So much is happening. I am sure that is not lost on anyone, no matter what level you tend to observe things from.
It is like there are layers of shifting energies trading places each day. This means that as soon as you get used to one configuration that the very next day you will be presented with another variation, and so on. This doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all, but it is completely different from what we have been used to (myself included).
The concept of “resting on your laurels” is SO not going to fly at this time, it’s the time to pay attention to what you are feeling and listen to your intuition and find ways of relaxing and drifting within the ever changing landscape of your emotional and energetic systems. Use all the techniques you know and have learned, take them out of the box, dust them off and use them daily.
It reminds me of how some substances become more fluid as you heat them. The energy is such, especially right now, that it is acting as a catalyst in much the same way heat does; it is increasing vibration, all those little molecules are dancing their little hearts out, and so are changing shape, becoming less static and more pliable.
This is an awesome thing as structures which used to feel so very rigid are starting to melt a bit. This applies to both inside and outside of us (if there really even is an outside…some would say not) everything is adjusting, finding a new level. The crux of this though, is that when something becomes more pliable then one must find stability in a new way. The former “hard” scaffolding is giving way to the architecture beneath; and that design is constantly in a state of becoming.
That is great on so many levels, and completely disconcerting on a whole lot of other levels.
How do you find stability, how do you move without moving, how do you trust the chair will be there when you sit down to rest?
Garden, make love, find a reason to smile, listen to a song that you used to totally like but haven’t taken the time to listen to for-e-v-e-r, talk to a good friend and tell them what is really happening with you, find connection when you realize that we are all taking this ride together, imagine things are better than you even think they are, use your imagination to your advantage…
Trust that the Universe or God/dess if you will, has “focal-ized” and become individualized as you on purpose. This is not an accident. God wanted to show up as you; It wanted to have the experience as you that only you can and do have. Turn to that truest part of you, and find out who you are; not the fears and worries part, not the “what will they think of me” part, but the deep deep hidden ocean of you; the internal harmonic of you. Let that be the structure that gives you form.
I do not believe that the Universe gave birth to us and then was all “OH NO, this is a mistake, lets try to gather all of that back up into myself right away”. I think it is more like Yee Haw wow look what I/We can do, and so when we let ourselves relax into that actual connection (or extension which I think is a better image) then we realize that our power/energy/creativity as spirit is limitless. I mean seriously limitless. Because that which is all power is our power, that which we would look to is actually also what we are; not in a “we are all alone” kind of way, but in a open up your heart and open up your third chakra let go of your fear of power, kind of way.
This is the time.
The lie is that we are separate, or ever truly could be; the lie is that there is really anything in opposition to us; that we have to go it alone battling all the challenges with a limited battery pack of energy. I believe that if God is anywhere God has to be everywhere, and so God is right where we are. We are the action part of God, Gods hands if you will. I mean us as spirit in a body, I mean us as we are an individualized point of focus of God, each one of us. How differently would we live our lives if we totally embodied that idea? How differently would I live my life coming from that place more often?
In order to do that I have to change my cosmology. I am being invited by the Universe to envision a God/dess that is loving as opposed to judgmental; enthusiastic as opposed to jealous; constantly unfolding instead of static. A Power and Presence that revels in every success and every solution and every new thought that occurs in any dimension at any time in any place; that truly never worries because it knows that it is the supreme author of Love, and well… it is God and the ALL that IS.
It is a time of choices, of finding out what your true path is in this moment and finding a way to get into sync with it. The astrology is pretty intense right now (this surprises no one I am sure ) and it is calling for big changes, letting go of what does not serve you and embracing what does; doing it on purpose so that you are part of the process, not just going along for the ride.
You and I are not doing this all on our own, there is help and assistance, and guidance whenever you ask for it and look for it.
There are great waves of energy flowing through all of this; one thing is for certain ~ the Surf is definitely up!
That’s all for tonight…more later, or course, since each day is a totally different color palate and so brings out different ideas.
Aloha and Blessings,
Beautifully expressed. Looking forward to reading, absorbing, and melting, into much more of your work.
Thank you so much!! I love the visual of your words, I am very much a “melting into” kind of person also.
I am so happy to know that there are people out there reading what I write and getting something out of it as well.
Mahalo Nui Loa!
Aloha and many blessings,