Love is the source code of this reality…Welcome February.

It is that time in the year when our attention in drawn towards love. Hearts and flowers, and perhaps even chocolate; all of which I am a total fan of by the way!

There is a lot of information about the origins of what we speak of as “Valentines day” most of which are interesting, surprising, and valid. None of which I am going to write on today (doncha just love me!!).

I am going to take this at face value and speak about the expressed reason for the upcoming celebration. I am going to look at it from a completely different angle. This comes from something that came to me while working today with 4 different people on four seemingly different things.

It is the reason why this kind of work actually “works” why metaphysics or healing or energetics aren’t just words but call forth actual experience. So put on your goggles and join me in inner and outer space. I am going to speak on Love.

Love is the source code of this reality. It is what everything is built from and built on. It is at the core of every particle, every idea, every thought, and every cell.

It is the fundamental building block of this Universe. It is the single indivisible particle at the heart of all particles, that is itself the entirely in which the particles move in and return to. It is the wave form; the Om; the Alpha and the Omega.

Love is the note that birthed the chorus and still sings in the surrounding harmonics and ringing overtones.

Find it, return to it and you have in your hands the basis for all creation and all manifestation. Reside in it and you will find at once that place that holds the stillness between the undeniable impulse to expand in all directions and all dimensions; and the total fulfillment and richness of the singular moment;  desire without need, enthusiasm without fear.

(100% commitment and 100% nonattachment)

Embrace the triune nature that is created and maintained by Love: The enthusiasm of initiation and forward movement; complete fulfillment and contentment in the perfection of the existent unfolding “now”; and the paradox of momentarily infinite space between these states, within which whole galaxies can reside.

Love calls to itself and it expands because of itself.

It is what we feel and think of as love, in all its many forms; but beyond that as well. The love within us when we find it; feel it; connect to it; is the terminal through which we access the enormity of Life’s expression.

Travel at the speed of Love.

Faster than the speed of light, faster even than the speed of thought. It has no need to traverse distances because it is already at the destination; it is simply a shift of focus and perception. Have your attention on something and perceive it; find yourself shifted by the “addition” of Love and your perception immediately changes.


1. Think of someone who had been annoying you; someone in your life you are having a hard time loving. This can be someone close to you, or someone in the world at large.

2. Spend some time every day from now until Valentines Day thinking of them in a new way. Imagine them with the kind of deep things that you would want/seek for yourself; imagine them happy and well, understood, accepted, appreciated, surrounded by people who really know them and cherish them, see them as feeling safe, secure and loved, held in the gentlest most caring arms imaginable.

3. Do this daily. Granted you may feel at first that you have to fake it for a few days (sometimes it can help imagining them as a young child…everybody was one at one time) just give it time. Ideally you will do this until they can walk through your mind unharmed 🙂

4. Do not tell them about this, or make a big outward deal about it. You are not actually doing this for them. You are doing it for you. It will change not only your relationship with them, but it will change your relationship to your reality. Trust me. It is worth every minute you spend on it.

Love is the source code of this reality. Get out your code book and start where you can start. Pet your cat, hug your dog, hold your child, cherish the characters in a favorite book whose actions you may not agree with but whose heart you understand. Some author somewhere knew them and placed them in the events; told their story. From within their journey they spoke to you and you came to love them. You understand them because they were written from Love.

Translate that to you.

Aloha and Blessings,



Amazing choirs at the Heathrow airport. Welcome Home.

I know this is an advert, but so was that amazing discovery channel video, and I watched that a million times too!

This was so much God/Universe/Source/Love in action. The feeling in this touches me and reminds me why people are so precious and I love them/us so much.


I absolutely believe that that is the greeting we are getting from the Universe every single day that we open our eyes in this life, and that it is totally what greets us as we make our transition from this reality to the next.


Aloha and Blessings,

Affirmation for wellbeing

I wrote this back in April and have been enjoying the feeling I get whenever I turn my attention to it. I thought I would share it as something simple to use to shift focus to experiencing more Wellbeing. Read it in such a way that you are saying it for yourself (meaning the “I” is your own “I” ). It is written as an affirmative prayer.

pink lotus

That which is the One Mind, the Universal Mind, is my mind.

That which is the One God, the Universal presence of Love and Light is my truth, and the Truth of me right here and right now. This Truth is the pattern of perfection that everything is created from, and rests within.

I know and accept the Truth of my being. I know I am guided and informed moment by moment, right action flows from me, where I am to go, who I am to see, my path opens before me and the way is easy to walk and the air is fragrant.

All that I need is supplied, all knowledge, all love, all community, all connection…dollars flow to me, friends find me, spirits lift me.

I am tranquil and at ease, knowing my sanctuary and security and source and supply are every surrounding me, and ever calling me forward in eager anticipation of even more good.

I am so very grateful for this truth, knowing that this Good, my personal Good is a larger Good than I can even imagine, I am grateful for the vastness of this truth, the deep satisfying feeling of it in each and every cell.

I release this treatment into the law knowing that it is the very nature of the law to bring this into form, so I relax and let go, knowing it is already done, and so it is.

~Aloha and Blessings,

Erika Ginnis


Erika Ginnis teaches grounding (part 3 of 3) from Essential Mysteries

Here is the final in a three part series on the technique of Grounding from Chapter 2 of “Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic” (Part 3 of 3); a guided meditation for experiencing the technique.

“Allow your grounding to flow down into the earth past all the rocks and layers of the planet, past the water, deep, deep into the earth, into the heart of the Mother, until it reaches the center of the Earth.”



Erika Ginnis teaches grounding (part 2 of 3) from Essential Mysteries

Here is the second in a three part series on the technique of Grounding from Chapter 2 of Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic (Part 2 of 3).

“The good news is: When you are grounded, things that are pleasurable are even more pleasurable. You also begin to raise the vibration in the body by grounding it and being more consciously present in it; this will allow an even greater capacity for experiencing the wonders of this planet.”


I am going to be traveling the second half of this month. Email me if you are interested in setting up an appointment or a book related event, nearer the end of May in the Seattle area.
