Present time as a Healing Vibration. by Erika Ginnis

Present time is an energy, just as everything is an energy. It is also a concept; one that gets talked about in many different ways. It is the idea of being in the here and now. Present time is your point of power, the place where spirit and body mesh, where you can communicate with yourself as spirit most easily.

I have had people ask me how to find present time, how to know if they are in it or not.  And while there are a lot of more esoteric answers to this question, the one that makes the most sense and is the simplest is this…if you want to know where present time is…look for your body! Your body exists in the present moment; it is this great marker for present time. Find your body and you will find present time.

Now of course I can go into a long explanation about time and space and that you can have your energy spread out across all of it. I can say that there are energies in your body that are still vibrating in the past, and that there is usually some of your focus checking out the various possible futures that exist; and that at the very core of your cells and energy there are most likely vast differences in time frames. This is all accurate and I may in fact go into it at some later date; however for the purposes of this section let’s put all that to one side and put our attention on present time in a different way.

You are spirit and you are energy. You are vibration and your vibration is very fast and very bright (the nature of spirit). You are infinite and are not bound by time and space. Vibrating as rapidly as it does, your energy as spirit is not normally seen by the human eye.

You also have a body, and that body is also energy and vibration. The difference is that your body is vibrating slower than you as spirit vibrate and so it appears as solid, and it appears to have mass, therefore you can see it with your eyes. You body exists in the garden of time and space. It has a point of focus into time and space and that point of focus is called present time; what we refer to as the here and now.

I have heard it said that our bodies are bound by time and space, and while that may be true, I prefer to think of it as our bodies have their home in time and space; it is the way in which we as spirit come into this plane of existence, how we have experiences here.

All of this reminds me of the ultimate “Virtual Reality”. I am going to take a digression for illustration: I play computer games and I love movies, both of these media have been being improved upon recently; high definition and soon to be 3-D television equal more information on the screen, making it all look so much more real. Computer games have better and better graphics and hand sets where you can feel the action and microphones through which you can talk to other players.

I think about this and I think about virtual reality and things like science fiction that portray holographic reality that feels like the real thing. I am taking this digression because these things get my mind going; and where I end up is that we are mimicking in our technology what we have already accomplished as spirit.

We are already living in the most advanced virtual reality environment that we have imagined. We as spirit have these amazing “avatars” if you will, our bodies, and we mesh with them as spirit and by doing so we are able to walk and talk and smell and experience this planet in all its glory (our planet has it’s own consciousness by the way, and we are also a part of it, but I will not go into that right now…one digression at a time!).

I can only guess where we will find ourselves as our technology moves forward, I can imagine layers of reality one on another…wait, we already have that, those would be dimensions. Perhaps we are just in the process of creating another layer of our ongoing creation we call time and space.

The better we make our virtual reality the more “real” it seems, and the goal is to make it as real as possible yes? This brings me back to this idea of being spirit in a body. The more real something seems, the more we are likely to believe it is real. And while this is awesome for a computer game, it can be confusing for us as spirit. When we come into our body in any lifetime we are immersed into the energy of the time and place, and it is so wonderfully real that we sometimes forget (momentarily in the grand scheme of things) that we are not our experiences, we are the ones having the experience! We are spirit!

We as spirit want to remember who we are, and some people do this by trying to make the “reality” less real in any number of ways. This can work but it also takes us out of the “game” so to speak and we lose out on why we are here in the first place.

-Back to my digression.

It is possible when one is playing a computer game to set things up so that you are hovering above the character you are playing, or be right up close to all the action. In the case of watching a movie, we can be in a dark theatre with a huge screen and 3-D glasses on and lose ourselves in the story, or we can be watching it in the living room while snacking and talking with our friends, and having an entirely different experience. These are great analogies for how we work with our bodies.

Many people like the hovering (or more detached) perspective, which is fine, but doesn’t allow much in the way of hands on experience or influence. Some people like to be right in the mix, but then feel like they lose themselves and don’t have enough information about where they are with respect to the over all game plan and want more sense of scope. What if we could have the best of both worlds?

