altering! ☺ Please forward if you feel moved to do so.

John English


Thank you for reading. If you don’t get this message in time, feel free to do what they suggest at any time. I know all Good blesses, so go for it!

Aloha and blessings,




Thank you blog readers! I am blessed by having you in my life.

(In case you didn’t get this in the form of my mini-newsletter)
Erika at the Ocean
Aloha Beautiful Being,





I just wanted to send out a simple hello and thank you. It’s gratitude month and while there aren’t any specific changes in the “wheel of the year” that I use to base my regular newsletters on; I couldn’t let this month go by without sending out a mini-newsletter to tell each and every one of you, to say how grateful I am for you.

You are the life blood of my business. You bring light and brilliance to it.

Thank you for joining me on this amazing ride, and supporting me this last year. Thank you for your business, for your interest, for your comments and stories, for the wealth of your experience. Thank you for trusting me with your questions and sharing your answers.

Thank you for signing up for my newsletter; reading my blog, reading my Facebook page or checking out my websites. Thank you for giving me a place to be of use.

Always remember to appreciate you unique point of view, your own individualized perspective of the Universal consciousness. You are valuable, you are worthwhile, you are needed and you are perfectly placed in the pattern of All things.

As I have heard people say… “Trust the Process”, and “don’t quit 5 minutes before the miracle”. Remember YOU are the miracle, you exist right here and right now. How awesome is that???!!

purple trumpet flower photo credit Erika Ginnis

We are going through extraordinary times. I believe we all waited in line for this particular “E ticket” ride; and that we are absolutely intentional in being right where we are in this time and place. I know that there are days for all of us, where we might be tempted to question what the heck we were thinking, so for those days and for those of you who find yourselves there at any time this month…look around yourself and find something that you did right today; find something that you appreciate today; find something that you can dream into being that doesn’t exist today.

Beautiful Saturn

You are ALL amazing, powerful, healing and giving beings. You not only make a difference in my life, and the lives of your loved ones; but I know you make a positive difference in more ways that you may ever know in this lifetime. Your Good is energy that ripples out in all directions; eternally blessing everything in its path. Never understimate the power of being the Good that you are…

You are a light!

Mercury is going stationery direct November 26th:

  • This is a good time to finish up those last minute editing projects.
  • Take time to rebuild things that have been changed during this retrograde period.
  • Take time to journal and record your dreams. Lots of information is coming through the astral planes these days. Let yourself make notes before you are totally awake, and then read them later to fill in the blanks.
  • Use this time to clear away the density of older energies you have been carrying, so that you can be clearer and lighter for the coming 12-12-12, and 12-21-12 energetic openings.

By next month I will have some information about MP3 downloads of some of the guided meditations I have been working on.
link to

I wanted to let you know I am going to extended my reading special through the end of the year to say thank you for another great year together.Mahalo Nui LoaAloha and many many blessings,

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