Exact square Uranus and Pluto, September 2012 astrology.

Butterfly effect - Erika GinnisAt the end of this post you will find links to four 15 minute Youtube videos from Rick Levine (a fabulous astrologer) that gets recorded monthly back in my old home town area in the PNW. There is so much going on this month OMG!!

I am going to give a synopsis of the some aspects of the upcoming astrology he talks about for those of you who can’t watch the videos right now; but still want some insight. Please do check the videos out, these guys (normally they present together “Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer” but this month it is just Rick Levine) are two of my favorite astrologers and do such a great service by posting the hour long monthly astrology each month. I LOVE them.

September 2012

We are feeling the effects of the powerful Pluto/Uranus square. Uranus planet of revolution, shock, upheaval, lightning, electricity, squares Pluto; planet of transformation, metamorphosis, evolution, and intensity. This will occur 7 times up through 2015, and this month we have one of the exact aspects. This month is the second exact square on September 18th.

The outer planets (of which Pluto and Uranus are two) set up global social economic issues.

The square is the angle of maximum stress which then can bring forth maximum creativity to resolve that stress. These aspects with these specific planets create the framework for social transformation and social revolution.

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Interesting article I didn’t write, but wanted to share; “This is our moment – Hold the Light!”

Mauna Kea - photo credit Erika Ginnis consciousmetamorphosis.comAloha!

I receive many things from many different lists I am on, and I don’t share them all for obvious reasons 😉 but this particular email was forwarded to me and since the subject line sounds so much like one I’d write myself I had to read it.

I finally also got around to listening to the “download” video and thought it was cool enough to share, and so in the spirit of sharing the wealth; for your reading pleasure here it is (make sure and take the 15 minutes to do the YouTube link I personally enjoyed it).

It’s all light worker stuff, so you all should take right to it, and you’re welcome to share it (as it says on the bottom) as long as you keep it in tact.

Many blessings,



by Patricia Cota-Robles

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Venus retrograde and Venus conjunction 2012; bring on the gold energy.

Faith and TrustLots going on as we have been seeing and hearing over the airways. Energy at really high levels; effecting people in many different ways; not all of which have been useful. Plus Venus; planet of love and beauty and grace, is retrograde for 6 weeks (we all feel the transit for a bit longer just due to the time it takes for things to slow down or then speed back up). I have written about this before (by the light of an old flame) although it was a different energy then and different signs were involved. What is still true is that when Venus goes retrograde it can feel as if a gray screen is placed over life.

This is not set in stone, so if you are having a grand time then please party on! You may if you wish just skip down to the meditation at the end of this post; which is for everyone no matter how much or how little fun you are having with this transit.

Having said all that; I know of many people who have been asking me “what is happening??? I feel yucky when will it end?” and so I write some of this next part for you.

You are NOT losing your mind. The energy IS really intense, and with Venus retrograde there IS the potential of feeling lack luster, or like you aren’t attractive or never were :); it’s possible that you may find yourself with a tendency to be self critical…or other critical. It’s hard to see value with this transit. Things that look good now may not look good in a little while, our sense of esthetics gets all messed up (maybe wait to do that daring new hair style after the transits are a little better suited for beauty LOL). We can lose hope or feel things are moving backwards. This isn’t essential but if it is happening just remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS.

Truly this happens every year and a half for 6 weeks and if you know what’s up you can have a better time and perhaps not let it get to you quite so much. This current retrograde started May 15th 2012 and continues until June 27th 2012.

Another hallmark for this transit is the entrance back into your life of people from your past. It’s time to look back over old relationships, and often people who you have not seen or thought of will contact you. I had the wonderful experience of having someone get in touch with me from my HS days. I adore him and it was so nice to have contact again, so not all of Venus retrograde has to be “bad”… quite the contrary; it can be really nice.

I have also heard that what you were dealing with around the last time Venus went retrograde you may revisit and experience some completion with regards to it.

Something that is always true but not always commented on; is that Venus retrograde is always sandwiched between two Mercury retrogrades; there is a little breathing room between them but not a lot, just due to how retrogrades fall. So I think this is another thing that can makes it all feel so fricking long. One thing to remember is that mercury retrograde is more mechanical in nature (and that can mean the mechanics of communication of course), but Venus retrograde seems to effect the heart and the emotions and so they are really two different feeling transits.

Things to do during this transit?

  • Visit with your newly re-discovered friends.
  • Take time for self care and make it a habit to say nice things to yourself daily.
  • Remind yourself that your perception of a thing really creates a large part of that thing; so pay attention to how you are viewing things.
  • Take the time to complete relationship issues you swept under the rug a year and a half ago.
  • Meditate.
  • learn and practice grounding.
  • Give yourself (and others) some slack.

What to avoid if you can?

