Surfing on the wave of planetary shifts

The energy these days is like a big wave. It used to be that people who were used to working with energy kind of knew what the tides were and they could navigate the ups and downs. And then all of a sudden over the last couple of years and the last year especially, it was like the tide came it, and never went out again and that the waves are increasing in size so that folks that were treading water just fine for a long time have had to quickly learn some stronger strokes or find some water wings, or just get out of the water.

The beach is still beautiful so is the sky and the sun, but it’s a whole new game.

People keep waiting for the water to calm down, so that what they used in the past will work again, but that doesn’t look to be the case. The energy is shifting, and it’s jumping up in quantum levels, not so much the smooth ride any more, more like the energy field of an electron jumping to a new level, the energy is added and it become something new. it happens in these big chunks. And while this used to be the case there was way way more lag time in between and time to adjust.

back to the water idea…

And now it’s more like finding a board and surfing because the water level is not going back down, this is a whole new ocean, and the best way to be on it is to ride it and use the energy of the waves to take you forward along the edge..really really fast.

All if this is analogy of course, but it works in some ways, all these words are just that…words, but it can help to make sense of some of the experiences we all are having. I will add to this as I get inspiration and information.

