7/29/19 5am Dream-vision, where I perceive there is this large sphere around the earth looks like a slightly opaque thick force field or like it’s encased in fluid translucent plexiglass. And people are affecting it with light trying to break through/dissolve it, you can see little lights hitting against its surface all over the world, at various points that are breaking against it little by little.
There are also thicker lines of concentrated energy also going into it.
Those are like shafts or conduits of the concentrated energy. This is where there are openings through the thick encasing sphere, like a few places where energy can pass in and out. Almost like a pipe or tube.
All of this is from all the light workers healers etc. doing their work, all of it helping even if the force field wasn’t down yet.
Every kind thought, every good act, every moment of awareness no matter how large or small, all matters. The idea is to keep at it.
I had the sense that Mauna Kea was one of the shafts of concentrated energy.
Blessings and Aloha