  • Making drastic changes in your appearance 🙂
  • Big ticket items as an impulse buy.
  • Redecorating your home on a whim.
  • Making major commitments.
  • Buying a house.
  • planning a wedding.

Now onto the other thing involved with this transit. The passing of Venus over the Sun.

Venus is conjunct with both the sun and the galactic center on Tuesday, and Venus will pass in front of the sun and we here in Hawaii will definitely be able to see it.

The energy (as it has been explained to me) will be coming from the center of our galaxy (reminds one of the center of the earth where we ground into, doesn’t it?) and flowing through the sun and through Venus right onto us on planet Earth. The Sun, Venus and Mercury are all in the sign of Gemini right now.

This is a tremendous amount of energy directed at us; it is one of the reasons some people are having such a hard time right now; especially if they don’t have a way to ground off the excess energy. The good thing about “lotsa energy” is that it can be directed, and it can assist in the manifestation of dreams and visions.

I almost didn’t do a Venus retrograde post this year (until people started asking me about what was up), but then I got the internal information tonight (on the inner-net 🙂 ) that it would be awesome to put the meditation I intend to do; up on my blog and it might be a good way to allow many people to use the influx of energy to bring about some positive experiences for our lovely planet.

If you have been feeling powerless about all of this; relax and surrender on the one hand, and get pro-active with the energy on the other. You kind of need both because if you hold onto the reins too tightly nothing moves.

Here is what I am going to be doing. It is a meditation I have done many times before; some of you may have done it with me. I think this week is an excellent time to bring it back into circulation; especially Monday or Tuesday. If you don’t read this by this week, feel free to do it any time.



You can do this in a group or by yourself. If you are in a group I would suggest sitting in a circle and working with the energy inside of the circle.

If you are working “by yourself” (and I put that in quotes because it really just means that we are the only one physically present when we are working; we are never really alone on a spiritual level) my suggestion is to sit in a comfortable chair (like you would when you are meditating in general) imagine that you are joined in a circle by your “spiritual entourage”, meaning your guides, or your ancestors, or the Fairies of the Universe, or whomever you would want to ask you to join in for some energetic enhancement on a planetary level.

Ground and center and possibly create and destroy some roses (if you aren’t familiar with this I have included links)

Get your own energy running and find your own peaceful centered place. Breathe and relax and know that all is well and that you are adding to energy that is already flowing and in motion for the Greater Yet to be.

  • Close your eyes and imagine/create/be aware of  a warm Gold energy. This is an angelic energy, a wonderful neutral cleansing balancing vibration that is associated with the experience of the emergence of our inner Divinity higher self in harmony with physical reality.
  • Let a column of this gold vibration flow from infinity into and through the planet until it reaches the center of the earth; imagine it as a waterfall of bright energy flowing from far above you into the center of the circle you have created and flowing down into the planet.
  • Sit along side of this energy and bask in its warmth and light that radiates outward. Let this energy heal, cleanse, balance you and your life and your circle and the planet. Let it enhance the natural goodness which is already here and eternally present.

Breath and ground and observe the flow of energy with your minds eye, or with your awareness.

  • Let the golden energy flow through the sun and through Venus and through the Earth; allow it to cleanse and balance all the energies as they flow from the galactic center to our lovely little home. Let it assist with the harmonic comfortable balance of spirit and matter.
  • Next allow ribbons of this energy to venture out from the main flow. Let these ribbons of gold energy flow out to anywhere on the planet where they are needed. You don’t have to know what or where, although you can certainly watch where they go if you wish.
  • Notice these ribbons of golden light as they flow to heal any hurts or pain,
  • cleanse any toxins,
  • comfort those that are alone or afraid,
  • flow and encourage people,
  • aid in their alignment with their highest best natures,
  • flow to the oceans and the mountains.
  • You do not have to direct the ribbons, simple know that there is what which knows what to do and how to do it, and allow that to move within the gold energy as is flows to where it is needed.
  • BTW it is completely appropriate to allow one of the ribbons to flow to you. 🙂 There is an unending supply of this loving warm golden light.

Let yourself (if you wish) ask this energy of enlightenment if there is any information that would be useful to you personally for your own unfoldment. Be still and let the information come to you in whatever way you like; images, words, pictures, feelings.

Let this process unfold as it needs to; and at some point you will feel it’s completion.  Let the ribbons join the main flow. breath and release energy down your grounding.

Thank the energy and thank your guidance. Know that you have done a great service to the planet and to your own life. Know that you do make a difference. You rock. 🙂

  • let this energy flow into the earth and release it, so that the column is no longer there. Take time and ground and release excess energy keeping anything you need for yourself and your body.
  • bend forward and release energy from your head and shoulders into the earth; come back up when you are ready. Make some notes if it feels good to do so, so you can remember your experience.