I, of course, believe we can absolutely have both; we can have the rich experience and remember who we are at the same time. This brings me back to present time. When we remember that we are spirit, that we are that which is having the experience; we can use our entrance into this reality, through our bodies via present time, as a way to be both the “experiencer” and the witness to the experience. It can give us that fully immersed perspective while still maintaining access to all the controls (so-to-speak) as we play this game. We open an avenue for communication and intuition (our guidance from within). Being in the here and now you have access to all the communication available from yourself as Spirit and from the wisdom of your body (as well as from the Universe as a whole); you know what is going on with you, and within you; emotionally, physically and spiritually.

As we release the clutter in our energy system and body (via things like meditation and grounding) it not only gets easier to be in present time, it becomes more pleasurable. Often the reason someone will avoid being in their body is simply because of the discomfort they feel when they run up against the out-of-phase energy that is stored in it from the past.

I mentioned that present time was not only a point of power, but that it was/is an energy all unto itself. Often when I do healing work on myself or someone else I will use present time energy as a way of melting away that which is no longer beneficial so that the clearer more current energy can bubble up into awareness. Simply the act of “bringing something into present time” will raise the vibration and release what no longer applies.

This is something you can do yourself as well. Practice by playing with your focus.
  • Let it wander to the past, and then wander to the “future”.
  • Notice that your focus can be anywhere you decide to put it.
  • Then let it come back to the here and now; use the sounds around you to bring you back to this moment, allow the moment to flow through you.
  • Feel your clothing on your skin, the breath going in and out of your lungs.
  • Release energy down your grounding and settle into your body a little bit more.
  • Give yourself permission to fill up with “present time” energy and let it melt away anything that is no longer appropriate for you now.
  • Let this energy update anything that needs updating in your energy system (back to the computer game analogy again). This can be especially helpful for information brought forward from other times and places; information will be much more useful if it is in a format that you can use today as opposed to lifetimes ago.

Another benefit of present time; as you gather yourself up into the “now”, you have more energy available to you. Ever feel you are spread kind of thin? Ever wonder where your energy goes? Think of having a glass sitting on a table. Let this glass represent present time, your point of power. Any water in this glass represents the power you get to use to create your life and experiences with, there may be a little water or a lot. If you tend to have your energy stuck in the past (why did I say that?? Why did they do that? If only I had…) or flung out into the future (someday I will be perfect and then I will be happy…), then there is less energy available to you in the now, which is where your life actually happens. Imagine several other glasses on the table each with a little water in them. Let them represent your attention spread out into the past and the future; how much water is in them? As you ground and breathe and come into present time, it is akin to pouring more of the water into the present time glass; allowing more of your energy power and focus to be available to you. This is good news!

So what about if you don’t like what is going on in present time?

Great question, glad you asked!

You shift your reality by shifting focus, by shifting beliefs, by taking action inspired by intuition. All of these things require energy and power to work; your energy and power. The more “water in your glass” the more power behind your intention for a new future.

The more you are in present time the greater your connection to the Truth of you and the clearer your vision for what you want to create will be; the more light of you will be shining in the direction you choose to point toward. I don’t know about you, but I walk much better on a well lighted path.

Present time is a wonderful healing vibration. Play with some of the things I have outlined and see if you get some benefit from them. It’s all about finding ways to enjoy this amazing experience of being spirit in a body this lifetime. We are here (in my opinion) totally on purpose, so why not fully embrace it and find that balance where we are totally in the game and still remember how much fun it is to play as we are playing.

Blessings and Aloha ~Erika


Invitation to vision

There is a future unfolding before me that is exquisite, I can feel it in the air I can almost touch it with my hands. I can breath it in. I can rest in it.

