New Cycle started this week after the eclipse (blog has a new look).

Starscape. Copyright Erika Ginnis. First published in Essential Mysteries a User's Guide for the 21st Century Mystic. 2009 Inbreath Communication.


Aloha All,

Well I have been wanting to update my blog for a quite a while now (meaning change the theme, get one that is up to date and see if I can make it work). I have tried this a number of times over the past three years. I loved the theme I was using and just couldn’t give it up, so each time I put it off even though it had stopped being updated years ago and eventually things just weren’t working like they were supposed to.

So here I am with Mercury Retrograde (perfect for re-doing anything), and on the other side of the major shift of energy which was the eclipse this last Monday, and without making a plan to do it today, here I am doing it today! Part of this stemmed from the work I am doing on another blog that I manage as a volunteer updating it and such. I found a theme I liked for them and thought huh, maybe I’ll use that one. Plus there are some cool new additions to widgets and whatnot that I had to try out for the other blog, and then was all yep I’m going to use all of that too. Hahaha.

I have been pretty silent (other than on Facebook) over the past two and a half years that I was working with the mediation center (yes I spelled that right, mediation not meditation) and if I get caught up in another intensive project I may go radio silent again, however I have a bit of momentum and time and so it feels good to get something out onto the page.

So how was the eclipse for you? Here in Hawaii it was just a small partial, and the clouds obscured it even so. However I saw amazing photos and great live video of the totality in the various parts of the country. I also participated in a global mediation series that was geared towards anchoring love, which was very cool.

The energy was very profound and there were dreams and insights that came through this process. I had a long meditation last Friday that ended up with my doing work on a planetary level to help shift and work with all the stuff coming up out of everyone as these transitions happen. I added to the grid which is already around the planet, adding a whole additional structure of roses (of course since that’s the symbol I use) placed all round out side of the grid to assist with draining off and transmuting the gunk (the technical word haha) as it comes to the surface.

I also started to work on a much larger level than I had been, working farther out into the solar system, not just on the planet itself. Very interesting things I have been observing energetically.

One other thing that I received in a mediation recently, maybe late Monday or yesterday, was the sense of the eclipse being a moment of time when there was maintenance that was able to be completed on a planetary energetic level, kind of taking something offline for a moment to do some realigning.

There is more, however I think that is all for now.

I have added some additional widgets to my side bar so you can listen to the free 15 minute Gold energy (Heal your Life) meditation from anywhere on the blog and I have hosted my gold ribbon meditation and linked to it so that you can listen without going to Soundcloud. I know there is some limit to the number of downloads you get and I didn’t want people to run out, so now that should be a non-issue.

Many blessings on this new adventure.


Venus Retrograde Reading Special

I am sure you have noticed that Venus has been retrograde since March 4th (which was my birthday by the way!) it will stay retrograde until April 15th (Tax Day), however if you haven’t noticed (which was true for me) Mercury is also going retrograde on April 9th which means we will have an overlap with two personal planets retrograde at the same time. Yee Haw!

So what better time to schedule a reading or a ThetaHealing session right?


I have a special happening again to make this even easier. To schedule an appointment with me you can email me at the address listed on the graphic, or text me at the number I have listed on my web page, and as always if you are in dire straights please let me know and we will see what we can work out.

Aloha and Blessings!






Musings on coming out in the 70’s. I will miss you David Bowie. 

I remember striped glitter tube socks worn with platform shoes 6 big sparkly bracelets on each arm, walking arm in arm with a woman in pike place market not caring if people saw, even daring them to see. I remember my silver satin pants, the pink sequin shirt.
Multicolored hair, six inch platform boots, hanging on to one another as we traversed the cobblestones of Pioneer Square, so we didn’t fall.

Going to the 107 Club until 4am; The Trojan Shield for the drag shows, applied our red lipstick looking in the mirror at the end of that long single counter of the all night diner in-between.

Dancing at the Golden Crown, since I couldn’t get into the Silver Slipper (no fake ID, and that bar checked because it was all women), I don’t know if I ever made it in to that bar!
I remember the posters for the Double Header advertising Zee Whizz Kidz in their peacock capes. Glitter Rock and Gay bars. My life every weekend hitchhiking to Seattle after I came out in the 70’s.
And on my wall at home the open inside cover of Alladin Sane.

My fan girl crush and my hero, the first person who I ever knew was bisexual other than me.