Thank yourself for taking the time to do this. And please also accept my thanks in advance. You are a Divine spark of the All that Is. I honor your light.


Bright Blessings and Aloha,


Happy New Year, Welcome 2012.

Hmmmm…well the end of last year just flew by! I just noticed that I hadn’t posted since November!

How did you spend the last day(s) of 2011? How has 2012 been going for you so far?

My experience of this recent year change was different and while quiet by most standards was also pretty interesting. I have often had a love/hate relationship with New Year’s eve. I always want it to be big and flashy and fun and exciting; this however often means going out and finding that perfect party or event to attend; more often than not over the years I have found myself more in the place of yearning than of satisfaction. I am not sure where I picked up this concept of how perfect this night was supposed to be; but it certainly has followed me on and off for quite some time.

I spent years running after this ideal, giddy with champagne but feeling like there was a better party somewhere else and then that sense of longing would return. I think I recall one really good NYE when I was quite a bit younger that I spent in the arms of a person I had had a huge crush on for many months prior; I hadn’t expected to be with him that evening but it worked out regardless and I was surprised but pretty happy with the outcome.

I could say that the grand evening was a result of getting something unexpectedly nice, but with reflection I think it had more to do with the “un”-expected-ness of the evening. I have a real sense that if I had had any opportunity to plan out the event that I would have actually had less fun!

I think there are expectations and hopes (and fears) for the future that weigh heavily on this time of year. I also think that the transition from 2011 into 2012 is even more fraught with these than normal. I mean this is 2012 (hmm I wish I could find a way to have a voice boom that from a loud speaker and have the numbers flash)…

I have to say that there were a lot of good things about 2011; and there were also some really amazing challenges as well, at least for me personally. With each increase in vibration (and yes indeed the vibrations are increasing) I saw people around me (and myself included) dealing with grief and loss and a deep shifting, at a core level. Last year looked to be a year of addressing the issues that most needed to be healed and were often also the issues/ideas that were most firmly entrenched.

2011 was what I would call a “character building” year; and I mean that with a little humor and memory of my best friend in college and our shared phrase that meant OMFG life has gotten way too life-like, and that was “ah I guess we are building character”. I also mean it with some truth, because I think the phrase is surprisingly accurate. We have been building; or to say it even more accurately “unearthing character” or essence, from within ourselves.

OK so back to NYE. I had some options of places to go and people to see. I felt like I should do some of them just because it was That Night and all…but I have a new-to-me dog and she is pretty young and hadn’t been through the mass of fireworks with is NYE on the east side of the Big Island of Hawaii (people seriously like their fireworks here). She was an excellent excuse..er hmmm reason to perhaps stay home. Having just made it through Christmas more or less alone (ah the process of divorce is it’s own thing) and juggling a lot of plates in the air over the last couple of months; I really kinda looked forward to just staying home and hanging with my animals.

It’s funny though because even though it really was what I wanted to do;  I almost left the house anyway because of the siren call of the illusive “really fun NYE experience”; and even some guilt about not meeting up with people I know. As it turned out I asked myself point blank “so what is your actual motive?” and when I realized it was just doing something because the “imaginary” action judging police might take offense. I promptly put on my jammies and found my snugly chair and blanket; pulled up a cat 🙂 and watched me some Netflix, while periodically making random comments on Facebook to my friends in other time zones.

(one of which was to make sure there was still a world there on the east coast after the year changed over..since I figured I would want to make sure and eat my chocolate here in HST before the “end of the world” got to me. Alas everyone was still alive and functioning after 12:01 EST so my chocolate was saved).

As the actual changing of the guard came closer to Hawaii I decided to turn off the TV and start meditating. I have no idea why this had not occurred to me to in recent years; but it seemed natural this year. I got into a reading trance and also incorporated Theta. It was a lovely place to be in for the shift of 2011 to 2012.

I hadn’t done this before so I wasn’t sure what to expect. I know I have often felt the year shift, but normally that happens at  a party or in front of a string of crackling fireworks. Being in stillness and attentiveness was such a different perspective. The shift when it happened was both simple and profound.

Imagine if you will, a stage with lights washing over it in some color. The director signals the lighting cue and the lighting technician flips a switch and the gel changes over the light can. Immediately the entire stage is awash with a different color…This is what I what I saw as I watched 2011 move into 2012. It was as if on cue the gel was changed for this reality and the lighting shifted. Everything moved from one color into a new color. I don’t have a name for the color, but it was lighter than the previous one and it was everywhere. Nothing changed but everything changed; all in an instant.

credit: André Castellan


It was really amazing, and very cool. I have no idea if this is normally how a “year change” would look, but it was how it looked to me this year. There was a definite shift in the baseline vibration of everything, and it was a really beautiful one. I felt calm and good as I observed all this; I stayed up and watched for another half hour then I completed my meditation and got ready for bed.