I normally don’t like to do the kind of exercise where I do one 1,3 and 5 year goals, intentions or visions. I know that is the kind of thing we are supposed to do (maybe why I don’t like to do it LOL). I run across the idea all the time and I always side step it in some way or avoid it completely.

I think what happens is that I start thinking about it and then I get this sense that I have to know all of it, or be sure of all of it, before I write it. The other part of my hesitation is that I know once I write something down the potential of it coming into being goes up dramatically. This, I am pretty sure, is the reason why everyone tells you to do this very thing!

So here I am a person who knows about manifestation, teaches it even and so why wouldn’t I do it?

Well one other reason is that if I felt that the act of stating it would make it so and if I wasn’t totally sure about what I wanted some things in my life to look like exactly, then perhaps it was just safer to just not go there at all.

So this last month I found myself in a situation where this came up once again. I am retaking some New Thought classes I took long long ago. They might as well be totally new classes given all the new information I am enjoying in them.. However I found myself with home work,  in it I was asked the question:

“How would you like your life to look in 1, 3 and 5 years? And the second question was “What role does faith play in it?”

Well the faith part was easy for me to answer since I know that faith and belief are the directors of Universal energy, they point the way; or maybe it is better to say that they make the way possible for the energy to come into form.

But here I was left again with the nagging question of looking ahead. I had a week to do this and I spent most of the week pondering the question itself, looking at it from all sides (read trying to avoid it…I even lost my homework page). I had committed to answering, and so I wanted to find some way to reconcile with this process.

First I realized that I didn’t have to micro manage as much as I was thinking I would have to, to answer the questions. I realized that I could answer in whatever detail I wanted, I could be vague in some areas or more defined in others and since it was me answering I was the one who got to choose. There wasn’t someone grading this, telling me what I was supposed to write, or supposed to want, or supposed to say. This started to help me feel that it was at least possible.

I left the assignment to the last day of the week I had agreed to do it in (this would surprise no one who knows me well 🙂

I sat down with my journal out on my lanai, took my pen in hand. I started with the 1 year mark. I started writing things that were pretty obvious..have all my debts paid, selling lots of books etc. Even though these things were things I did want to see; I felt static as I was writing them, they felt like cardboard to me. I felt frustrated, I wasn’t lying but I wasn’t being completely honest either, where was my enthusiasm??

So I stopped. I sat there, I pondered. Then I came up with an idea: first of all I took each time frame
1-3-5, and for each I took a page; at the top I wrote the age I would be and also the year it would be; that helped give me some form to work within that I could wrap my mind around.

Then (and this was what ended up being the biggest shift for me) rather that starting with 1 year, I moved all the way to 5 years. When I thought about 5 years, it was far enough away that I wasn’t bound by limitations in the same way; 5 years is long enough away for me, that anything could happen.

I found myself opening up to all kinds of possibilities. I realized that in 5 years it will be 2015, and that is on the other side of 2012, so I let myself totally go with anything being possible and I wrote from there.

What ended up happening is that I moved into this wonderful feeling vision space and I wrote from the first person present tense; much in the same way I do when I write in my gratitude journal now. The world and life I described thrilled me, made me feel warm and filled with possibility. I was having such a good time doing this…why hadn’t I done this before?

So then I moved back to the 3 year mark, and since I knew where I was going in 5 years it was much easier to find where this point in time corresponded to that, so 3 years is 2013 and I wrote again from the 1st person present tense perspective. This time I found myself also describing how the various communities I was involved in were thriving and all that we were doing and how that looked and where I fit into it. I could (and still can) see it in my mind, it was describing this thing that exists on some very real level.

Now that I had moved my energy so much by doing the 5 and 3 year journals I found that the 1 year was much easier, I could see how it all fit in. I had some more specifics, but they were resting in this feeling of impending Good 🙂 and there were things that I had originally worried about stating, that I found all I needed to say about them was how grateful I was that I understand what all of it was about and how good I felt about how it all turned out. If this seems vague I guess it is in a way, but what it did give me was this wonderful warm contented feeling that yes indeed within a year there will be questions I have now that will be answered and I will feel good about the answers. And for me that is really the bottom line of what I wanted about these specific things.

