I was researching Chiron in Pisces tonight. I was doing this for a couple of reasons. One is that Chiron is currently in Pisces; it has been for a while now, this is interacting once again with our seemingly ever present Uranus-Pluto square, and creating levels of personal and planetary growth that I sometimes wonder how to make it through!
The other reason is that I also have my sun in Pisces and so I have been experiencing Chiron conjunct my sun in Pisces on and off for a (seems like a l-o-n-g) while now and it’s non-trivial to say the least.
The last reason may seem funny but I’m nothing if not a little odd. 🙂
I rescued a sick and soaking wet little abandoned kitten (now named Freddie Mercury) a couple months ago from the jungle (literal jungle as I live in rural Hawaii) and realized based on his age that he was born most likely the week of my birthday this year and therefore is not only a Pisces but was born with Chiron in Pisces conjunct both my Chiron and my sun. (He’s much healthier and much bigger than when I found him.)
Hence the research.
So it’s been a wild ride yes?
We are just starting to recover from our recent Hurricane in my corner of the world, and the rest of the planet seems to be in the throes of some amazing birth contractions; many seem very painful, not just to the people directly involved but to all of us as we feel these deep wounds being accessed.
Chiron is the wounded healer and Pisces is all about oneness so we are going to feel these things much more acutely than we might have in the past.
How have you been doing?
Are you feeling any pain and fear from places outside of yourself?
If so you can use this awareness to both release all that is not your own energy (to keep you sane) while at the same time sending loving kindness and healing energy to all the places in your life or the lives of others of which you may be keenly aware.
How about from inside of yourself?
That one will be easier if you let go of everything else first of course; even then it may still be felt as a deep longing and calling for healing internally that can not be easily denied.
One way to address this is to reimagine your concept of God/Goddess/The Universe/The Most High
Do you have a concept of God that is big enough to handle all the intense paradox involved in the incredible evolving human spirit of joy; while at the same time holding you up amidst the incredible pain and sadness that is playing out across our experience?
I ask these questions because it’s been part of my path of late, I am definitely in a process of updating my concept of God(s). I need to, because my concept will limit my experience if it isn’t big enough.
I have updated my concept of God several times in my life, always with extraordinary results. God is always going to be bigger than my concept and yet it is still a powerful process to undertake.
I can sometimes get too intellectual about God, too conceptual and not intimate enough. I’m officially going for the intimacy.
I invite you to join me in courting the Divine (or the Beloved or dear Friend as Hafiz or Rumi would say).
All the Hemispheres
Leave the familiar for a while.
Let your senses and bodies stretch out
Like a welcomed season
Onto the meadows and shores and hills.
Open up to the Roof.
Make a new water-mark on your excitement
And love.
Like a blooming night flower,
Bestow your vital fragrance of happiness
And giving
Upon our intimate assembly.
Change rooms in your mind for a day.
All the hemispheres in existence
Lie beside an equator
In your heart.
Greet Yourself
In your thousand other forms
As you mount the hidden tide and travel
Back home.
All the hemispheres in heaven
Are sitting around a fire
While stitching themselves together
Into the Great Circle inside of
— Hafiz
From: ‘The Subject Tonight is Love’
Translated by Daniel Ladinsky
From this site
Seek and find a large grand all encompassing God/dess that is bigger than anything in your path; One who can truly give wise counsel and keep you aloft in a storm.
The upcoming new full moon in September will also be in Pisces which means it will be conjunct Chiron in Pisces. This is the “third time is a charm” last “Supermoon” of the year.
Chiron in Pisces conjunct Full moon in Pisces (September 8th in Hawaii, September 9th in the UK) is a perfect time to address these times and trials both personal and global with the support and backing of profound Universal Love, and also an energized Divine Feminine principle (strongly emphasized based on some of the other more esoteric astrology coming into play).

Returning to my earlier comments, here is a link to a really compelling article I ran across that talks about the concepts regarding the last time Chiron was in Pisces in the 60’s.
There are some great insights in the article and I especially liked some of the comments about the Beatles, near the end of the article.
And as always if you want healing or counseling support in your journey please give me a call or email me to set up an appointment, or if you prefer you can download and use my MP3’s on grounding, centering, and transformation to help you navigate the twists and turns of these days.
Be well.
Blessed be and Aloha,