Light workers…Anchor the light in this Reality.




Light workers…Anchor the light. Your new job description (if you choose to accept it) is to anchor the light in this reality.



Calling all healers who want to heal everything in sight…Upgrading the healing process can release “burn out” and overwhelm as an energy worker. I keep getting this information and I am finally getting around to writing it down!



The old form used to be…heal people around you by taking on their energy and then healing it within yourself or your body and then letting it pass away diffused. With a lower energy state this was possible and worked for a long time. However now everything is changing (have you noticed?) and the new paradigm has indeed shifted. If you use the old way of healing then you will actually be lowering your energy level; and it’s harder to keep up with the shifts that are occurring.


We have been doing this older way of healing for many many lifetimes so it is a habit and feels so familiar. To many of us it has been our self identity and why we feel we are valuable. It used to serve us as healers really well and so this is a strange shift to be making; but the information keeps coming about this, especially when we as healers want to assist with all the planetary shifts that are occurring and the results of these shifts on a physical level.


Do you ever feel weighed down, sad for no reason, overwhelmed with energy and the cause is unknown? There may of course be many reasons for this but on an energy level part of what I see happening is that the old energy of taking on another’s energy to shift it is no longer viable. We do it all the time especially during times of great change; we do it on purpose sometimes but more often it is an unconscious process.


I often ask people to do a quick energy check when this occurs.



  • Ground and center


  • Close your eyes


  • Quickly (before your intellect can tell you what it should read) put up an image of a percentage thermometer (0-100) in front of you and ask the question

How much of this energy I am experiencing is someone else’s?

If you get more than about 20 % or so (people are often surprised to see that thermometer reading 60-80%) then take a few minutes to breath; ground and release anything that is not yours.



What you can find that happens is that your energy will clear, and your vibration will raise and you will feel much better. The other thing that happens is you become more able to work with the energy and assist (by harmonic example) others more effectively.


The deal now is to bring your energy up to a point where it can really vibrate rapidly and comfortably and let that anchor the vibration into this reality. As you do this then it will make each subsequent beacon just that much easier to activate.


The healing happens now by catching the light by vibrational proximity; because everything is moving so much faster than it used to be.


This is not suggesting to deny empathy or compassion, but rather that we do it from the place of more light rather than less. Set the vibration and let the Universe/Divinity do more of the work; we can do more with less effort than ever before. This is good news yet since everything is moving quicker this means it’s also easier to find ourselves full to the brim with others’ experiences; so it becomes more of an ongoing practice.  🙂


We are of course all One on the truest level; however we have incarnated with individual perspectives on purpose, so this is a melding of those two realities. Let the actual healing happen on the Oneness level, based on the energy level you maintain; not the individual “I must take this on single handedly” level. Lean into the larger power source; with this comes inspiration and better focus.


If we use the old forms then what happens is that we take on other’s energy and so all the lights dim; our bodies feel worse and get overwhelmed; we become less effective. The lie is that the only way we can heal (or the way we are supposed to do it) is by absorbing pain somehow and then healing it, or getting someone to take our pain on and then letting them heal it. This was the way we worked in the past but times have changed; what I was taught years ago and am finally beginning to understand is that to the degree we are overly responsible for external energy the less we are able to “upgrade” the whole system.

If you were to watch every packet of information in a computer download it would slow the process down to a crawl. What we generally do these days of course, is to let something download, store it wherever and then open it and access the information. It is not necessary for us to process each bit of information personally; just facilitate the flow.


By anchoring the light here on this beautiful planet; we are doing more than we can imagine; yet it is a “doing without doing” kind of activity. Think of something like capacitors each being fired up…coming online and allowing more energy to flow with each additional placement. Think of energy wanting to move but needing more and better bandwidth to achieve the process; each brilliant anchor then increases the ability for the entire system to function optimally.

The analogy for energy-workers, healers, teachers etc. is to be the light as much as possible on any given day and let that actively remind others that they too are the light and with that memory they start to automatically glow.


Anchor the light. Bring on the Aloha.





Simple Earth Day suggestion

My simple Earth Day suggestion; if you haven’t already thought of it.

This just occurred to me today.

Put a small/medium Tupperware-like container in your bag and take it with you when you go out to dinner and use it for your “doggy bag”; meaning take your leftovers home in it rather than the Styrofoam containers that many restaurants use 🙂

Less stuff in the landfill and less steps between your leftovers and your fridge. Win – win.

The trick is remembering!


Special Grounding workshop April 2nd 10am-noon, Pahoa Hawaii $25

Special Grounding Workshop Coming up soon!!


Grounding/meditation workshop!!

Do you know how to ground energetically?

Want to share the experience in a group for a couple hours; enjoy your own energy and heal the planet at the same time?

Don’t know how to ground but want to learn?

Grounding is a simple very powerful energy technique that helps you to release stress and tension; calm and center your energy; connect you to your power; heal and cleanse your body; all while helping to raise your vibration comfortably and enjoyably.

With all the shifts and changes happening on the planet and within us; grounding is a priceless energy tool. It can be used in conjunction with many different spiritual paths and traditions and is going to become more and more useful over time.

Come join author Erika Ginnis as we experience and learn many ways to use the valuable technique of grounding and more…

This two hour workshop will be a stand alone event that will also serve as a prerequisite to an upcoming Kundalini workshop being planned for later on in the spring.

Sign up soon space is limited.



Saturday April 2nd 10am-12noon Pahoa Hawaii

All classes are also available to be taught on site if you have an established group is interested in learning these spiritual techniques.

Presented by, Inbreathcommunication and Erika Ginnis.

To sign up

Call or text (206) 669-5881


Call (808) 965-6117

or send email here

or via facebook


An easy way to give to Japan after the earthquake/tsunami

Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 (via your cell phone bill) to Japan. (they confirm and such; but it was very quick & easy and felt good to do. Feeling especially blessed today.

Here is a youtube of the wave hitting Kona.

We here in Puna were so blessed. Everyone was evacuated that was within the inundation zone; since I am 300 feet above sea level I stayed put and had friends come stay with me that were evacuated.

Here is a good video of the wave hitting the other side of the island over in Kona.

Please join me in sending energy blessing and healing to all the people in Japan and everywhere where the damage happened.

May all Blessed be.

Aloha and blessings,