The exercise left me feeling energized and also it gave me something that I hadn’t realized I was missing. It gave me a really big vision of Good to look forward to; and to not only look forward to it, but to feel as if it already existed.

Have you ever had that feeling when you get ready for a vacation you have already booked and paid for; you still haven’t left for it, but you are totally jazzed about it anyway? You day dream about it at work (ahhhhh) and it makes all the things that might have gotten you down, not bug you anymore cuz you are almost on vacation… That was the kind of feeling I am talking about.

I love my book and I am so into getting the word out, but one of the things about finishing a big project/goal like that is that it can leave this large space waiting to be filled with something new. This visioning gave me a view of a future I really want to participate in. That is worth more than I can say. And it wasn’t just this intellectual game, it wasn’t just cerebral, it went way beyond that into my heart and my body and my dreams. I felt calm and totally happy.

I am writing all of this because it was so profound for me and it took something that I had hated the idea of (the 1,3,5 year “plan”) LOL, and turned it into one of the best things I have done for myself so far this year.
and since once I like something myself, I have to pass it on to everyone!! I am inviting you to join with me in  the invitation to positive visioning.

take three sheets of paper in your journal.
three pages out write at the top of the page
5 years, the date (2015) and your age in that year.

then on the page before that write
3 years, the date (2013) and your age in that year.

then on the page before that write
1 year, the date (2011) and your age in that year.

and starting from the 5 years, close your eyes and imagine your life in the way you would write it, how would you like your life to look? Write without limits, be a science fiction writer, what would you love to see? Write about the world you live in, the communities you are a part of, don’t concern yourself with how this could ever happen, no one is going to grade you and YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHOW IT TO ANYONE :):)

Write what makes you feel really good inside. It’s a wonderful exercise. I won’t tell you most of what I wrote at this time because it is one of those lovely private precious journal moments. However I will tell you a couple of things that made me especially happy.

One was that in my 5 years vision, we had successfully made this wonderful transition in consciousness as a human race and planet, and we were now in community with races beyond our solar system. I envisioned new wonderful energy sources and new ways of travel, I also envisioned that our expected life span had doubled. All of a sudden I felt totally young, I had 150 more years to look forward to and I was at the beginning of a whole new life.

We spend so much of our time thinking about the future, or worrying or wanting to change the past. Why not take some of that energy and play “let’s pretend”. Paint a picture of a future that you would love, that you would enjoy living in.

Remember this isn’t a test of who can predict the future correctly, it’s an exercise in joy.

What would you like your life to look like in one year, three years, five years? Write it for yourself, look at it often just to feel good.

Aloha and Blessings!


Surfing on the wave of planetary shifts

The energy these days is like a big wave. It used to be that people who were used to working with energy kind of knew what the tides were and they could navigate the ups and downs. And then all of a sudden over the last couple of years and the last year especially, it was like the tide came it, and never went out again and that the waves are increasing in size so that folks that were treading water just fine for a long time have had to quickly learn some stronger strokes or find some water wings, or just get out of the water.

The beach is still beautiful so is the sky and the sun, but it’s a whole new game.

People keep waiting for the water to calm down, so that what they used in the past will work again, but that doesn’t look to be the case. The energy is shifting, and it’s jumping up in quantum levels, not so much the smooth ride any more, more like the energy field of an electron jumping to a new level, the energy is added and it become something new. it happens in these big chunks. And while this used to be the case there was way way more lag time in between and time to adjust.

back to the water idea…

And now it’s more like finding a board and surfing because the water level is not going back down, this is a whole new ocean, and the best way to be on it is to ride it and use the energy of the waves to take you forward along the edge..really really fast.

All if this is analogy of course, but it works in some ways, all these words are just that…words, but it can help to make sense of some of the experiences we all are having. I will add to this as I get inspiration and information.

