I have been spending time moving between creative projects. It is one of the ways that I am riding the waves of energy that are moving around and through us all. I have been creating visual art and music, and I keep saying I’ll migrate my web sites, however I may wait until Mercury goes direct.
I call this piece “Relays”, as it speaks to me of all the messages that we are receiving at the level of conscious awareness and all the levels that are not conscious. We are all on a journey of some kind, what is it for you? How do you hold on to your own clarity, your own receiver, keeping it clear and managing the input that you are swimming in.
Just a reminder that I still am offering my services right now, for whatever you would like to pay. This continues through the end of the month. If there is anything on your mind, or if you would like someone to walk with you, help you in some way by clearing energy or assisting you to expand your energy techniques, this is definitely the time to do it.
More will be coming in the future. I am releasing these as I get them up on Bandcamp, there should be another one in the next couple of days. Please follow me on that site if you are curious about what I am creating.
Please be well and happy.
Aloha and Blessings,