I would gaze at your image. Androgynous and beautiful, otherworldly and amazing. You represented so much to me, gave me courage in your visibility to ask the hard question of myself and finally find the answer at such a young age; as I bounced back and forth between acceptance and terror.

There you were giving it all a name just by being, making it shiny and worthwhile giving me something to lean against and point to, a belonging.

You moved through the years with me, always there to check in with on the state of music and culture. Reminding me of where I came from.

There aren’t many of us left from my days on Occidental, it’s all changed.

I will always love you, and today it feels like I have lost a part of myself, makes my journey from that teenage girl to the woman no one would recognize as being the same if seen from a distance, (age making its alterations) all that more real.

And I wonder who I am, who I have become; once again asking the hard questions with you as my guide even now…am I being true to my own muse as you were so very true to yours? No. I think perhaps not. And then … what do I want to do about it.

RIP my lovely starlit man. Keep me company in spirit until I too find my way to where you have gone.

Aloha and Blessings,


Full blood moon in Aries total lunar eclipse Sept 27, 2015

astrological weatherAloha,

check out this great info on the total lunar eclipse.

“This month’s Aries Full Moon is very powerful, so don’t be surprised by the surprises that come your way.
“It’s the Harvest Moon, the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. It is the 4th consecutive Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in the last two years, a rare occurrence called a tetrad.

“It is also the second and most powerful Super Moon this year, when the Moon comes the closest to Earth in its elliptical orbit—as well as closely aligning with the Lunar Nodes. This means the Moon will look BIG!
“So this lunar eclipse will create extra strong tides and energy flows, disrupting sleep and energy levels.

“Added to this, when eclipses occur near the equinoxes, a time when the Earth’s magnetic field decreases, they aid us in making rapid changes, releasing old energy patterns so there’s energy available to create new forms.
“Needless to say, the energies will be intense. Give these energies a week or so to calm down before you try to integrate what you’ve learned…”

“All four Eclipses occurred in the signs of Aries and Libra because the Lunar Nodes have been moving through these signs for the past year and half. The Lunar Nodes point to a collective lesson we all have to work through, old patterns to be dropped and new lessons to be learned.

“With the South Node in Aries, we’ve been called on to let go of our old behavior patterns of reacting to situations with anger, domination and aggression, as well as our need to ‘go it alone’.
“The Libra North Node calls us to learn cooperation, diplomacy and partnership equality…”

“With this last Aries Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, it’s time tointegrate the endings, awakenings, transformations and death and rebirth experiences related to the balance of Self and Other, completing our initiation into a more balanced exchange between the masculine and feminine energies of life as well as between women and men.”


Planetary shifts in 2013. There was a change in 2012; have you felt it?

photo credit Erika Ginnis

photo credit Erika Ginnis

There really was a change.


After all the attention 2012 received it’s very interesting to be in 2013. How has it been for you living in the months after the “end of the world”? Seems like such a long time ago doesn’t it?

And today is only Valentines Day 2013.

Let’s start with some questions.


How many of you were relieved that the world continued to spin and the stars stayed in the heavens, after the end of last year?

How many of you had already dismissed the more radical of the dire predictions and had decided that the shift wouldn’t be quite so dramatic?

Now here’s another question. How many of you on some level; in your heart of hearts (hidden deep where no one else could see) were still hoping for something…something tangible, something you could point at and say “here! Right here! This is the change that happened. This makes it all valid, something really did happen at the end of 2012”.

And how many of you were feeling sad, depressed or at least just a tad disappointed that there wasn’t anything tangible (no alien space crafts on the evening news, no overnight restructuring of the economic system, no instant global enlightenment).

Have any of you been out there, walking around especially last month, in the dawn of the new year, feeling just a little lost?

If so, cut yourself some slack.

See the thing is something did change. There really was a change.

Where we can get tripped up is that it didn’t show up in the way we wanted it to look, or thought it would look, or were afraid it would look.

It’s like there was this enormous fight or flight response on a race consciousness level that got activated but nothing presented itself across the board to release it.

Now yes there were absolutely some crises both large and small; as well as grief and loss touching us on some very personal levels.

But that isn’t what I am talking about.

It’s like this large number of humans all decided to go on a thrill ride together; to somehow all go on the biggest baddest roller coaster ride ever made. We talked about it waited for it, worried about it, imagined it, prepared for it. Ticket in hand we collectively approached the platform and when we got there, we found not an “E ticket” ride, not even a roller coaster at all but just a big library with tables and chairs and books.