I didn’t wish anyone a Happy New Year, or kiss anyone at midnight. I did however (since I was generating a lot of energy) send a lot of unconditional love around the world and into the grid that surrounds us. I sent well wishes to all of us on this spinning globe.

It was one of the most silent NYE’s I have ever had but refreshingly it was also one of the most fulfilling. I hadn’t been chasing an experience this year; I had listened to my intuition and I had followed my heart. I felt at ease and at peace. I felt optimistic and interested in seeing what that new color would bring.


Aloha and Blessings, and welcome to 2012



Balance for the equinox; for the coming alignments and our inner cosmic convergence; Sept 23-26th 2011.

There is a lot of information on the internet about the coming “Cosmic Convergence” of Sept 23-26th 2011; and while it may have outer manifestations; on occasion I remind myself to look within and see where these events are taking place in the inner realms.


It’s been a really wild ride lately. So much goodness and so much to distract from the Truth of who we are! Interesting times as they say. I have been doing a lot of living, and not so much of the writing about it all 🙂 I had the opportunity to go deep this evening and had some good information come forward. This is such a good thing, as I have been so very taken by the appearances in my day to day world. I feel like I am swimming coming up for air and diving under; repeat as necessary.


This is what comes to me as important.


Remember the love remember the balance, remember that everything around you is an ever unfolding process that looks stationary but is always in flux and in movement. Remember that even at the heart of the matter that there is movement and action and vibration and becoming-ness.


This is the place to put your wonder; the place to connect to and dance with; this is where to put your “stock”. The energy that gathers itself into galaxies and stars and quantum eddies is not separate from Its creation but it IS the creation. It is part and parcel to this incredible evolving amazingness that we call life. Life is Good; the very essence of Life is Goodness; tap into that truth and ride it through all the shifting and changing waters that break against the shores of your consciousness.


Fear not; tempting as it is. There are so many things coming to the surface and then flowing away. Fear not because what you think of as solid is only a temporary form and it is changing even as you look at it. Trust the Love; trust the Heart; trust that there is a Divine balance in all things no matter the appearances. Remember the core; remember the Heart.


What if everything changes entirely tomorrow or the next day, what if all the structures that you worry about had no meaning, what if it all changed on a “dime”. How would that effect your position today? What if the future you are worrying about never came to pass? What if there was a moment and in that moment all expanded and melted; erasing all those things that worry you? How would that change what you are doing today? How would that change what you are thinking about; if you knew that, if you really felt that? Fear not.


Find your balance in the mystery, stand in the question, let the breezes of infinite possibility lift your heart and ruffle your hair, let it caress your cheeks and spark your interest.


Take a break from worry. Put it off for a week or two weeks, come back to it if you want to but for now, put it on the shelf next to those old photos you haven’t put into a binder yet. Let it just be for now. Turn your attention to the idea that at any moment the perfection of creation may show Its face to you, be ready, be on the look out for this, don’t be distracted, be called…be on call. The phone may ring at any time.


What if we really didn’t know how it all turns out, what if it ended up being so much grander than we could ever imagine. How would that change our thoughts and focus today? Relax into balance; the entry into fall, the equinox, the movement of the seasons, the wheel turning.




Now for a nice chakra balancing meditation…


Ground and center and breath.


Create and destroy some roses and let your energy flow…


Close your eyes and imagine in front of you an old fashioned gauge, like the kind you might have found in a recording studio. The kind that measures amps with a pointer that moves from left to right.

Imagine that the left is black and the right is red (or red and green as the one pictured) and that right in the center straight up, is the zero point, the balance point.


Since we are a lot like a battery in our vibrating energy, it can be really helpful to balance ourselves now and again. The equinox is a perfect time to remember to do this…


Starting with your awareness at your first chakra, turn your awareness back to the gauge. Let this gauge represent your balance (balancing giving/receiving, yin/yang, male/female, positive/negative poles) for this chakra. Don’t be surprised if the needle fluctuates back and forth; that is not unusual.


As you breathe and ground; begin to create and destroy roses to release energy, and watch the gauge; keep this up until the gauge reads straight up zero/balance point. Take all the time you need.


Ground off the excess energy and let the process be enjoyable as you do this. This is your balance for today, it doesn’t mean 50/50 is simply means balance for you in this moment. It can be a lovely realignment for your energy.


Repeat this process for each chakra 1-7.


After you have done the 7 main chakras, do three more things.





  1. Do the same exercise for the balance between your hand chakras and your 7th chakra
  2. Do it once again for the balance between your feet chakras and your first chakra.


Finally create that gauge one more time and balance head & heart. This balance is the fertile ground for wisdom, and is a wonderful thing to cultivate.


As you balance and align yourself you heal everyone else as well. Thank you, and blessed be.