Nothing exciting going on, no screaming, no hands held in the air as you start down that steep fast descent, just the hushed quiet of shelves and shelves of books. So we walk in and just kind of stare, wander around in a sort of confused unfocused sense of “huh?” how’d I get here?

But the thing is it’s all perceptual (now there’s a surprise). We are looking in the “wrong” places or perhaps in the “wrong” ways.

There was and has been and continues to be major energetic changes. Last year we expected it were prepared for it (to some degree) and navigated it to the best of our ability (perhaps we saw it as a means to an end).

What seems to be the case is that now as we continue in the eternal organic process that all these changes seem to follow; we are drifting rather than navigating; and perhaps that is because some part of us thought we’d be done by now, rather than we has just barely opened the door to an entirely new paradigm.

How do you look at all this?

Did you feel like you wanted to just “take your baseball and go home”; decide that evolutionary shift concept is all just BS and go back to business as usual?

Well that won’t get you far because we aren’t in the same Universe we were last year, and you aren’t the same person.

I mean that in the best of ways. This is the Universe where we shifted consciousness to the level where most of the intense changes happened on the astral and energetic levels (anyone had any intense dreams over the last couple months?).

And you are the person who navigated yourself here.

Perception colors (some would say creates) everything.

Let’s think back to that library. If you look at it from one perspective it’s quiet, ordered, organized and perhaps a bit boring. Definitely not a roller coaster!

However if you look at it from a different perspective it alters your perception; inside of every book is an entire world filled with adventure or information, drama, love, magic, enlightenment, even roller coasters.

So there are, in this library, shelves and shelves of stories all existing simultaneously, and able to be experienced simultaneously by as many people as there are books to read.

It’s not actually a quiet library.

The trick is to know where to listen. Don’t think that just because there aren’t sounds flowing through the air hitting your ears, that it is quiet. The sound from all the dialog’s and battles and the spaceships would be deafening if you knew where to listen.

This is the year of reinvention. Do you feel you are feeling something new? Sometimes that can come in the guise of feeling lost, sometimes it just feels like you know something’s different but you can’t put your finger on it.

This is a new year and the new paradigm that is just barely beginning. Maybe it’s time to reinvent yourself and your life. Finding that who you “were” is no longer and who you are becoming in not entirely completed; but it is starting to become clearer. And what better day to do it than today; and look it’s Valentines day dedicated to Love (that’s my story and I am sticking to it!).

Pay attention, notice if how you are relating to people is changing.

You are NOT losing your mind. The energy IS really intense. Be mindful to be kind to yourself and notice if you find a tendency to be self critical…or other critical. This isn’t essential but if it is happening just remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS. And of course Mercury the trickster is going retrograde “Real Soon Now” ™ LOL.

Take time for self care and make it a habit to say nice things to yourself daily.

Remind yourself that your perception of a thing really creates a large part of that thing; so pay attention to how you are viewing things.

  • Take the time to complete relationship issues you swept under the rug over the last year.
  • Meditate.
  • learn and practice grounding.
  • Give yourself (and others) some slack.

This is a tremendous amount of energy directed at us; it is one of the reasons some people are having such a hard time right now; especially if they don’t have a way to ground off the excess energy. The good thing about “lotsa energy” is that it can be directed, and it can assist in the manifestation of dreams and visions.

Plus great news (for me) I FINALLY completed one of my downloadable Guided Meditations. People have only been asking me to create these things for 15 years now (ahhh Pisces so very prompt!).

It ends up being perfect for right now (even though it wasn’t the one I thought I was going to get out there first; Spirit had other ideas :)). It’s called Essential Meditations: Volume One, Grounding for ease and wellbeing. You can find it on the side bar of this blog, and possibly even on this post if I can figure that part out LOL.

I am of the opinion that if you use it regularly it will be really useful for you. It will help you to release all of the stuff that no longer serves you; and leaves you with an actual repeatable energy technique; the one that I always tell everyone is the very foundation of everything else I do or teach.

There really was a change in 2012. Now take that change and run with it, let it make you new again and again.


Aloha and Blessings and Happy Valentines Day!


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Finally! Get your own private meditation instruction available whenever you want it; for a fraction of the cost of a live in-person session.

Introducing Essential Meditations Volume One. Grounding for ease and wellbeing

A 20 minute instructional and relaxing guided meditation in MP3 format; presented by Erika Ginnis author of Essential Mysteries: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century Mystic

“I want to provide relaxing and soothing guided meditation instruction as both a companion to my written work and also as a new avenue of personal experience.”